Sunday, August 2, 2009

GIRLS ONLY my best friend wears see through shirts,i tell her they are c through but she dont listen wat 2 do?

i am a guy!! but tell her if she wears that kind of clothes guys will look at her dierently. a lot diferently!! and think of things she might not want them to think!! you did the right thing and puting a jacet on her just ceep one handy just in case she does it again

whant to talk some more? email me

GIRLS ONLY my best friend wears see through shirts,i tell her they are c through but she dont listen wat 2 do?
You could try telling her that you think she should wear shirts that you can't see through or wear something under them. You could try making her set down and talk to her about it, tell her what you think about her wearing shirts like that. and see if she listens.
Reply:if she doesn't listen you need to sit her down and tell her " i don't want anything bad to happen to you so can you please change your style in shirts?" if she doesn't listen she will end up regretting it...which I'm sure no one wants.
Reply:Hey, it's her loss. Doesn't matter to you. Just ignore her. Or if you really worry about this...try talking to her and saying things like 'it's inappropriate' and stuff like that. Maybe she'll start wearing non-see through shirts. Or, buy her a shirt so she won't wear all those shirts all the time.
Reply:tell her to wear a jacket or something, or you shouldn't tell her anymore, she should be able to realize it-she either is showing-off or she feels comfortable that way
Reply:If she doesn't listen to you, don't worry about. If she wants to show her boobs to every person that wants to see them, that is her prerogative.
Reply:I thnk thats her problem and you should tell her about it like a good friend

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