Sunday, August 2, 2009

I've been debating with my friend forever on these two TV Series; The O.C. or One Three Hill ?

well... im surely in between, one tree hill and OC are both just fine. actually, there are just slight differences between them... OC has more climaxes than 'just-play-it-flat' one tree hill. the casts of OC and one tree hill are awesome and unquestionably cool. so... if arya goes with one tree hill and kevin goes with the OC, i would have to pick Tru Calling. actually Adi loves that one too.


btw, what's yours then?!

I've been debating with my friend forever on these two TV Series; The O.C. or One Three Hill ?
One Tree Hill :)
Reply:the o.c. i like one tree hill as well, but its kinda stuck and getting repetitive.
Reply:Neither because both are ****. There are better shows on the tv.

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