Sunday, August 2, 2009

I've had this best friend since 7th grade,she stopped tlkin 2 me b/c her mom and my mom stopped tlking also

my other friends aren't tlking 2 me either since they've been haging out w/ her.

I've had this best friend since 7th grade,she stopped tlkin 2 me b/c her mom and my mom stopped tlking also
find a boyfriend
Reply:Then they're immature, and aren't good friends. You have time to make new ones. Every day of your life.
Reply:there has to be other things your not telling. just because the moms aren't talking doesn't mean that you and your friend have to. unless you mom did something to make the other one tell her daughter to stop in which case you have to take it up with your mom. i have had a similar experience when i was younger and my mom and my friends step-dad got together (still married to this day). that situation made all of my friends hate me and praise her. you will get through it and be stronger for it trust me!! good luck and stay strong. happy holidays=)
Reply:I think it is just a fase, in middle school I lost a lot of my old friends and found new ones, just don't let it get you down and maybe some of your old friends will come back as well
Reply:then she wasn't really your friend to begin with
Reply:that is a very dumb reason to stop talking to each other. just because your mom and her mom aren't friends anymore shouldn't affect your friendship
Reply:this has happened to me and it is EXTREMELY irritating, i just stopped bothering with it and continued with my life, i knw it hurts but if ur frend doesnt have any problem wid not tlking to u, u shud also avoid her, otherwise ur just taking up tension,while ur frend doesnt even care.
Reply:if this friend was truly a best friend it would not matter about the situation between your mothers your friend would still talk to you no matter what the circumstances, and they would not turn your other friends against you or talk about you behind your back. that's not a friend

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