Sunday, August 2, 2009

How can i tell my 5-6 pregnant girl friend that she is a *********. to me now and how can i fix it?

Honey, if she's pregnant, she's bound to be hormonal. I would recommend trying your best not to agitate her. I've never been pregnant or a really hormonal person but just don't pester her about things is what I recommend. And keep in mind, she may change. If she is keeping the baby and when it is born, she may see new lights and her lifestyle will surely change. Are you ready for all that? Cope with her and help her with what you can.

How can i tell my 5-6 pregnant girl friend that she is a *********. to me now and how can i fix it?
well during pregnacy sometimes a women can say something that she doesnt mean. her body is going through so many things right now, now just tell her how you feel. now if she was acting like a ***** before she got pregant then she is just a ***** peroid. but be kind to her needs bc being pregnat is not always fabolous. women need a man to be by their side, bc of the emotions and the body changes she goes through. if she says " baby im fat tell her shes beautiful.

just tell her how she glows and how much you love her even how you wanna break her neck. dont worry when the baby comes it was all worth it.

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