Sunday, August 2, 2009

My guy friend and I haven't spoken in a month b/c of some problems that occur w/ him.?

I'm 20 years-female- and the guy is 24. We used to have a great bond as friends and all. We'd joke, talk about our stuff etc... I was really gettting into him- then some issues occured with him and it affected our friendship. The thing is none of us is at fault with what happened. He hasn't called me, nor have I. We see eachother in church on weekends, but HELLO/GOODBYE is our conversation. How do I know he was beginning to have the same feelings towards me? Or was it just ME? :(

My guy friend and I haven't spoken in a month b/c of some problems that occur w/ him.?
Make the first move and call him. Don't let this friendship go down the drain because you both are to stubborn to call.
Reply:You must talk to him about it.


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