Sunday, August 2, 2009

My friend has small breasts, i have big boobs size C and whenever we go out...?

she gets self concious %26amp; sumtimes gets mad @ me. i no its not her fault 4 getting mad, but even natural things like pills dont work, what can i do bcuz she kant afford surgery =(

My friend has small breasts, i have big boobs size C and whenever we go out...?
OMFG thats totally deja vu. Well my friend is a c cup also and i have small boobs, and whenever were together people think i'm her little sister. It drives me crazy cause guys always pay attention to her and i know how ur friend feels. IT SUCKS!!! but you have to get over it. It's really hard to find an agreement to that. NO there is no way i reduce the size of your boobs unless you wanna were a potatoe sack that reads loser across your chest. What i always tell myself is that when guys likes me i know that they like me for me and not for my figure. It a very touchy subject but i was so shocked when i saw this cause i though it was my friend. lol.........hope you find the information you need.much love
Reply:tell her to be grateful for what she has........
Reply:Hey I love Big Boobs,BUT I also go by other things that attract me to a Lady,and there are plenty of guys and I know a few who don't go for big BOObs(don't understand it,but)anyways everybodys different,and as I said you can't go just for one feature,thats petty and small ,you don't want somebody like that anyways,she needs to understand that,she'll find her guys,just like you,Drum that into her little head,I can't, your there and your her friend!!!
Reply:I like small ones so tell her that we are out there! She just has to keep looking for us!
Reply:Why don't u bind your breasts, then she'll more confident,DUH!!!
Reply:you shouldn't change ur friend ~ u should love them for the way they are and they should love themselves and not want to change ~

being self concious is a natural thing but you shouldn't worry about appearance it should be all about your personality and how u present yourself
Reply:Tell her to be grateful indeed because she will probably have to deal with heavy breasts when she is older. I still wear a size 6 but my breasts are bigger now that I'm older and it makes me look fat.

She should accent her hips. I think the US is the only place in the world obsessed with breasts. They want women to look like big cows.
Reply:go to victoria secrets and buy her some boobs the ones they have there work really well there like $80
Reply:tell your friend not to be self conscious, if you are self conscious i don't know how but guys can see that you have a low self esteem and won't want any thing to do with you, guys look for girls that like what they have and aren't scared to show it off a little bit!!!
Reply:It's the whole package, not just the breast size that's important

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