Sunday, August 2, 2009

Should my 22y/o friend date a 17 year old even though its legal b/c we live in nys?

sure y not , let people be happy

Should my 22y/o friend date a 17 year old even though its legal b/c we live in nys?
if its legal , why not.
Reply:While 17 year olds have some right, I'll bet it's 18 in your state. If so, it's jail bait.
Reply:What is he ...a peodophile wannabee?
Reply:well it depends on if they really like/love each doesn't sound to bad if the 17 year old is a girl. but people tend to look down on the younger one being a boy don't ask me why though. but when they get older age really wont matter
Reply:That's only a 5 year age difference, so that isn't bad. My niece is married to a man who is 20 years older than her and they are the closest couple and most loving and considerate to each other that I know of. So, yeah...that's okay.
Reply:well if it is not a problem with them i don't see why long as they both know their responsibilities to one another and as long as it doesn't affect their lives i think they should and besides it ones personnel choice and what others think is what others think.if you are going to sit and wonder about the opinions of the society or of your friends then you are not someone who should make such a move.well good luck on that.
Reply:5 years differences in age is never an issue when the lowest age person is above 20. As we get older dating someone 5 years above or below us is not only accepted, but quite common.

However, when talking about someone 17, I have to say it depends on the 17 year old. Being a man, I can say this, at the age of 17, sexually we may be active, but emotionally we are hardly mature enough to make a decision on what is right and wrong in a relationship. Especially if we are getting something out of it, more than just a kiss on the lips. It is a proven fact that men mature slower than women. Where emotions are concerned this is especially true, because we confuse testoterone rushes with love.

So, to answer your question, if the 17 year old is male, no, female usually I would say yes, and this has nothing to do with the fact that I am male, I personally like older women.
Reply:I had a girlfriend who was a few months shy of her 18th birthday when we started going out and I was 21 at the time. It didn't last, but it worked out great for about 6 or 7 months. Having sex with a 17 year old at any age is illegal in CA and, presumably, in New York as well. Going out? There is nothing inherently illegal about that. Once she turns 18, anything goes. Incidentally, I didn't break the law either.
Reply:NO .. find someone their own age..

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