Sunday, August 2, 2009

If my friend's ex and i want to be friends w/benefits is that wrong or is it not b/c she doesn't own him??

If you all have a really open relationship then you should be able to ask her for permission. More than likely it isn't okay (if they've had sex). If you already know that she would say no, then do not have sex with him unless you're willing to lose your friendship with her.

If my friend's ex and i want to be friends w/benefits is that wrong or is it not b/c she doesn't own him??
stop being a h*bag. no she doesn't own him but u owe her a friendship. u just want to booty call and there are plenty of men that will be happy to bang u, I'm sure. stop being a horrible friend.
Reply:i woulnt just because you are friends
Reply:Personally I don't think It's right. She's your friend, you can't do that to her unless you don't really care for her!! If she doesn't care why should you!! Do it. But if she's been w/ him then it might not work if it was good b/c she's not gonna want you to get what she had that was so good! Just weigh your options a little more. Do i sleep w/ him and loose a friend or not sleep w/ him and keep my friend!! Would she do that to you!! I hope this helps!!
Reply:what kind of a friend are you? glad you are not my friend. do you even know what a real friend is? trust he will not respect you in the end. if he still has feelings for her, he will tell her and they may just get back together. what then? where will you be? exactly where you need to be, up the creek without a paddle. but then you don';t understand this cause you don't know the value of a friend.
Reply:Well, while the "ownership" you speak of is twice-removed so to speak, 1) he's an "ex" and 2) she does not, in fact, "own" him, I think you need to examine how important your friendship with this person is, and, more importantly, what does your friend think? Further, the fact that this "ex" was obviously no good for your friend, plus the fact that he's looking for booty call has to tell you something!! As a previous respondent pointed out, there are plenty of guys in this world who will bang you. I'd say stay away!

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