Sunday, August 2, 2009

I'm meeting a friend at the Warwick Avenue exit of Earls Court. From E. C. Tube Station, how do I get there?

Is that an easy place to get to/from? As I walk out of Earls Court tube station how can I easily walk to the warwick avenue exit of the exhibition centre? thanks.

I'm meeting a friend at the Warwick Avenue exit of Earls Court. From E. C. Tube Station, how do I get there?
The exit of the tube station that is not Earls Court Road, is Warwick Road. Come out of that, and the Warwick Road entrance to the exhibition centre is immediately across the road to you.
Reply:easy - once you're past the ticket barriers as you come out of the tube station, take a moment to look around you and look at the directional signs telling you which way to go, and find the one marked "Warwick Avenue"
Reply:Be careful - the tube station has two exits that lie in directly opposite directions.

The "Earl's Court Road" exit is the wrong one.

From the right one you can see the big Earl's Court exhibition centre right when you walk out.

If you get out on the wrong side by accident, you can just walk around the station by using either Penywern Road, or Trebovir Road.

C S A ?does any one have any adviCE PLEAse .. ( question for a friend)?

i have always paid cash for my 2 childern who are now 15 and 17. the mother has never worked and claims everything!! she never tells agencys when she has live in lovers. i buy clothes food uniforms on top of the cash i give her. but stupidly i never kept the recipts or had a direct debit as she wanted the cash.. now the csa want £35000.00 estimated from me, i dont even know if one of the kids is mine , that was put in my face one day, but as i dont know ile treat them the same. i went to court they want the children to do a blood test- they wont do that.. what can i do- solicitors wont touch this sort of thing ive tried everything, im at my wits end. (no pratish answers please)

C S A ?does any one have any adviCE PLEAse .. ( question for a friend)?
Really hate saying this but looks like gonna have to pay. Could do like my ex %26amp; change address %26amp; job everytime CSA catch up cos even though I've got a liability order against him %26amp; had baliffs out looking no-one can find him so I've not received a penny in the last 8 yrs.

But don't think you or your mate are like that %26amp; to start having blood test now on the one that may have a different father seems really cruel, do they actually know you/he might not be the dad.

If your ex has been on benefits she's had to give your details to the CSA so she can receive her benefit.

Have a word with your MP see if they can do anything.

Good luck
Reply:Oh this is such a bad situation. The father of my child has never paid a penny. I have really struggled, and would have loved to have had a man like that to help. Why are the CSA suddenly involved? Maybey she had no choice but to use them, although it doesn't sound like she is going to admit to the fact that he has paid for them. His only hope is to get legal advice. The children may be able to vouch for him.
Reply:sorry mate you've gotta pay if you didn't keep receipts. I had to pay £3500 cos the evil one said i hadn't given her anything, even though like you I'd paid regularly and bought clothes food etc.
Reply:They can't get blood from a stone. Declare yourself bankrupt for a year and start again.

Or agree, enter an IVA and pay 20% ot their estimate over 5 years and have the rest written off.
Reply:Try the Citizens Advice,they know all the legalities of this sort of thing.They will even help you find a solicitor who WILL help you.Its a free service. Not much, I know,but this is a legal minefield. Just remember, from now on,keep ALL receipts,records etc.Even bank statements,anything!! I wish you good luck with this.
Reply:get a good lawyer to have the court order a blood test and if one of them is not your take you exwife to court to get the money you have paid over the years for that one back. sounds like you married a whore
Reply:Join the military


My friend he's asked to me y we are using 2+ in c++ y we r not using 1+ are 3+?

Sir please stop asking these kind of silly questions.

I understand you are trying to learn C/C++ language. It needs lot of logical thinking not these kind of silly thoughts. Its a ocean, so just keep going with good logical thinking and not with these kind of silly Q's.

Take it positive and go ahead with digging the codes not these kind of stufffff... All the best

My friend he's asked to me y we are using 2+ in c++ y we r not using 1+ are 3+?
hahah. in C, if you write "x++" that means "add one to x". So C++ means "add one to C", like a newer version of C. It's more clever than saying "C version 2.0"
Reply:C++ is the new version of C.So its given as C++.

My friend's son eats his boogers & someone told her it is b/c he has a vitamin defiency, is this true???

I have never heard this before and was wondering if maybe she was just trying to justify his habit.

My friend's son eats his boogers %26amp; someone told her it is b/c he has a vitamin defiency, is this true???
That's an old wives' tale, I guess. I think the answer below will help you (I got it from somewhere on the Internet).

Well, to make my answer more general, let's clarify that not only little kids eats their boogers (tecnically known as "mucus"), big kids, grown-ups and old people do it too.

The act of eating your mucus is known as "mucophagy" and is done by kids basically because they do not think about stuff likes adults do, they just do it and they do not think if it is gross or not, healthy or not, socially accepted or not. However is at that age that "mucophagy" starts. Some people will stop when they realize what they are doing, some people do not, and will keep doing it (in hiding) until they die. You can call it a "habit" and according to what I read....very hard to break.

Well, for your information (gross or not) the average person eats about a quart of mucus (snot, phlegm or slime, as you like) per day. As you know the nose is connected to the same canal the mouth is connected and then to the esofagus, well the nose secretes mucus all day and a good amount of it goes down your throat. When mucus gets hard stays in the nose and well, those are the ones "mucuphagus" pick and eat.

For your tranquility, mucus is basically water and salt, with some chemicals produced by the body. They are supposed to serve as a trap to incoming germs, pollen and dust.

Believe it or not, there are people who actually believes that "mucophagy" is healthy because expose your body to germs and make you produce antibodies that will fight for you in your inmune system.

Interesting, ain't it?
Reply:lol i do not know about this my mother is a teacher and she teaches 4-5 years old and when she sees a kid up in his or her nose she takes them in a corner and tell them that they shouldn't do that and then she sings "shake my hand , be my friend, but dint eat the boogers out thee garbage can" its so funny but she dont do it around the other kids.... some of them stop eating them and the others (which is like 2 or 3 ) dont stop. and she said she never heard of a vitamin defiency lol but its kinda funny that your friend would try to hide it
Reply:No...he eats them because he has no other place to put them. Get him a box of Kleenex.
Reply:Absolutley not! Although he isn't harmed by his little habit, you should try to break him of it.
Reply:havent heard that, i think its just a kid thing, get him some vitamins.......
Reply:Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!! I had a friend who ate boogers!! he works in a card board box factory!! LOL
Reply:That is ridiculous. She is trying to justify his habit. It is plain bad manners.
Reply:Nope, no such thing, just a habit and/or kids like the taste of their own snot. I used to chew pencils out of idea why, but now I don`t. Just a kid thing I think!
Reply:tell your friend they took gullible out of the dictionary.
Reply:That is pure bull!! But like everyone else, I got a good laugh at it. I almost wish I had kids so I could use that one!
Reply:No, he was eating boogers because there was no one to flick it at at that particular moment.

Boys will be boys you know!
Reply:HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Thank you, I needed to pee myself for once
Reply:haha. yeah, and kids bite their nails b/c they crave vitamin E. no way!


How can I say "Forgive me" to a friend I haven't spoken to for 2 years b/c of a row we had? I find it so hard!

I to find it hard. Firstly you say you want to say "forgive me". Is there an "I'm sorry" in there too? There needs to be and that should probably be spoken first. Believe me, it helps in feeling your own humanness to do so. You can only grow and go beyond when you do this.

How can I say "Forgive me" to a friend I haven't spoken to for 2 years b/c of a row we had? I find it so hard!
You may find it hard, just as your friend is probably finding it hard.

Just come out with it, be spontaneous, and it will be over with soon...hopefully with you and your friend on speaking terms again :)
Reply:write him or her a well-worded letter explaining your feelings and ask them to call you...or tell them you'll call them at whatever time and day then do it. admit it if you were an as.s, they'll like that. good luck

I am falling for my best guy friend and I don't know what to do b/c i love my bf too. what should i do?

Who says that you can only love one person romantically at a time. That being said that doesn't mean that you should try as culturally most people would not accept that answer nor would it probably be accepted by these two guys. If you want to stay with your boyfriend you should decide what it is that your are getting from this other guy that you aren't getting from him and talk to him about your needs, if on the other hand you feel this other guy has more that you want you should at least be honest with your boyfriend about the situation. You may want to be sure though that the other guy actually feels the same way first.

I am falling for my best guy friend and I don't know what to do b/c i love my bf too. what should i do?
You should go for the guy you love more. Follow your heart.
Reply:Playing with fire will hurt not only u but others too
Reply:Spend some time alone for you to be able to sort your feelings more clearly. Is it really love or just infatuation you feel for either guy? Its possible that you are falling for your best guy friend because you are spending more time with him and you become very comfortable with one another. You have to take into consideration that once you engage yourself in an intimate relationship with your best guy friend - there's a risk your friendship will be damaged. As for your boyfriend - see yourself without him. You may love him but is it really that deep or is your foundation stronger with your best friend than with your boyfriend? Bottom line is you have to choose.

For your best guy friend - is it the friendship or would you rather take your relationship in a deeper stage?

For your boyfriend - do you see your relationship for keeps or would you be able to stand living without him?

What's important is you are true to yourself and to the 2 guys. It would be unfair to be committed to 2 guys who both have feelings. Look at the pros and cons if you take your relationship with your best friend intimately. Does your best friend share the same feeling? Just be honest with your boyfriend because he deserves to know the truth.
Reply:stick with the one you like more. if you go for your friend though i think your bf might get mad...
Reply:You cannot choose to have two bf at one time. It is not fair to either one of them. Remember that you are having this relationship because you are preparing to spend the rest of your life with this person. Think of the pros and cons of each person; which one loves you more, which one promises you a better future and others. You have to make a choice.

sweet pea

Should my 22y/o friend date a 17 year old even though its legal b/c we live in nys?

sure y not , let people be happy

Should my 22y/o friend date a 17 year old even though its legal b/c we live in nys?
if its legal , why not.
Reply:While 17 year olds have some right, I'll bet it's 18 in your state. If so, it's jail bait.
Reply:What is he ...a peodophile wannabee?
Reply:well it depends on if they really like/love each doesn't sound to bad if the 17 year old is a girl. but people tend to look down on the younger one being a boy don't ask me why though. but when they get older age really wont matter
Reply:That's only a 5 year age difference, so that isn't bad. My niece is married to a man who is 20 years older than her and they are the closest couple and most loving and considerate to each other that I know of. So, yeah...that's okay.
Reply:well if it is not a problem with them i don't see why long as they both know their responsibilities to one another and as long as it doesn't affect their lives i think they should and besides it ones personnel choice and what others think is what others think.if you are going to sit and wonder about the opinions of the society or of your friends then you are not someone who should make such a move.well good luck on that.
Reply:5 years differences in age is never an issue when the lowest age person is above 20. As we get older dating someone 5 years above or below us is not only accepted, but quite common.

However, when talking about someone 17, I have to say it depends on the 17 year old. Being a man, I can say this, at the age of 17, sexually we may be active, but emotionally we are hardly mature enough to make a decision on what is right and wrong in a relationship. Especially if we are getting something out of it, more than just a kiss on the lips. It is a proven fact that men mature slower than women. Where emotions are concerned this is especially true, because we confuse testoterone rushes with love.

So, to answer your question, if the 17 year old is male, no, female usually I would say yes, and this has nothing to do with the fact that I am male, I personally like older women.
Reply:I had a girlfriend who was a few months shy of her 18th birthday when we started going out and I was 21 at the time. It didn't last, but it worked out great for about 6 or 7 months. Having sex with a 17 year old at any age is illegal in CA and, presumably, in New York as well. Going out? There is nothing inherently illegal about that. Once she turns 18, anything goes. Incidentally, I didn't break the law either.
Reply:NO .. find someone their own age..

If my friend's ex and i want to be friends w/benefits is that wrong or is it not b/c she doesn't own him??

If you all have a really open relationship then you should be able to ask her for permission. More than likely it isn't okay (if they've had sex). If you already know that she would say no, then do not have sex with him unless you're willing to lose your friendship with her.

If my friend's ex and i want to be friends w/benefits is that wrong or is it not b/c she doesn't own him??
stop being a h*bag. no she doesn't own him but u owe her a friendship. u just want to booty call and there are plenty of men that will be happy to bang u, I'm sure. stop being a horrible friend.
Reply:i woulnt just because you are friends
Reply:Personally I don't think It's right. She's your friend, you can't do that to her unless you don't really care for her!! If she doesn't care why should you!! Do it. But if she's been w/ him then it might not work if it was good b/c she's not gonna want you to get what she had that was so good! Just weigh your options a little more. Do i sleep w/ him and loose a friend or not sleep w/ him and keep my friend!! Would she do that to you!! I hope this helps!!
Reply:what kind of a friend are you? glad you are not my friend. do you even know what a real friend is? trust he will not respect you in the end. if he still has feelings for her, he will tell her and they may just get back together. what then? where will you be? exactly where you need to be, up the creek without a paddle. but then you don';t understand this cause you don't know the value of a friend.
Reply:Well, while the "ownership" you speak of is twice-removed so to speak, 1) he's an "ex" and 2) she does not, in fact, "own" him, I think you need to examine how important your friendship with this person is, and, more importantly, what does your friend think? Further, the fact that this "ex" was obviously no good for your friend, plus the fact that he's looking for booty call has to tell you something!! As a previous respondent pointed out, there are plenty of guys in this world who will bang you. I'd say stay away!

Dear yahoo India friend i want some suggestion about hanging carrier,i have joined C.A. in 1997 & can passed?

only on group( Ist) %26amp; remaining three groups i could't present i have only B.Com degree this is not sufficient to improving the carrier . Presently i am 32 yrs.old %26amp; working in a construction co. as an account officer %26amp; hardly getting Rs.8000 p.m.i want to increase myself by some qulification or degree with my working because i am so ambissious persson . So please give me some fruitfull suggetion about my future what to do MBA distance lerning or any otherthing.Thanks by heart

Dear yahoo India friend i want some suggestion about hanging carrier,i have joined C.A. in 1997 %26amp; can passed?
it depends on which industry you work in. AFAIK, Accounting is a good career, try jobs in some upcoming private banks. HSBC is trying to expand, try there. Part time MBA is also a good option.
Reply:Hey! why dint you wait for other answerers. you can get more answers. Report It

How can i locate a friend from high school? I attended Tucson High Magnet School C/O 2002.?

Check the lock up.

How can i locate a friend from high school? I attended Tucson High Magnet School C/O 2002.?
did you check
Reply:Since it was a fairly recent graduation, you may be able to contact the school, or even your class historian, they keep pretty good records of where people are, so that they can contact then for future reunions. GOOD LUCK! and if you find your friend, stay in touch forever. I have only spoken with 1 friend since we graduated 25 years ago. Time flies!!! You may also want to check with


Dear yahoo...i have a problem.there's no e-mail comes to my e-mail but my friend send a message but it's not c

Try going to your e-mail page and seding this question to Yahoo! customer service. Also, could your mail be going into your spam folder?

Dear yahoo...i have a problem.there's no e-mail comes to my e-mail but my friend send a message but it's not c
Yahoo is still having some problems at the moment. Suggested cures range from Update Adobe Flash Player and Javascript to clear IE7 cache, cookies, and browsing history. Different things seem to work for different people. It's causing attachments to not show, 999 errors where it won't let you do a particular action and some people cannot send receive delete or move mail. It's not just Vista either it's happening to some of us on XP. I have been advised to use this site to view my mail, if all else fails go back to classic mail via this link. click yes when asked do you want to opt out. Hope this helps.
Reply:Yahoo has been experiencing alot of problems lately. Its not just you, its everyone.

I am arun c , is anyone there who wanted to become my best girl friend?

i am a good artist

i am a good singer

I am arun c , is anyone there who wanted to become my best girl friend?
Lol Why don't you beg for one
Reply:Nopers, you smell like dead things.
Reply:Ask Paris Hilton.
Reply:r u cute,
Reply:how do u look? how old r u?? these r more imp than ur good at singing or not
Reply:how old are you ?

what grade are you going into ?

how dose anyone know that you are not a 78 yr old perv

or are you

how can anyone contact you?

i am a goood artist and a good singer to

i sing on stage in Church every sunday and wed

i am taking art classes and i really like to sculpt with clay

and draw




why is this in the Dog section


My friend mother wants to to go back to school in d.c. . Do you know any places thats she can do this online?

Stray from the Phoenix University advertisements...

Go to here to hear about Phoenix:

Go to here to see real colleges offering degrees:

My friend recently made a comment that I should eat more b/c during lunch I ate an apple and some froot loops.

And she said it pretty rudely too. I'm about 5 feet and 1 inch and I weigh around 98 pounds...... How do I get her off my back? The thing is...I don't want to gain any weight just to statisfy her!! What should I do?

My friend recently made a comment that I should eat more b/c during lunch I ate an apple and some froot loops.
First of all, you have a little bit of an issue.

Eating an aple and a couple of fruit loops is NOT a lunch. And eating a perfectly healthy meal, with a small portion of protein and large amounts of veggies, is NOT going to make you "fat".

Don't be so hard on your friend. She's looking out for your well-being. She's concerned that you're not eating enough, and she's right. If you have to stay at a weight of 98 pounds by not eating proper meals, then, you're not healthy.

Your friend really cares about you, no matter how rude she sounded. It's often those people who are the toughest on us, and make us really think of our actions that are the ones who care the most about us. If people stop commenting about your actions, it's because they gave up on you.

So please, be healthy, okay?
Reply:Not really a very healthy lunch
Reply:You shouldn't worry what other people think. As long as you are eating, and eating healthy that is all that matters. It also depends on how old you are, 98 lbs is small, but you are not very tall either. Find out what the average weight is for your height then that can tell you if you should gain or not. Just stay healthy and don't worry about what people think. Though I'm sure your friend meant well, he/she was probably just concerned about the fact you didn't eat a meal.
Reply:Ya and shes prob a fat pig. My wife is 5'4 and weighs 102 lbs. I think over weight ppl want the other fit ppl to gain weight to make themselves feel better about their gluttony. It a proven fact that overweight ppl are obsessed with skinny ppls weight.
Reply:you should weigh more that that period.

that not good.

but she wants you to eat more, and yyou dont want to gain weight...

eat foor that wont make you gain that many fruits and other stuff.
Reply:Eat whatever you want, and however much of it you want to eat. Forget her, and forget the people on here who are telling you what to eat. She's probably either fat, controlling, or both. These people are probably stuffing their faces with Cheetos as they type. Do what feels good to you!

flowering plum

Had sex w/a guy 2 nites ago & next mrng he told me he has a g/friend. He said it was a test 2 c my reaxion.?

He still calls me but it's b 4 the booty call hours sometimes. I kinda like him but I know I shouldn't call him. What should I do? Please only helpful serious answers.

Had sex w/a guy 2 nites ago %26amp; next mrng he told me he has a g/friend. He said it was a test 2 c my reaxion.?
XXXXXXXXXXXXx How could he have respect for you when obviously you don't have respect for yourself and your body? Obviously you are just a friend with benefits. Is this the kind of life you want? Surely you deserve better. Wake up and kick his butt to the curb. Find someone who can be your bf and dedicate himself to you only. Stop being someone elses mans sidekick.
Reply:he's a bigtime loser, just move on. he's probably just making use of u.
Reply:what a jerk!!! next time he calls be like all you have a girlfriend and you didnt tell me and then you still call me and all that crap grow up and learn respect for me and your self!!! i would do that if that happened to me!!!!
Reply:Sounds like you have been "used" and now he can put another notch on his bed post. Pops
Reply:he got what he wanted................just let him go

it not worth it
Reply:sounds like a player to me, if he cant call you at a decent hour and ask you to go to dinner or catch a movie you are wasting your time..there are better men out there.
Reply:I think he was telling the truth when he said he had a girlfriend. Move on and ignore his calls. 2 timers suck big time!!!
Reply:No guy would say they have a girlfriend is it wasn't true. The fact that he told you the next moring means he's just using you for a booty call. Don't let yourself be used. Find someone who sees you for what your worth.
Reply:hey, if u dont mind giving it up with no string attached. and it's safe sex.... i know i am going 2 get slam for say, but go 4 it. however, if u play with fire u just might get burnt.. ur choice... peace and good luck.
Reply:I hope your reaction was a swift kick in the nads!

BTW, what are the booty call hours?

Serious answer: FORGET HIM. HE IS A DOG.
Reply:dudes playin games.if he is a real player when would hev told u up front about him having a girl.with him telling u after is him trying to cover up something.
Reply:Drop him. Your response should have been to kick him in the balls.
Reply:FIND SOMEONE ELSE! Don't you deserve better than that?
Reply:you want this manipulative guy?

why do you even want to help this guy? Get over him, and find the next hot guy.
Reply:Don't hate the player hate the game. You just got used, now move on and learn not to be the substitute. You know where you stand with him. Move on, don't be any-ones second choice.
Reply:you're just a booty call to him, and he's a cheating dog. drop him, unless you want to get hurt.
Reply:i would tell him that if he loves his girlfriend that he should stop sleeping around and be honost with her.

if his girlfriend ever found out that he was cheating on her with you, she would have every right to be angry with him because he is not a faithful guy to trust.
Reply:Tell him that you have feelings as well and if he cannot respect that, he can go on his merry way
Reply:Leave his a** alone is what you should do!
Reply:girl you need to let him be. found out who his girl is let her know, cause nobody deserve to be treated like that and if you were to hook up with him how are you to know he won't do it to you. be smart not a booty call. in the long run if you still are messing with him you will just in up hurt.
Reply:Either he has a girlfriend or he likes to play games. Either way, it isn't good. Move on.
Reply:move on %26amp; I hope u wore a condom
Reply:if he is cheating on his girlfriend now what do you think he would do if you where his girlfriend? %26amp; besides, if he said he only wanted to see your reaction than he's only playing games. i would tell him to go to wal-mart %26amp; buy a monopoly game if he's that board.
Reply:I think you should let him go and find someone else. I don't think he's worth it. The whole testing your reaction thing sounds like BS. You can find someone better.

So... b/c my ex is white.. this boy at work ( obviously a friend of mine) was trying to get my attention...?

then he threw a piece of white bread on my desk.... should I ignore that? or is therre a meaning behind that?

BTW, he always had a problem with fact that I was dating a white guy

So... b/c my ex is white.. this boy at work ( obviously a friend of mine) was trying to get my attention...?
I suppose he was trying to call you out. Sounds like a really mature fellow, that guy. %26lt;sarcasm%26gt;
Reply:Oh well, he is just racist so who cares, there is nothing wrong with that (You dating the person).. So yeah you should ignore it.

like what that hell? you should have told him you were on a low carb diet ;)
Reply:u should of told him no thanks i only eat wheat bread... lol that would of confused him if he had an alterior motive against you
Reply:if you're white, don't bother with him but if your not go out with who you want.......(sorry if I'm not answering right, too tired)

GIRLS ONLY my best friend wears see through shirts,i tell her they are c through but she dont listen wat 2 do?

i am a guy!! but tell her if she wears that kind of clothes guys will look at her dierently. a lot diferently!! and think of things she might not want them to think!! you did the right thing and puting a jacet on her just ceep one handy just in case she does it again

whant to talk some more? email me

GIRLS ONLY my best friend wears see through shirts,i tell her they are c through but she dont listen wat 2 do?
You could try telling her that you think she should wear shirts that you can't see through or wear something under them. You could try making her set down and talk to her about it, tell her what you think about her wearing shirts like that. and see if she listens.
Reply:if she doesn't listen you need to sit her down and tell her " i don't want anything bad to happen to you so can you please change your style in shirts?" if she doesn't listen she will end up regretting it...which I'm sure no one wants.
Reply:Hey, it's her loss. Doesn't matter to you. Just ignore her. Or if you really worry about this...try talking to her and saying things like 'it's inappropriate' and stuff like that. Maybe she'll start wearing non-see through shirts. Or, buy her a shirt so she won't wear all those shirts all the time.
Reply:tell her to wear a jacket or something, or you shouldn't tell her anymore, she should be able to realize it-she either is showing-off or she feels comfortable that way
Reply:If she doesn't listen to you, don't worry about. If she wants to show her boobs to every person that wants to see them, that is her prerogative.
Reply:I thnk thats her problem and you should tell her about it like a good friend

Where in china and how do i show my friend china he want to open a/c with the company?

That's a good question....just wire the money to my Swiss account and I will help your friend open the company...

Where in china and how do i show my friend china he want to open a/c with the company?
I can check information to you and your friend open a/c with this company but I want to sell e-point because cash via bank slowly.


Can sum1 plz trade me an Arceus name:Brad friend code:2019 8339 1395 msn:danny_chidiac619@hotmail.c... thanx?

The Arceus can be any level I dont really mind becoz i live in Australia so i cant get it. If any1 has a Shaymin or Darkrai I would trade any1 for them

Can sum1 plz trade me an Arceus name:Brad friend code:2019 8339 1395 msn:danny_chidiac619@hotmail.c... thanx?
well i have all 3 only thing is that my wifi is down rite now but i hope to have it back during this week but sure im down to trade

i even have some shinys
Reply:dude.... i cant believe you posted all that stuff on here....

i hope you're 12 years old... i saw an article posted by some 19 year old guy talking about his pokemon....sad...

pokemon was cool like...6 years ago for me.

Can a woman not love two men at a time? i love my husb. & also his friend. my husb. doesn"t know of it .c dtl.

but im sure he is broad minded %26amp;will not get hurt .in hindu mythology dropadi had five husb. %26amp; she loved all of them .

Can a woman not love two men at a time? i love my husb. %26amp; also his friend. my husb. doesn"t know of it .c dtl.
You say that you are cheating on your husband and that he won't be hurt by it. You must be completely clueless about people or you don't really care about his feelings.

You cannot improve or maintain your marriage by turning outside of it.

If you really do love your husband (and I doubt it), stop cheating on him, focus on the marriage, and see a counselor soon!

If you don't love him, have the decency and respect to tell him. Cheating is humiliating and painful.
Reply:It could be feasible to love more than one person at a time, but you can't be IN LOVE with them both.
Reply:well, if you truly and fully llove them both with your whole heart, you should prolly tell them. your husband(this is a guiven) is prolly gonna freak out a bit, but, if he really loves you, then he'll repect you...
Reply:This is not Hindu Mythology, and it doesn't make for a healthy relationship
Reply:No, you cannot be seriously IN love with both of the men. You may love both of them, but you don't love either of them enough to take them seriously. When you have really fallen in love with someone, you won't even want to think about looking at someone else. Apparently, your love with your husband isn't deep and true. If it were, you wouldn't be in the situation that you are in right now.
Reply:sure you can love two men, but kind of differently it's ok

In C++, what is the differences between a member function and a friend function? Which is better and why?

Use a member when you can, and a friend when you have to.

Sometimes friends are syntactically better (e.g., in class Fred, friend functions allow the Fred parameter to be second, while members require it to be first). Another good use of friend functions are the binary infix arithmetic operators. E.g., aComplex + aComplex should be defined as a friend rather than a member if you want to allow aFloat + aComplex as well (member functions don't allow promotion of the left hand argument, since that would change the class of the object that is the recipient of the member function invocation).

In other cases, choose a member function over a friend function.

In C++, what is the differences between a member function and a friend function? Which is better and why?
A friend function doesn't belong to the class exclusively, but is located in a class definition file, not the specification file. A member function does. Also, the syntax is different.

Member function:


Friend function:

function(objectOne, objectTwo)
Reply:A member function is a function inside of the class. ie any function u write inside the scope of the class is a member function.

A friend function is an outside (non-member) function, which is declared as a 'friend' of a class and it has access to all the private variables of the class.

You should exercise caution using while using friend funcitons.
Reply:A member function is a part of the class. For instance:


The friend function is not a part of THE class. It is a member of a class that is a "Friend" of THE class. It is declared in the access modifier to be a "Friend" of THE class. For instance:


Friend functions are used to access private members of THE class.

In the example I gave, the COW class is declared to be a friend of the DOG class. Bark() is a private DOG function. COW may access the Bark() function of COW by declaring that it is a friend of DOG.

Why do i get "fatal error" message when trying to send a file to a friend after logging in to my hotmail a/c

make sure the file you are sending is not too large,make the person you are sending the file to has a valid email address,make sure your email address is properly set-up e.g the POP3 and SMTP,check your security setting or alternatively when this problem occurs just log off and log again you should be fine

Why do i get "fatal error" message when trying to send a file to a friend after logging in to my hotmail a/c
i also had a hotmail address and i found it very difficult to get into my messages i always got a massage to say that there was a fault and do i want to report it i click on yes i never hear from hotmail so i changed to yahoo and i think that you should do the same.


I am searching for a c.d. entitled " I'll always Love You" by my friend Teddy Johnson, That is the cd title it

the disc was advertised on play dot com but when announced ready for order it was almost instantly withdrawn as deleted and no longer available. I do not know either the label or catalogue number

I am searching for a c.d. entitled " I'll always Love You" by my friend Teddy Johnson, That is the cd title it
If you didn't google it already, guess your s.o.l..

I've had this best friend since 7th grade,she stopped tlkin 2 me b/c her mom and my mom stopped tlking also

my other friends aren't tlking 2 me either since they've been haging out w/ her.

I've had this best friend since 7th grade,she stopped tlkin 2 me b/c her mom and my mom stopped tlking also
find a boyfriend
Reply:Then they're immature, and aren't good friends. You have time to make new ones. Every day of your life.
Reply:there has to be other things your not telling. just because the moms aren't talking doesn't mean that you and your friend have to. unless you mom did something to make the other one tell her daughter to stop in which case you have to take it up with your mom. i have had a similar experience when i was younger and my mom and my friends step-dad got together (still married to this day). that situation made all of my friends hate me and praise her. you will get through it and be stronger for it trust me!! good luck and stay strong. happy holidays=)
Reply:I think it is just a fase, in middle school I lost a lot of my old friends and found new ones, just don't let it get you down and maybe some of your old friends will come back as well
Reply:then she wasn't really your friend to begin with
Reply:that is a very dumb reason to stop talking to each other. just because your mom and her mom aren't friends anymore shouldn't affect your friendship
Reply:this has happened to me and it is EXTREMELY irritating, i just stopped bothering with it and continued with my life, i knw it hurts but if ur frend doesnt have any problem wid not tlking to u, u shud also avoid her, otherwise ur just taking up tension,while ur frend doesnt even care.
Reply:if this friend was truly a best friend it would not matter about the situation between your mothers your friend would still talk to you no matter what the circumstances, and they would not turn your other friends against you or talk about you behind your back. that's not a friend

My boy friend let his friend's girlfriend stay the night at his house tonight b/c she was too drunk to drive

He said that they're just friends, but i just have a bad feeling about the whole situation. She's 17 and he's 20 but still i just don't like the fact that she's sleeping over at his house while i'm not around. Am i just being paranoid or should i be mad at him? Please help!

My boy friend let his friend's girlfriend stay the night at his house tonight b/c she was too drunk to drive
I have to agree with what others say. Do you trust him? If she was really drunk he did the right thing by having her stay. Now if anything hapopens after that I say time for a new B/f.

BTW... what is a 17 yr old drinking like that for anyway? Kids nowadays are nuts.
Reply:If he loves you, there is nothing to worry about. And I think you should believe him. Yes, you dislike the fact that there is another girl sleeping at his home now. If I were you, I would think the same way. But you better stop because after such thoughts the only one upset is YOU! I believe that your relationship is going very well and the only girl he wants to be with is you. After all, boys don't like drunk girls who can't even stay on their feet ;)))
Reply:Where was this girls boyfriend at and why didnt he come to pick her up? If the girls boyfriend was there too, than I wouldnt think anything about it. I would go with your gut, but you might have better luck getting the truth out of the girl than your boyfriend, sorry but its true. Oh, and try talking to the girl's boyfriend and see what he thinks about the whole situation. If he is also have bad vibes, than I would just bail on this guy, life is too short and trust me, there are plenty of great guys out there. Good luck
Reply:first of all, it depends on what kind of guy your boyfriend is. is he the kind of person who cares about his friends? if he is, then he's probably genuinely just letting her stay there because she's too mangle-faced to drive. secondly, if you're worrying about him cheating on you, then there's clearly a lack of trust in the relationship, and that's key in any lasting relationship.
Reply:Well if you don't trust him with another girl then why is he your boyfriend? and if he was gonna cheat on you then why would he tell you she was there?
Reply:You have to base it on his character and how he has acted in the past. He may not be able to drive her because he also had a bit too much to drink. Talk to him about it and let him know how you felt. Whatever doubts you have are for a reason and need to be aired out. Hope it works out for you. Good luck.
Reply:wow I'm glad you're not my girlfriend I'd go nuts dealing with the paranoia, and if you have a reason not to trust him just dump him anyway, what's the point of being in a relationship and having to think about things like that?
Reply:dont grt mad -get even
Reply:I wouldn't trust him. Is there anybody else staying over, or is it just the two of them? Where is her boyfriend? Why is he hanging out with her and drinking when nobody else seems to be around? Even if he didn't actually cheat, that's still kind of creepy and I'm sure you can do better.
Reply:lol, sorry they did it
Reply:answer one question! do you trust him? and there you will have the answer to end you anger and paranoia
Reply:lol, sorry they did it
Reply:let it be. just be glad you have someone who cares about other people and isn't so self centered. You're being too paranoid and jealous. How would you feel if it were the reverse and he was too drunk to drive but a girlfriend didn't let him stay over night so he crashed and died? Sadly I know alot of families who's kids died in car accidents because they were drunk and a few killed a friend or two as well. Think of peoples health first.
Reply:wheres her bf an why aint he lookn after her?
Reply:yes you should come over here and sleep at my house just to show him
Reply:First of all that is called contributing to the deliquency of a minor, and it is a misdemenor. I would also have a problem with that. He should have found her a ride home. I know you all have friends and you or her boyfriend should have possibly been available too. I just wouldn't do it when I was seeing someone else-Just to avoid stuff like this!
Reply:yah, you should be pissed.

i know there ain't no way i'm having my girl,

have her friend sleep at her house...

knock some sense into him.
Reply:go with your gut feeling girl. we women have intuition for a reason. I'm not suggesting you should be paranoid and accuse him, but you do need to explain to him that it makes you feel very uncomfortable when she sleeps over and you're not around and that should honestly be a good enough reason for him not to let it happen again (as you feelings should come way over those other girls feelings). also try and get him to see it in the reverse,..say to him how would you like it if another guy stayed over at my place without you here? and tell him you trust him, its just the other girl you dont trust!
Reply:so your acting jealous because you have a responsible boyfriend? god. but i'm sure if he would have let that girl leave, and she were in an accident, the first thing out of your mouth would be 'why did you let her leave?!' right? poor guy, he can't win with you. TRUST HIM! i mean, he did tell you she was staying....
Reply:this is just the 1st time, make him understand that you dont like it and let it pass. the problem will be when you catch him at it again.
Reply:i really dont kno...... if ur boyfriend is loyal 2 u....... if he told u this by himself then hes not hiding this from u.
Reply:there is probably nothing to worry about.he's just trying to make sure that a friend doesn't get busted , hurt or even worse.try to trust him unless he gives you a reason not to trust him.if that happens, then he isn't worth your time anyway.
Reply:percception is reality !!! unfortunately you maybe right good luck :)
Reply:wow thats a tough situation....your boyfriend should have either taken her home...or to her boyfriends house....or called you and told you that hes in this situation if you couold come and help him out
Reply:at least he is doing the responsible thing by not letting this lush drive home .... u would feel bad if she died cus u didnt want her to spend the nite at his house.... its really 50/50 if he did hook up with her or didnt... it all depends on your relationship, if u guys are open and honest with one another...
Reply:i would wonder why her bfs not there
Reply:ok, are you just an idiot ? You honeslty belief this clown ??? Honey, he is taking care of business right now and your letting it happen. In the morning you need to call him and tell him " hpoe it was worth it" hang up and go on with your life ! yeah he sounds like a true saint too and I have the Brooklyn Bridge to sell you for five dollars !!!!!

My friend wants to set up their own e-mail A/C?

Your friend can set up their own Yahoo! Mail account by going to the link below and filling out the form:


My friend masterbated one day after her bleeding from a m/c?

Is that dangerous? Im not even sure but she told me and I told her mabey you should hold of for a couple weeks. So is that bad?

My friend masterbated one day after her bleeding from a m/c?
Well if she miscarried and there was nothing left in there.. why would it be bad?

I don't think it's bad for her.

I've been debating with my friend forever on these two TV Series; The O.C. or One Three Hill ?

well... im surely in between, one tree hill and OC are both just fine. actually, there are just slight differences between them... OC has more climaxes than 'just-play-it-flat' one tree hill. the casts of OC and one tree hill are awesome and unquestionably cool. so... if arya goes with one tree hill and kevin goes with the OC, i would have to pick Tru Calling. actually Adi loves that one too.


btw, what's yours then?!

I've been debating with my friend forever on these two TV Series; The O.C. or One Three Hill ?
One Tree Hill :)
Reply:the o.c. i like one tree hill as well, but its kinda stuck and getting repetitive.
Reply:Neither because both are ****. There are better shows on the tv.

My friend just had her baby 5 weeks early by emergency C--?

she is diabetic and 38 years old. (high risk)

Her pregnancy was followed super-close and she had a zillion ultrasounds. Her little guy was 6.5 pounds but has a heart issue of some sort that wasn't detected in any of her sonos. Thickening of something, not sure-- the details were not from the source, but from the husband to the grandma to the sister and the diagnosis has been "lost in translation". Do you know what this is?? Anyone?Thanks.

My friend just had her baby 5 weeks early by emergency C--?
Maybe a congenital heart defect which will eventually lead to thickening of the heart lining:
Reply:It could be cardiomyopathy - an illness where the heart tissue becomes inflamed and enlarged. Here's a site with more information:
Reply:I have never heard of that. I'm trying to look it up.

EDIT: I cant find anything on it. Sorry I hope someone knows.

I have asked before but still can not receive messages from a friend. His e-mail address is on sagainternet.c?

He has sent many messages on this address for years to my current address now they bounce back to him. I have cleared out my inbox to ensure room. He has checked he is still using the correcr address in fact he just returns on my sent e-mails so it must be right. I have now disconnected my spam blocker just in case that is blocking him as spam but his mesages still bounce back to him. Thanks to thoses what have tried give me answers but they were non of them to rectify this. If anyone can help, HELP, HELP, HELP as its so frustrating! John G

I have asked before but still can not receive messages from a friend. His e-mail address is on sagainternet.c?
there must be a technical problems to yahoo because some people ask similar question regarding emails that return..try some other time.and dont change or disable any thing that protects your infos or computer because you are not so sure it thats the reason.if you can receive those massages before then its not your computer who has could be yahoo.

yahoo help central might help you just search your question there and they will come out of some similar question that you can figured out


I want to know how much it costs to talk with a friend having a yahoo or hotmail/ gmail a/c .?

i hope the question is clear. I want to talk using yahoo/ msn messengers or g talk. i will like to talk using a headset and webcam

I want to know how much it costs to talk with a friend having a yahoo or hotmail/ gmail a/c .?
Only your electricity bill if you are using broadband
Reply:All those mentioned mails are FREE. However you do require to have at least a broadband else your video and audio sending or receiving will be delayed a few secs. Choose a good headset which can cancel surrounding noise.
Reply:yeah they're all free

Time, Electricity, Computer, Monitor, Internet connection, headphones and a mic... calories to run your body... wear and tear on all things involved.

The programs to talk to the person are free, but they do take time and bandwidth to get.

Overall... it's cheaper to hangout with friends in the park, but only if they're local.

Otherwise it's up to you... I've seen headphones and mics (seperately) in dollar stores.


It costs as little or as much as you're willing to put into it.
Reply:free, free, free

Hello.... yesterday i got one friend , she is very cute and she is in c.a. today i m waiting for her..?

that is good that you got a friend

I wrote the foll words in d slam of 1 of my good friend.i wanted 2 make her angry and c d reaction jus c d fun

i wrote this:

wat turns me off : u and ur jokes

lines 4 u :

u r faltu , bakwas , sheeee, pagal, aur kuch....

now she no longer wants 2 keep friendship wid me. i told her tat i m ready 2 tear tat page and tat she was making a big issue out of a small thing. is she right or i m right?

I wrote the foll words in d slam of 1 of my good friend.i wanted 2 make her angry and c d reaction jus c d fun
hey u shud hav just written two words next to them..that i m kidding.. she will b keeping that book for the rest of her life ..n when ever she looks down at those pages let her hav sweet memories of u..tell her that u treasure her friendship n add the two words i told u...everything will b ok..
Reply:she thought u were her best friends and then u insalt her soo much

yeh u thought it was a joke but she didnt know that

maybe but her a box of chocs or bunch of flowers and a card and say ur sorry

good luck
Reply:dont slam ur mates she is so right. i would egg ur house if u said tht 2 me
Reply:Go %26amp; give her new attractive loking slam along with those collections that she already have .

choose best words as much you can for her in pure (shuddha) hindi.

tell her while presenting it is what i wanna give you but i am late .

still angry dont mind , stay with her normally coz she need you.
Reply:every person shows their slambook to other friends

and if otherperson see such a thing written by her bst frnd

than they'll definately comment so the thing is not u wrote that

or what she thought but it'll all about if otherperson read that than what they think

take her slam and add one more line

"but after all this i like u and u r my best friend"
Reply:She is so idiotic to behave in such a way.It is all right.Leave her if she is ur friend she ll come.Leave it to time

My guy friend and I haven't spoken in a month b/c of some problems that occur w/ him.?

I'm 20 years-female- and the guy is 24. We used to have a great bond as friends and all. We'd joke, talk about our stuff etc... I was really gettting into him- then some issues occured with him and it affected our friendship. The thing is none of us is at fault with what happened. He hasn't called me, nor have I. We see eachother in church on weekends, but HELLO/GOODBYE is our conversation. How do I know he was beginning to have the same feelings towards me? Or was it just ME? :(

My guy friend and I haven't spoken in a month b/c of some problems that occur w/ him.?
Make the first move and call him. Don't let this friendship go down the drain because you both are to stubborn to call.
Reply:You must talk to him about it.


If you are given two options...shoot and kill ur best friend or u will be shot dead, w/c would you choose?why?

ask a more civilized question

If you are given two options...shoot and kill ur best friend or u will be shot dead, w/c would you choose?why?
I don't know why this question came into your mind.

However, for answering sake, I would choose the former. Why ?, because, one's life is more important to one, than others.
Reply:Omg this is such a hard I wil...................................

Ding Ding Ding!!!! 2 points for me! :P
Reply:what does the nw/c stand 4?

Well nvm that.

If u mean kill ur best friend . or kill ur self.

umm..i would just u no die.

Be cause friends are friends.

they would do the same 4 me
Reply:shoot first.shoot to wound. then ask why; If they judge you ask themis 20 years worth it
Reply:I would rather die myself rather than shoot someone, because of course I would love my friend and I would not want them to get hurt.
Reply:sorry,,but way to deep to answer ???????
Reply:Right. I agree with the first answer.
Reply:is w/c which?


Uh. myself. It's noble and un-selfish. If you had to kill your best friend, you'd hate yourself every day of your life, and wish you'd killed yourself instead.

but at the same time, shooting yourself is selfish. I mean, your bf will be wishing that you'd killed them instead because they have to live without you every day.
Reply:Die myself. My best friend is my beneficiary.
Reply:best friends come and go.....while you are alive only once. so i would choose my life.

but after you will have to live the with the guilt that you killed your best friend.
Reply:I will shoot you first. You die better than we die.
Reply:i don't have a best friend so what happens to me?
Reply:Um, I think I would get shot...IDK why though...
Reply:It depends on the circumstance.

If the asker was sitting there in front of me at the time, i would shoot him and then get us out.

If there was no escape for either of us any way, I would shoot my friend, and then shoot myself.

If I was guaranteed to be let out after the shooting, I would probably shoot myself.

If the bullet wouldn't cause immediate death and I would get out afterwards, then i would shoot my friend.

By the way, does this question actually have a purpose?
Reply:id be shot cause my best friend means everything to me and if she died i would just have to kill myself
Reply:I could never kill my best friend, or anyone I love for that matter. My friend would never allow me to be killed in his stead, so naturally, I'd beat up all the bad guys and save the day.

For real though, I'd die for anyone I love. Why?- I couldn't go on living knowing that I could have saved them.
Reply:am not sure that i can do it and shoot my best friend.. but the humane being is meant to be selfish when he is in danger ..some hormones makes his attitudes spontaneous.. that means he wont think about his actions when he is in such a position.. am not sure I never been there
Reply:i`d be shooting my best friend who can sacrifice for me..

because shooting and killing are both two different things..

shooting doesnt mean i am going to shoot him on the head rather may be on arms or legs.. so that he wont die.. later on this can be cured.. but killing me or him is not a better option in any situation...

Reply:I would be shot and killed cause murder is breaking God's commandment and that is not a good thing.
Reply:I would choose to die rather than shoot somebody that I loved. I could not live with myself otherwise, so the remainder of my life would be worthless, anyway.
Reply:i would not shoot my friend, but do my best to escape. if i got shot i would have saved someone elses life, so that would make me feel better than being a killer for the rest of my life
Reply:WOW that's hard.

Is a suicide pact allowed?

I ask that because this is an impossible situation. A No Win situation. A person who demands that I kill my best friend in order to live, is a person who likely has no value for life and, therefore, cannot be trusted. Despite any guarantees, I have no real proof that after killing my friend, this person wouldn't kill me anyway. NOR do I have any substantial proof that if I chose to be shot, that this person wouldn't kill my friend anyway.

As both my best friend and I discovered, in reality, while answering a similar question as a dare, the person required to kill the friend would do so out of self-preservation, but the friend would defend himself and kill the self-preservationist out of defense. This, of course would be a total scam which may or may not fool the monster making the impossible proposition, but it would satisfy the conditions of the situation, while allowing two people who care about each other to be the ones to commit the final act.
Reply:i would rather be shot myself then kill my best friend because first of all muder is sin and i would jump in front of a bullet for anyone that i care about.
Reply:shoot my best family....wife or kids.......myself
Reply:Too Bad d00d.I dont have a best friend. Hey I've got an idea!! why'nt you be my best friend so that I can shoot u.muahahaha!!

In c language int i;for(i=0;i;)printf("hai friend"); //no output for this program if u placed for(;0;) than

second part of "for " is condition. since your condition is false / 0, it will not go inside.

for(Initialisation; loop Condition; next operation)

In c language int i;for(i=0;i;)printf("hai friend"); //no output for this program if u placed for(;0;) than
In you're Ques both the 'for' loops mean the same. The only thing is you will be wasting the memory for 'i' and also wasting the execotion time of the prog in the first loop.

The nxt time if you have you're Ques, please make it clear.
Reply:1) Question makes no sense

2) Frame your question properly so that at least one can give proper answers that help you

3) Provide as much data as you can of the problem

4) In case of programs try to publish programs completely.
Reply:The place where '0' is condition so u must spcify the condition following program will explain

int i;

for (i=0;i%26lt;10;i++)

printf("hai friend");

the program will display 10 times

but what u mentioned what not correct

Happy learning
Reply:The question is making no sense, there is no condition set...

please reconfirm your question..!
Reply:correct format of for loop is as follows




you can use this loop as






How can i tell my 5-6 pregnant girl friend that she is a *********. to me now and how can i fix it?

Honey, if she's pregnant, she's bound to be hormonal. I would recommend trying your best not to agitate her. I've never been pregnant or a really hormonal person but just don't pester her about things is what I recommend. And keep in mind, she may change. If she is keeping the baby and when it is born, she may see new lights and her lifestyle will surely change. Are you ready for all that? Cope with her and help her with what you can.

How can i tell my 5-6 pregnant girl friend that she is a *********. to me now and how can i fix it?
well during pregnacy sometimes a women can say something that she doesnt mean. her body is going through so many things right now, now just tell her how you feel. now if she was acting like a ***** before she got pregant then she is just a ***** peroid. but be kind to her needs bc being pregnat is not always fabolous. women need a man to be by their side, bc of the emotions and the body changes she goes through. if she says " baby im fat tell her shes beautiful.

just tell her how she glows and how much you love her even how you wanna break her neck. dont worry when the baby comes it was all worth it.

My girl friend lives 17 miles away and i can't c her what should i do?

Get a bike.

My girl friend lives 17 miles away and i can't c her what should i do?
sorry's not going to work out:))
Reply:yahoo chat n ask her 2 turn the web cam on!!! cal her! tlk to her!!! ask her to send a recent pic of hers!???
Reply:get another !
Reply:Use a web cam. That way you guys can see each other %26amp; talk to each other as if you were at her house.


An ex friend of mine rapped my girlfriend and everytime i c him i beat the **** out of him is that good?

I'd step it up, everytime I beat his ***, I'd drop the heel of my boot into his balls, really, crush his testicles permanently.

My brothers friend brother just now got invited to the B.C. Lions but he is still in college.?

Is that strange?

My brothers friend brother just now got invited to the B.C. Lions but he is still in college.?
Could be to see how he plays. An invite doesn't neccessarily mean a tryout. Same thing happened to a friend of mine's son. He had been drafted by BC as well and attended 2 training camps while he was still in university. He plays for them now, but was just being exposed to a pro training camp and receiving additional coaching.
Reply:If he's Canadian (or considered a Canadian under CFL rules, which doesn't always mean being a Canadian citizen), then no, it's not usual. CFL teams are able to draft Canadian players who still have college eligibility left.
Reply:why would that be strange if he is a good player than he should get invited to play football, no matter what school he is in sports are more important

I lived with a long time friend borrowed clothes and now says there gone b/c i abandon them?


I lived with a long time friend borrowed clothes and now says there gone b/c i abandon them?
Yeah you have a right to your stuff. That sucks shes gonna ruin a friendship over clothes. If they were really worth it you could take her to small claims court but you will need reciepts and stuff. If her friendship is worth more than the clothes then let by-gones be by-gones and just dont lend her anymore of your stuff.
Reply:that's very wrong of her to do that but my ex friend did the same thing to me but instead of getting my stuff back she burned it, so yeah I'd go to her house and ask very nicely " can i please have my stuff back" and if not get the law

My friend will soon lose her apartment in Charleston S.C.Where can she get rental assistance she cant work.?

rental assistance is also known as secition 8. here's the housing authority for the county in which she lives.

My friend will soon lose her apartment in Charleston S.C.Where can she get rental assistance she cant work.?
Why should we care??? Let the friend be homeless, the lazy bum.
Reply:go to the s r s office and the social security office to
Reply:She can head over to and get housing assistance.
Reply:She needs to file for disability and check with the local welfare office.


My friend has completed his graduation in bioscience(pass)under C.U what courses r available for him 2 get job

His school, very likely, has job placement assistance. That is where he should start.

My friend has small breasts, i have big boobs size C and whenever we go out...?

she gets self concious %26amp; sumtimes gets mad @ me. i no its not her fault 4 getting mad, but even natural things like pills dont work, what can i do bcuz she kant afford surgery =(

My friend has small breasts, i have big boobs size C and whenever we go out...?
OMFG thats totally deja vu. Well my friend is a c cup also and i have small boobs, and whenever were together people think i'm her little sister. It drives me crazy cause guys always pay attention to her and i know how ur friend feels. IT SUCKS!!! but you have to get over it. It's really hard to find an agreement to that. NO there is no way i reduce the size of your boobs unless you wanna were a potatoe sack that reads loser across your chest. What i always tell myself is that when guys likes me i know that they like me for me and not for my figure. It a very touchy subject but i was so shocked when i saw this cause i though it was my friend. lol.........hope you find the information you need.much love
Reply:tell her to be grateful for what she has........
Reply:Hey I love Big Boobs,BUT I also go by other things that attract me to a Lady,and there are plenty of guys and I know a few who don't go for big BOObs(don't understand it,but)anyways everybodys different,and as I said you can't go just for one feature,thats petty and small ,you don't want somebody like that anyways,she needs to understand that,she'll find her guys,just like you,Drum that into her little head,I can't, your there and your her friend!!!
Reply:I like small ones so tell her that we are out there! She just has to keep looking for us!
Reply:Why don't u bind your breasts, then she'll more confident,DUH!!!
Reply:you shouldn't change ur friend ~ u should love them for the way they are and they should love themselves and not want to change ~

being self concious is a natural thing but you shouldn't worry about appearance it should be all about your personality and how u present yourself
Reply:Tell her to be grateful indeed because she will probably have to deal with heavy breasts when she is older. I still wear a size 6 but my breasts are bigger now that I'm older and it makes me look fat.

She should accent her hips. I think the US is the only place in the world obsessed with breasts. They want women to look like big cows.
Reply:go to victoria secrets and buy her some boobs the ones they have there work really well there like $80
Reply:tell your friend not to be self conscious, if you are self conscious i don't know how but guys can see that you have a low self esteem and won't want any thing to do with you, guys look for girls that like what they have and aren't scared to show it off a little bit!!!
Reply:It's the whole package, not just the breast size that's important

My friend read some book and it said that b/c you can peel it and it has seeds, its a fruit. is this true?

(she also said corn, green beans, and okra are fruits. is this true either?)

My friend read some book and it said that b/c you can peel it and it has seeds, its a fruit. is this true?
i think people are going to answer before me, but ill try anyway

A vegetable is considered to be edible roots, tubers, stems, leaves, fruits, seeds, flower clusters, and other softer plant parts. In common usage, however, there is no exact distinction between a vegetable and a fruit.The usual example is the tomato, which is a fruit, but is eaten as a vegetable, as are cucumbers, peppers, melons, and squashes. The classification of plants as vegetables is largely determined by custom, culture, and usage.
Reply:I was always under the impression that if flesh surrounds it's seeds, botanically, it's classified as a fruit.

However, in the kitchen, a fruit is sweet, whereas a vegetable is used in savoury dishes.
Reply:no. you can peel a pepper if you wanted too, but it's still a vegetable.
Reply:"In botany, a fruit is the ripened ovary—together with seeds—of a flowering plant. ... In cuisine, when discussing fruit as food, the term usually refers to just those plant fruits that are sweet and fleshy, examples of which include plum, apple and orange. However, a great many common vegetables, as well as nuts and grains, are the fruit of the plant species they come from."

So, if you are talking about cooking, corn, green beans, and okra are generally considered vegetables instead of fruit. However, botanically-speaking, many (but not all) culinary vegetables are classified as fruits.
Reply:can u peel a watermelon? i didnt think so. u can peel a potato but its a veggie. Wtf kinda book was it anyway?!?!
Reply:[1]I don't know what okra is and the other two are vegetables.[2]Most fruits have seeds and are peelable. Ex:oranges.
Reply:the requirement is to have seeds for it to be a fruit...

My friend has 2 dui's in 1 month. I C the penalties for 3 R up to a yr in jail, what do U get on the 4th dui?

license revocation, jail time, more attorney fees.

If he get's to an accident and killed innocent people, then he should never be alowed to drive EVER again

My friend has 2 dui's in 1 month. I C the penalties for 3 R up to a yr in jail, what do U get on the 4th dui?
If this is your fourth or more offense it may be considered a felony DUI. Punishment for such an offense includes up to three years in state prison, permanent loss of license and more.
Reply:That depends on in which state you live. In KS, 4 or more becomes a felony. That means if convicted you face a prison sentence instead of jail.

Even then, based on criminal history, the offender may be placed on probation after a mandatory sentence period (30 day in jail here).

Check with a local attorney that focuses on DUI. I'm sure you can find one in any phone book. Maybe 20!
Reply:How about revocation of Driver's License for life and addtional year in jail. DON'T DRINK AND DRIVE. DUH!
Reply:MayB U get DOA...
Reply:This is a world-wide site and we don't know where you are, and the answer depends where you live: what country, what state... But a 4th DUI would have to be a pretty heavy penalty. e.g. Maybe some years in prison, life ban from driving, huge fines, that sort of thing.

If you google DUI penalty you should get some pretty good info. Here's one which gives links for info for all US states:
Reply:This I think tells the best......
Reply:10 years in jail,,,,,and he will never get to drive again
Reply:The penalties? I'd say your friend is now severly 'screwed'. He's looking at fines up the ying-yang, heavy jail time, his driver's license is now gone (as if it wasn't taken before). Too bad your 'friend' never learned to NOT drive after drinking. That sucks but I don't feel sorry for 'your friend' because your friend made the choice and now gets to deal with the outcome. Be thankful this person didn't kill anyone.
Reply:lucky he didn't kill someone?
Reply:Tell your "friend" to just stop driving drunk. ::rollseyes::
Reply:Tell your friend to stop drinking and driving and they won't have to worry about it. Perhaps your friend should be thinking more about the innocent lives he/she is putting in danger rather than his/her own skin.
Reply:Each state has its own penalties for multiple DUI's. In most states a fourth DUI conviction would constitute a felony, likely punishable by up to 5 years in prison. It would also probably come with a lifetime suspension of one's driver's license.


My friend can't view my webcam, why not? w/c properly connected.?

Whoa, what's goin on there?

Friday, July 31, 2009

My friend said that i could find wedding photo at C i can't find were to click on to.

You should look for an answer in

The category here is for Yahoo Groups - a different product altogether.

My friend wants coles bad,he wants to give me c.johnson should i make this trade and hope johnson bust out-?

or keep coles i am in a point per reception league,and i know johnson has much more fantasy potential,,my other recievers are driver ,,kennison,,chambers,,welker,,

My friend wants coles bad,he wants to give me c.johnson should i make this trade and hope johnson bust out-?
coles safe pick? Who u kidding? The guy is questionable every week. But cinci has henry back so johnson is gonna share with him. I would still do the trade though
Reply:Yeah, I would. ocho-cinco is going to start going crazy when palmer gets his mind over his knee injury. I think next week will be the start. And besides, driver and your other recievers would make up for the receptions. Johnson has a much higher upside.

Good luck with it all though
Reply:you gotta keep coles even though he always seems hurt...i think palmer is starting to like housh better than johnson...actually i just traded johnson for housh
Reply:Chad Johnson may eventually break out and become the player he has been in the past. But Coles is a safe pick because he is Pennington's main target. You're suprisingly thin at receiver given the players there.
Reply:keep laveranues coles don't trade for chad johnson hell the reason your friend is willing to make this trade is because he knows laveranues coles is the main weapon on the jets he only shares the ball with jerricho cotchery where chad johnson has to share the ball with t.j. houshmanzadeh chris henry and rudi johnson just keep coles and that's the bottom line

My friend had a miscarrage but didnt get a d & c, doesnt she need one?

The doc said she didnt need one, but I think she does.

My friend had a miscarrage but didnt get a d %26amp; c, doesnt she need one?
Not necessarily, often the baby passes on its own without a d%26amp;c
Reply:I miscarried and didn't have one. If after it's over...the doctor does a pelvic and finds that there's nothing left, it's unnecessary to put your friend through a surgery.
Reply:No. I lost my first baby at 6 weeks. The doctor said there was no need for it. Your period will clean you out if its early in the pregancy.
Reply:I had a miscarriage with out one, but should have had one. So the Dr. ended up going in and manually giving me one the old fashion way i guess, and then i had to be put on an strong antibiotic just to be sure if any was left there would be no infection. So I'm sure the Dr. told your friend if she gets any fever what so ever get her to a Dr. quick.
Reply:Hell yeah, They should have given her one at the hospital. It can kill her if there is any debris left inside of her. She needs to go get some help as soon as possible, this is a matter of life or death!
Reply:no. Her body will naturally purge itself. A d%26amp;c is an invasive treatment to rid the body of a fetus while it is still alive.
Reply:It is not always necessary, and her doctor probably knows more about it than you do.
Reply:No. Most women don't need one. I didn't have one and I'm fine. It's something too many doctors do unnecessarily.
Reply:I think the doc knows better.

What do you think women did for centuries without d%26amp;c's after miscarrying? The body will naturally get rid of any foreign matter that remains after that.
Reply:not always if it was early on as long as her doc says shes is fine then she is
Reply:I guess it varies with each pregnancy. I miscarried and didnt get a d%26amp;c but then when i got pregnant again, i had alot of complications because of not getting it and almost miscarried again.
Reply:If she wasn't far along, the body will take care of that itself. People only need a d%26amp;c if they are a certain time period along.
Reply:What makes you think that she does anyways?

I had a miscarriage and didn't need one. As long as she passed everything on her own then no she doesn't need one. It sounds like the Dr checked to make sure she did and everything was fine. There are very rare instances where one wasn't performed when needed. She will be fine, at least physically. You as her friend should be there for her emotional support and her Dr can take care of the physical aspects of it.
Reply:i think the person who went to medical school and has been practicing medicine for awhile will know
Reply:I've had 5 miscarriages and only got far enough along once to require a procedure. The doc will do an ultrasound to determine whether any tissue has been left in the uterus. Usually, it takes care of itself.
Reply:If you are less than three months pregnant when you misscarry, your body will pass the fetus by itself. No need for a painful d%26amp;c. Her doc may also perscribe her some medication to help pass it as well.


My friend Just had a baby and she had a c-section but she has an awful odor what should she do?

My boyfriend left me and my baby for a women w/ two kids and he just meet her the end of oct. and he already told her he love her, or he told me that to make me mad?

My friend Just had a baby and she had a c-section but she has an awful odor what should she do?
You have a very conflicting question , my dear. It just doesn't make sense :-)
Reply:If your friend just had a baby .... I would call the Dr. for an appointment explaining to him the problem. I am sure he will schedule an appointment sooner than you think. As for as boyfriend and so call Dad of this child ... He had this in the making already it just did not start after you brought the baby home.. Please look at all the sign and I bet it will all come together.
Reply:First your friend should see her Dr regarding the C-section. Secondly, it sounds like your boyfriend lacks any sense of good judgment but no one here knows the whole story. Decide to love you child and yourself. Find help in your situation.

Looking for dr. james c. wilson, III, m.d. place of business-old friend. last seen redondo beach?

middle name = cornelius

Looking for dr. james c. wilson, III, m.d. place of business-old friend. last seen redondo beach?
Sorry you are in the wrong section.Try calling information for Redondo beach they may have his new address.
Reply:have you tryed the local phone books if not keep useing the internet i hope something turns up GOOD LUCK

morning glory

My best friend in the whole world never hangs out with me b/c of her boyfriend do i drop her as a friend?

I feel so deserted. we have been friends for 10 years. and she is one of the 3 ppl cloestest to me and helped me thorugh a really hard time. I feel like she dosnt care anymore. I dont want to lose her but I feel like i am. In the past 3 weeks we have hung out once. i miss out times together

My best friend in the whole world never hangs out with me b/c of her boyfriend do i drop her as a friend?
I believe there should be a balance between friends and bfs and if she was your bff in the whole world she wouldnt ditch you for her guy! you always need your friends no matter what
Reply:Friends doesn't necessarily mean you spend all your time together all through your lives. WHen the shoe is on the other foot, you'll see that there isn't that much time to spend with your friends.

I would make the effort and get her and the boyfriend out, spend time with both of them, who knows maybe he is a really nice guy.

Just because you're not spending all your time together doesn't mean she does not care, but there are some times in life when you don't spend all that time together, and this is one of them. You can let it break your friendship, or you can show that you understand, and when the boyfriend has gone that you are still there, and that your friendship isn't reliant on all her time.
Reply:Dont drop her as a friend. Trust me. My ex best friend of 13 years did that to me when i got a bf 3 years ago. I dont want to be mean to you, but as people growup, it's ok not to spend as much time with eachother. She has a new bf and she's excited about it, but that doesnt mean she doesnt like you anymore. just give her some time and she'll start to miss you, just as much as you miss her. dont drop her as a friend. when my ex friend did that to me, it hurt alot. i realized that she felt a bit neglected but, seriously grow up. if you had a bf you would be doing the same thing.
Reply:I would talk her to her and have a heart to heart. If she responds coldly to your feelings and makes no effort to spend more time on the friendship, I think you do need to put some more space there and find some new friends. It's not uncommon to drift from people you've known for 10 years or so. It's sad, but people sometimes grow apart.
Reply:talk 2 her tell her how you feel and make plans AHEAD so she can tell her bf that she's busy then. Really, if she's your bff tell her how you feel. And DON"T drop her as your friend or bff! BEST OF LUCK!!!!

-ALWAYS %26lt;3 u'r bff-

( %26lt;3 is a heart=love!)
Reply:i think its best u tell her how you feel.

i mean she is so post to be a good friend.

n like how lonng had she known dat guy compare to you.

u should talk really.

it will help. is very important, but your gonna have boyz comming in and out of her life! FRIENDS are very imortant! help her find some time for just you to! dont worrie it will work out trust me! been there done that!
Reply:just tell her how you feel. if shes really your bestest friend in the whole world she'll understand...if not dont 'drop' her as a friend just give it some time and eventually she'll probably start spending more time with you
Reply:Nope, it could be her boyfrieds fault, and she could just be overwhelmed w/ shcool/work. its not her fault, and u shouldnt risk a good friend just because they dont hang out w/ u as much as youd like them 2
Reply:no, but tell her how you feel, she's probably just so into this bf/gf deal that she spaced, she'll probably feel bad and make more time in her schedule for you and other friends

How con i chose my best Friend from you &mmy id is priteshshtgnkr420@yahoo.c...?


How con i chose my best Friend from you %26amp;mmy id is priteshshtgnkr420@yahoo.c...?
Have faith and God wil bring you a wonderful friend. A friend that will be by your side all the time until death do you both apart. Good luck, my friend in search of a best friend.
Reply:your Best Friend should be Jesus, he knows you by heart %26amp; name

Hi, i am from india.can i will get admission in u.k. for college. my friend sponser me .my qualification s.s.c

passed in 1995. ilike to b study in u.k. %26amp; i m married peson. i have one daughter. she is one year old. i went to cruiseliner in u.k.%26amp; like to work in u.k.%26amp;study also

Hi, i am from india.can i will get admission in u.k. for college. my friend sponser me .my qualification s.s.c
i ll give contact no for that person takin admission in uk

ph no. 0755-4059706 m. no 9893484938

Here's a joke. A friend told me it, is it not P.C.?

A woman got into a car accident, and when she went around to get his info, she noticed he was a dwarf. He said, I am not Happy! She answered, then which one are you?

Here's a joke. A friend told me it, is it not P.C.?
Oh dear this question could get deleted! It could be Sneezy or Grumpy then! LOL
Reply:Funny cuse Im not a dwarf!!!
Reply:Thats funny,(LOL) Got any more?
Reply:haha i like it!!!
Reply:HCl !!!
Reply:It's fine as far as PC.


Trying to track old friend believed to be living in N.Y.C?

Looking for Miss Julia who makes bags %26amp; perhaps designs Swimwear-she is English about 40-does anyone know her?o

Trying to track old friend believed to be living in N.Y.C?
try using, but you have 2 pay 2 track down ppl
Reply:this is gud....i use it a lot Report It

Reply:Try using,, and different search engines for addtional info on this person. : )

The other day my friend somehow called me from their computer? b/c thier phone bill wasn't paid and i was?

wondering how i could use that? it was for the sprint phone service

The other day my friend somehow called me from their computer? b/c thier phone bill wasn't paid and i was?

You have to pay to call regular phones or for a phone number so regular phones can call you.
Reply:ask her
Reply:you can ask her but i think she had a microphone on her computer and she could have called you through the new aim
Reply:not sure you could ask her how she did it. i know that in yahoo mess u can talk if you have a microphone.

If my friend's bf is waiting for her to break up with him b.c. he said he wouldnt should i tell my friend?

If i was your friend.. I would definitely want to know...

Because that's not cool, and a way to be a friend is to tell her the truth...

Even if she doesn't believe you, at least you told her from your heart....

Hope it all works out



If my friend's bf is waiting for her to break up with him b.c. he said he wouldnt should i tell my friend?
stay out of it, this is one of those damned if you do damned if you dont situations
Reply:I suggest you stay out of it. While you're just trying to help your friend, she might take it the wrong way and get angry at you or something. You can try to give her little hints about it, but don't say it straight up. Just ask her casual questions like " are [her bf's name] and you doing?" and stuff like that.
Reply:Duh! Yea! Why wouldnt you?
Reply:no just stay out of it

I have a friend im some what close 2 we always c each ohter and joke around should i ask her out but, what if?

sure u should its a 50/50 chance she`ll say yes and maybe she waiting for u to ask her out and maybe she feels the same way about u

I have a friend im some what close 2 we always c each ohter and joke around should i ask her out but, what if?
in life there will always be what ifs, just ask her out. yes what if she says no thats a possibility,but her saying yes is another possibility.
Reply:You could her invite her to something you mutually enjoy and don't call it a date...unless it starts to feel like one.Good luck.
Reply:go ahead,just remember the Golden Rule: "do not do unto other what you do not want other do unto you". . .and value your friendship.
Reply:if you are truly good friends with this person than there should be no difference in your relationship and if there is it will probably be a good kind of difference and if the person says no than, well life goes on.
Reply:Don't care about what if ask her what she thinks of u and ask her to go to dinner as a friend and if that gos well ask her out!

sweet pea

Y ozer guys r jealous if u got a really beautiful g.friend..y zey kant bear it to c u wiz her..?y lf is unfair

It's simple -- it's because they are jealous that you were able to find someone so beautiful and they wish they could have someone just as beautiful as your girlfriend, too. Let them be jealous and enjoy the fact you have such a hot woman by your side. They are just being immature. Good luck.

Y ozer guys r jealous if u got a really beautiful g.friend..y zey kant bear it to c u wiz her..?y lf is unfair
you young people are doomed once you hit the real world.
Reply:Wow. What language are they teaching in schools now?
Reply:It just in not fair.....what is she doing with a schmuck like you anyway?
Reply:wut the heck?
Reply:A womans Beauty is more than just about looks. Even if we don't say it, we sense it. Men sense it and women sense it too. It can easily become a status symbol for the guy that has the girl, a lonely place for the girl that is not aware of her own beauty (but other females are), and a place of arrogance and ignorance if she is lifted up in her own beauty. No mistake, the jealousy will always be there. The first time guys fought over me, I was in the fourth grade. What's up with that? Jealousy seems unfair, but you also have to leave some space for her to say, "No", or you will become an emotional bully. Just rest youself.