Friday, July 31, 2009

I have a friend im some what close 2 we always c each ohter and joke around should i ask her out but, what if?

sure u should its a 50/50 chance she`ll say yes and maybe she waiting for u to ask her out and maybe she feels the same way about u

I have a friend im some what close 2 we always c each ohter and joke around should i ask her out but, what if?
in life there will always be what ifs, just ask her out. yes what if she says no thats a possibility,but her saying yes is another possibility.
Reply:You could her invite her to something you mutually enjoy and don't call it a date...unless it starts to feel like one.Good luck.
Reply:go ahead,just remember the Golden Rule: "do not do unto other what you do not want other do unto you". . .and value your friendship.
Reply:if you are truly good friends with this person than there should be no difference in your relationship and if there is it will probably be a good kind of difference and if the person says no than, well life goes on.
Reply:Don't care about what if ask her what she thinks of u and ask her to go to dinner as a friend and if that gos well ask her out!

sweet pea

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