Thursday, July 30, 2009

My friend is tore all to pieces b/c she loves her bfriend yet she cant stand bein w him bc hes a butt?

basically she cant be with him but she cant be without him... what should she do?

My friend is tore all to pieces b/c she loves her bfriend yet she cant stand bein w him bc hes a butt?
I don't know if this helps, but most boyfriends/husbands are butts... It's just the honest truth... And I very much love my husband, who is usually the king of being a butt!! :-)

Seriously though, she just needs to decide if it's worth it-- do they really love each other, does he treat her badly? If he treats her horribly, she needs to drop him... If he just drives her crazy sometimes, but they really do have a deep love for each other, then stick it out... It's worth it.
Reply:well she is going to have to decide cause if he makes her feel unhappy when they are together then it probably better if is leaves him.but If they argue just a little and once in a while then I guess that's normal cause my guy and me are like always arguing but we make up that same day cause we just cant stay mad at each other but it up to her of what she is going to do. If he is worth it then she is just going to have to help him to change but if it is to much for her to handle then I hate to say it but its best for her to leave him.
Reply:Tell her to talk to him about how he makes her feel

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