Thursday, July 30, 2009

What should I do about my girlfriend's friend who is telling her to break it off with me b/c I am controlling?

Okay, there is this girl that was friends with my girlfriend (until I forbid her from hanging out with her) that keeps calling my girlfriend and trying to get her to break things off with me. She's pissed at me for making my girlfriend drop out of school and for telling her what clothes to wear, what not to watch on tv, etc. What she doesn't understand is that it is my right as her boyfriend to control her but not her right. Anyways, my girlfriend isn't allowed to call this girl but her friend keeps calling her. I'm thinking about disconnecting her phone and getting a new phone number but i'm not sure if that would mean a new contract. She still has about 4 months left on it (cell phone). However, even if I did, I think this wicked lady would come visit her at her apartment. This is one of those girls who doesn't believe in patriachy or male sovereignity so you probably know what I'm talking about. What do you think I should do about this?

What should I do about my girlfriend's friend who is telling her to break it off with me b/c I am controlling?
I think you should stop trying ton control who your girlfriend sees and what she does, what she wears, etc. If your girlfriend had half a brain she would kick you to the curb. Controlling someone is a type of abuse, it's called "emotional" abuse. You're an abuser.

"Am I out of line for having my girlfriend address me as "sir" or "master"? (nonsexual)?

Should I permit my girlfriend to go to the beach without me?

What should I do about my girlfriend's friend who is telling her to break it off with me b/c I am controlling?

Was I wrong to restrict my girlfriend's tv programming?

Was I wrong for smacking my girlfriend's hand?

Should I let my girlfriend eat burgers and fries? (need objective advice)?

What is a good bedtime for a wife or girlfriend? I told mine 10 p.m. lights out and she thinks its not fair.?

Isn't the man supposed to be head of the household??

What are some logical punishments I can give my girlfriend when she does something wrong?

Does a wife ever have a right to not obey her husband?"
Reply:" until I forbid her from hanging out with her "

I didnt have to read any further to determine that either this is some kind of joke post, to gain some weird attention, ro that you have a serious problem.

if your post is genuine, you are in need of some serious counseling.

while there were some patriarchy type attitudes hundreds of years ago, and in some countries where religion dictates, it is not an acceptable position in most areas of the world now.

you are completely, utterly, out of line to limit or attempt to control this young lady's friendships, education, clothing, entertainment- anything. in the end, the only person you can truely control is yourself- and you arent really in control of that, as you feel the need to dominate someone in order to feel secure.

her friend is calling repeatedly because this is abusive. I sincerely hope your post is a joke- and if it is not, you should seriously consider getting some counseling for yourself, because you are heading down a dark and lonely path. no one that truely loves someone acts this way, and no amount of control of anyone is oging to bring you the security you are looking for. that my friend is only found from within- secure men do not need to dominate anyone, and are more than respected and loved in return.
Reply:Get off you girl's back man!!!! Don't you realize she's in so much more stress than you??? Try to be alittle more nice and understanding, but don't give up control. THat's what she likes, for you to control her. But just for show, to get the friend off her back, lay off. Be a bit nice. Either that or see your gf go through an emotional breakdown and break up.
Reply:Im sorry did you say your girlfriend or your dog? Im not sure where you think it's your right to control her. The only person that has that right is her. You see she's not a car, or a possession that you can just make your own. She is a person. You on the other hand are an ***. Why do you think it is your choice what she does? You are not her owner. If you don't like what she does, then don't be with her. You can not go through life making people do what you want. It dosen't happen that way. What if people decided what you could do? Like i decide that you can't be a controlling possive egotistical moron. Now you see I have the right to decide that, but truthfully, you don't have to listen. The same goes for your poor girlfriend. You have the right to be an ahole, but she doesn't have to listen. Maybe you would have a better relationship with a rock, or a piece of dirt, it seems that is what you want. You want an inanimate object, something that just does what you want. People have the right to do as they please, not take orders and do what is convenient to you. Hopefully this poor girls friends help her stay away from you and she can find someone who let's her be herself.
Reply:since when is it right for u to control ur gf- and 2nd, wut does ur gf think about all of this- she actually lets u tell her what to do like that- with the clothes and tv etc- dude, u seriously need to take a look at how u are behaving and CHANGE UR WAYS!! this is not the correct way to be in a relationship, and if u think it is, then wow...i must be missing something.
Reply:Michael is that you??? I swear you sound just like my sisters worthless boyfriend. Grow up!

Ok....I just read your other questions and you are obviously just trying to get peoples attention. I still feel the same. Grow up!!!!
Reply:Oh, man, right on brother. You da MAN!!!
Reply:well i side with your girlfriend's friends. you are controlling...
Reply:Tell her she is right and then break up with your girlfriend.
Reply:Try a threesome?
Reply:nothing, if you think you can control your girlfriend, than your crazy, and if she lets you then she's crazy! there's married guys that know they can not control their wife, expecially not a girlfriend. what are you gonna do if your gf leaves you, you can't find a woman to do every thing you want her to do....... i wouldn't let you, and most women wouldn't either......... change your ways, or you will be lonely........ no one wants a person to control them.
Reply:i think that your girlfriend should develop a brain and get away from you. are you her father? do you pay her bills? what do you do for her?

i think that the friend is being a friend and trying to help the girlfriend develop her brain and a backbone to tell you to hit the door and dont come back.

thats what any girl with a real brain would do.

there is no male sovereignity anymore. that went out with the slaves, so get a life and get a grip on reality
Reply:Who are you trying to kid. YOU ARE INTO GUYS
Reply:I finally looked at your other questions, and I figured it out with the kitten one. You ?s are actually pretty funny! Oh, and you should definitely put a hit out on the "wicked lady".
Reply:Knock a ***** out. No don't.
Reply:You need to up the ante. Put one of those rubber ball gags in your girlfriend's mouth, a blindfold over her eyes, shotgun earplugs in her ears, and tie her *** up. See if she communicates with her friend now!

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