Friday, July 31, 2009

Help!! my friends dont now if i should go out w/ this guy b/c my friends totally disagree w/ it?

so my ex and i still like e/o and hes gonna break-up w/ his g/f to go out w/ me again, but my friends disagree b/c hes a stoner and they think that i could do better, but i really dont think i could. hes great and i didnt even tell my freinds that i like him again, b/c @ one time i hated him and they still think tht i do, buti like him again, a lot. I was talkin 2 his best friend andhe said tht he likes me 2. so should i tell my friends tht i like him and go out w/ him or should i listen to my friends? I really like this guy and all my freinds dont like him. I actually told 1 friend and she was dissapionted, but not really angry. PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEZ HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Help!! my friends dont now if i should go out w/ this guy b/c my friends totally disagree w/ it?
usually your friends are right, because they see it from a different angle, like your looking straight at him, and all you see is a nice bright light, but they see you standing in the train tracks and your about to get plowed over
Reply:that doesn't sound like a good choice to me, but hey, if u love him a lot, and ur willing to take chances of gettin in trouble w/ him, then go for it. but if i wuz u, i wouldn't do it, but hey, that's my opinion.
Reply:just be true to your self and if you date him and if it doesn't work out your friends have the right to say i told you so

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