Friday, July 31, 2009

My friend has lost his password... He also forgot the secret hint answer.. Any other way to retrieve the a/c?

he goes to the page where it asks for the hint question.. But after that it says a/c disabled for 12 hrs

My friend has lost his password... He also forgot the secret hint answer.. Any other way to retrieve the a/c?
Listen he is not getting back into his account that way. He needs to call this number and explain what happen. I just got locked out of my account for three days along with my husband, and friends. This is the number 1-866-562-7219. There is a virus that is going around on messenger. A smiley comes up his toungue sticking out saying view my pics. You think it is from one of your friends but its not. Let me know how it turns out. My sister just did it this morning and she is back in.
Reply:You're not trying to hack, are you?????
Reply:As long as you have your user name you can usually get your password emailed to you...all you need then is the password to get into the email account.
Reply:dial 911 for help...
Reply:oh please! are you trying to hack into his account? don't be so obvious about it.

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