Thursday, July 30, 2009

My friend ended a yr long relationship b/c of long distanc etc... and not her X is really forgeting things...?

She hooked up with him after graduation, and spent the whole summer with him, at the end of the summer she knew she loved him they decided to stay together even though they would be 300 miles away (for college)... she saw her self marying him and having a whole future :) they struggled cause of the long distance... it kinda turned into an open relationship ( they were trying to date others, to see what was out there but they were supposed to tell each other about them he didn't tell her about one...) but she still loved him. She went home for the summer and was with him the whole time. he became her FIRST (hint)... but they ended up breakingup due to the long distance when heading back to college.

She has been getting over him but can't help but love him (even though she kinda thinks it's stupid). apparently he has become ill and is getting memory loss... he doesn't know why they broke up and keeps asking for her to take him back...

should she get back with him mem los + dist???

My friend ended a yr long relationship b/c of long distanc etc... and not her X is really forgeting things...?
Ugh don't tell me that. My gf and I will have to go through the same thing in June. But as per your question, long distance relationships never work. Besides, it seems like your friend was waay more into the relationship than he was. I think, as hard and heartbreaking as it may be, she should just try to remember the happy times - not dwell on them; and move on.


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