Thursday, July 30, 2009

I have a 13 year girl friend i got her a necklace she says she doesnt want jewlery for c-mas wat should i get?

My girlfriend is great, she is 13 and i possibly love her, i got her a diamond necklace for our 1 month, she doesnt want jewlery for c-mas, what should i get her, i only have $100 to spend and i want her to know that i love her

I have a 13 year girl friend i got her a necklace she says she doesnt want jewlery for c-mas wat should i get?
1. If it is a real diamond, she will love it no matter what.

2. If she really loves you she won't care.

3. If you know she would care that you didn't listen to her, I would buy her a coach purse, I am almost thirteen and I would love getting either of those for Christmas! Hope I helped. :)

morning glory

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