Friday, July 31, 2009

My friend Just had a baby and she had a c-section but she has an awful odor what should she do?

My boyfriend left me and my baby for a women w/ two kids and he just meet her the end of oct. and he already told her he love her, or he told me that to make me mad?

My friend Just had a baby and she had a c-section but she has an awful odor what should she do?
You have a very conflicting question , my dear. It just doesn't make sense :-)
Reply:If your friend just had a baby .... I would call the Dr. for an appointment explaining to him the problem. I am sure he will schedule an appointment sooner than you think. As for as boyfriend and so call Dad of this child ... He had this in the making already it just did not start after you brought the baby home.. Please look at all the sign and I bet it will all come together.
Reply:First your friend should see her Dr regarding the C-section. Secondly, it sounds like your boyfriend lacks any sense of good judgment but no one here knows the whole story. Decide to love you child and yourself. Find help in your situation.

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