Friday, July 31, 2009

Y ozer guys r jealous if u got a really beautiful g.friend..y zey kant bear it to c u wiz her..?y lf is unfair

It's simple -- it's because they are jealous that you were able to find someone so beautiful and they wish they could have someone just as beautiful as your girlfriend, too. Let them be jealous and enjoy the fact you have such a hot woman by your side. They are just being immature. Good luck.

Y ozer guys r jealous if u got a really beautiful g.friend..y zey kant bear it to c u wiz her..?y lf is unfair
you young people are doomed once you hit the real world.
Reply:Wow. What language are they teaching in schools now?
Reply:It just in not fair.....what is she doing with a schmuck like you anyway?
Reply:wut the heck?
Reply:A womans Beauty is more than just about looks. Even if we don't say it, we sense it. Men sense it and women sense it too. It can easily become a status symbol for the guy that has the girl, a lonely place for the girl that is not aware of her own beauty (but other females are), and a place of arrogance and ignorance if she is lifted up in her own beauty. No mistake, the jealousy will always be there. The first time guys fought over me, I was in the fourth grade. What's up with that? Jealousy seems unfair, but you also have to leave some space for her to say, "No", or you will become an emotional bully. Just rest youself.

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