Thursday, July 30, 2009

Anyone know of nice meaningful presents u could give a friend who means alot but wont c for a long time again

There's loads but I think a beautiful watch would be nice, because they'll use it everyday and when they look at it , it will remind them of you!

Anyone know of nice meaningful presents u could give a friend who means alot but wont c for a long time again
well, in this case giving something which is very costly will make no sense. if the person is a very good frnd of urs, then u can give something that will really touch ur frend's a rose, coz the feeling which comes on being presented a rose is just brillient.its a really beautiful instead of wasting ur wealt on finding something very expensive, just try out a rose...n say "this is to our frndship", n a happy mood...or something ,like that.
Reply:a night in a luxury hotel with champaign
Reply:can't say
Reply:if its a female friend how about a locket with a picture of you and your friend in it?
Reply:Maybe get a photo of the 2 of you made to a mug or mouse mat so it is a keepsake that'll remind her/him of you
Reply:When my mate was going travelling for a year i bought her a small silver locket,she loved it and she wore it the whole year that she was away.
Reply:find out what all the number 1s were on her birthday. and make her a cd.
Reply:How about a really lovely letter telling them how much their friendship means to you and that you will always be their for them no matter what or when, if there feeling a bit lonely or missing you then the letter will be something they can read over and over to know they have that one person in their heart who is always there.
Reply:something special between you guys, or something hand made? My friend made me a pillowcase with my name on it, and I still have it. Or make a scrapbook, those are always nice
Reply:One of those friendship set of necklaces.
Reply:simply flowers
Reply:Maybe, that present that i could give to my friend is my time, because since i reach my second level in college i couldn't send e-mail to them and even remember thier i guess i would give my time so that we could have a very memorable time together...i would recall some of our experiences together...
Reply:how about a photo of u both together in a nice frame u could have one each so u will always be able to see each other
Reply:A photo album with pics of good times you've had together? A CD you've burned to remind them of the music you both love? Make it something personal, not something you've bought - it will mean so much more.
Reply:May sound daft and a bit cheap but read on!

My friend and I have been best mates for 14 yrs. I was sat one day thinking about our friendship and began to write memories I shared with her down on paper. When I finished, I folded and put each memory in to a sealed jar. When I next saw my best friend, i gave her the jar and said thanks for the memories.

Next time I saw her I got a huge hug and she thanked me, looking back on the good times we had made her cry but only at the fondness of the memories. Now she tells me she keeps the jar for when she feels sad or lonley and just takes them out and reads them.

inexpensive and priceless at the same time!
Reply:Something that helps you stay in touch-vouchers for phone calls or maybe some nice writing paper and envelopes and stamps. Maybe a photo album of things you have done together with some comments written in by yourself.Paperchase do lovely albums and stationary if you are in the UK.
Reply:something with a guardian angel to look out for them until you see them again
Reply:wht about a scap book of photographs, like if you've collected things over the years to show your always thinking about them. Then they can look back on the memories. I think it should be something you can make, but thebest thing is to think of their intreasts and then decide.
Reply:give them a personal possession that has sentimental value to you. something they know you love, they'll know you'll be thinking about them in their absence.
Reply:How about a photo album full of photos charting your friendship, showing special moments and fun times. Under the photo's put funny captions or a memory of that time. Put in a letter to explain how much their friendship has meant to youat the front.

By doing this if they get homesick they have something they can look through and feel close to those they miss, and who mean a lot to them.


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