Friday, July 31, 2009

I want to send my friend a few books, she love V.C.Andrews, do you have any suggestions on books similiar?

I do not read these types of books so I have no idea where to start,,,

I want to send my friend a few books, she love V.C.Andrews, do you have any suggestions on books similiar?
Anne Rice is good...or you could go to and do a V.C. Andrews search and pick a book and then look at the books that other buyers who bought that book would buy.

This could help...and heck then you could buy the book and have them ship it to her...
Reply:2 of the first V.C.Andrews books were "Flowers in the Attic" and "Petals in the Wind"...V.C.Adrews writes in series, so I would suggest you go to a bookstore and ask for a set or series that you think your friend would enjoy and hasn't already read
Reply:Maybe you could send her books by my friend "Darcy McGuire". :) She's aussie %26amp; I've read one of her books. Her fave book is "The Professional Engagement". Well, one of her fave books that she's written anywayz. Check out I think that that's the site addy. I'm surprised that I remembered her author name... but then I remembered McGuire fr Jerry McGuire :P I wanna ask her to send me an autographed book :) Met her online actually. She's 28 I believe. Only a lil older than me :) Hope this helps ! Also, I'm not really in to romance but I thought I'd read her work :) I plan on reading more of her books. I had to get the library to order me a copy of it cuz they didn't even have it... :s (N) Oh yeah, it's a Harlequin book.


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