Friday, July 31, 2009

My friend said that i could find wedding photo at C i can't find were to click on to.

You should look for an answer in

The category here is for Yahoo Groups - a different product altogether.

My friend wants coles bad,he wants to give me c.johnson should i make this trade and hope johnson bust out-?

or keep coles i am in a point per reception league,and i know johnson has much more fantasy potential,,my other recievers are driver ,,kennison,,chambers,,welker,,

My friend wants coles bad,he wants to give me c.johnson should i make this trade and hope johnson bust out-?
coles safe pick? Who u kidding? The guy is questionable every week. But cinci has henry back so johnson is gonna share with him. I would still do the trade though
Reply:Yeah, I would. ocho-cinco is going to start going crazy when palmer gets his mind over his knee injury. I think next week will be the start. And besides, driver and your other recievers would make up for the receptions. Johnson has a much higher upside.

Good luck with it all though
Reply:you gotta keep coles even though he always seems hurt...i think palmer is starting to like housh better than johnson...actually i just traded johnson for housh
Reply:Chad Johnson may eventually break out and become the player he has been in the past. But Coles is a safe pick because he is Pennington's main target. You're suprisingly thin at receiver given the players there.
Reply:keep laveranues coles don't trade for chad johnson hell the reason your friend is willing to make this trade is because he knows laveranues coles is the main weapon on the jets he only shares the ball with jerricho cotchery where chad johnson has to share the ball with t.j. houshmanzadeh chris henry and rudi johnson just keep coles and that's the bottom line

My friend had a miscarrage but didnt get a d & c, doesnt she need one?

The doc said she didnt need one, but I think she does.

My friend had a miscarrage but didnt get a d %26amp; c, doesnt she need one?
Not necessarily, often the baby passes on its own without a d%26amp;c
Reply:I miscarried and didn't have one. If after it's over...the doctor does a pelvic and finds that there's nothing left, it's unnecessary to put your friend through a surgery.
Reply:No. I lost my first baby at 6 weeks. The doctor said there was no need for it. Your period will clean you out if its early in the pregancy.
Reply:I had a miscarriage with out one, but should have had one. So the Dr. ended up going in and manually giving me one the old fashion way i guess, and then i had to be put on an strong antibiotic just to be sure if any was left there would be no infection. So I'm sure the Dr. told your friend if she gets any fever what so ever get her to a Dr. quick.
Reply:Hell yeah, They should have given her one at the hospital. It can kill her if there is any debris left inside of her. She needs to go get some help as soon as possible, this is a matter of life or death!
Reply:no. Her body will naturally purge itself. A d%26amp;c is an invasive treatment to rid the body of a fetus while it is still alive.
Reply:It is not always necessary, and her doctor probably knows more about it than you do.
Reply:No. Most women don't need one. I didn't have one and I'm fine. It's something too many doctors do unnecessarily.
Reply:I think the doc knows better.

What do you think women did for centuries without d%26amp;c's after miscarrying? The body will naturally get rid of any foreign matter that remains after that.
Reply:not always if it was early on as long as her doc says shes is fine then she is
Reply:I guess it varies with each pregnancy. I miscarried and didnt get a d%26amp;c but then when i got pregnant again, i had alot of complications because of not getting it and almost miscarried again.
Reply:If she wasn't far along, the body will take care of that itself. People only need a d%26amp;c if they are a certain time period along.
Reply:What makes you think that she does anyways?

I had a miscarriage and didn't need one. As long as she passed everything on her own then no she doesn't need one. It sounds like the Dr checked to make sure she did and everything was fine. There are very rare instances where one wasn't performed when needed. She will be fine, at least physically. You as her friend should be there for her emotional support and her Dr can take care of the physical aspects of it.
Reply:i think the person who went to medical school and has been practicing medicine for awhile will know
Reply:I've had 5 miscarriages and only got far enough along once to require a procedure. The doc will do an ultrasound to determine whether any tissue has been left in the uterus. Usually, it takes care of itself.
Reply:If you are less than three months pregnant when you misscarry, your body will pass the fetus by itself. No need for a painful d%26amp;c. Her doc may also perscribe her some medication to help pass it as well.


My friend Just had a baby and she had a c-section but she has an awful odor what should she do?

My boyfriend left me and my baby for a women w/ two kids and he just meet her the end of oct. and he already told her he love her, or he told me that to make me mad?

My friend Just had a baby and she had a c-section but she has an awful odor what should she do?
You have a very conflicting question , my dear. It just doesn't make sense :-)
Reply:If your friend just had a baby .... I would call the Dr. for an appointment explaining to him the problem. I am sure he will schedule an appointment sooner than you think. As for as boyfriend and so call Dad of this child ... He had this in the making already it just did not start after you brought the baby home.. Please look at all the sign and I bet it will all come together.
Reply:First your friend should see her Dr regarding the C-section. Secondly, it sounds like your boyfriend lacks any sense of good judgment but no one here knows the whole story. Decide to love you child and yourself. Find help in your situation.

Looking for dr. james c. wilson, III, m.d. place of business-old friend. last seen redondo beach?

middle name = cornelius

Looking for dr. james c. wilson, III, m.d. place of business-old friend. last seen redondo beach?
Sorry you are in the wrong section.Try calling information for Redondo beach they may have his new address.
Reply:have you tryed the local phone books if not keep useing the internet i hope something turns up GOOD LUCK

morning glory

My best friend in the whole world never hangs out with me b/c of her boyfriend do i drop her as a friend?

I feel so deserted. we have been friends for 10 years. and she is one of the 3 ppl cloestest to me and helped me thorugh a really hard time. I feel like she dosnt care anymore. I dont want to lose her but I feel like i am. In the past 3 weeks we have hung out once. i miss out times together

My best friend in the whole world never hangs out with me b/c of her boyfriend do i drop her as a friend?
I believe there should be a balance between friends and bfs and if she was your bff in the whole world she wouldnt ditch you for her guy! you always need your friends no matter what
Reply:Friends doesn't necessarily mean you spend all your time together all through your lives. WHen the shoe is on the other foot, you'll see that there isn't that much time to spend with your friends.

I would make the effort and get her and the boyfriend out, spend time with both of them, who knows maybe he is a really nice guy.

Just because you're not spending all your time together doesn't mean she does not care, but there are some times in life when you don't spend all that time together, and this is one of them. You can let it break your friendship, or you can show that you understand, and when the boyfriend has gone that you are still there, and that your friendship isn't reliant on all her time.
Reply:Dont drop her as a friend. Trust me. My ex best friend of 13 years did that to me when i got a bf 3 years ago. I dont want to be mean to you, but as people growup, it's ok not to spend as much time with eachother. She has a new bf and she's excited about it, but that doesnt mean she doesnt like you anymore. just give her some time and she'll start to miss you, just as much as you miss her. dont drop her as a friend. when my ex friend did that to me, it hurt alot. i realized that she felt a bit neglected but, seriously grow up. if you had a bf you would be doing the same thing.
Reply:I would talk her to her and have a heart to heart. If she responds coldly to your feelings and makes no effort to spend more time on the friendship, I think you do need to put some more space there and find some new friends. It's not uncommon to drift from people you've known for 10 years or so. It's sad, but people sometimes grow apart.
Reply:talk 2 her tell her how you feel and make plans AHEAD so she can tell her bf that she's busy then. Really, if she's your bff tell her how you feel. And DON"T drop her as your friend or bff! BEST OF LUCK!!!!

-ALWAYS %26lt;3 u'r bff-

( %26lt;3 is a heart=love!)
Reply:i think its best u tell her how you feel.

i mean she is so post to be a good friend.

n like how lonng had she known dat guy compare to you.

u should talk really.

it will help. is very important, but your gonna have boyz comming in and out of her life! FRIENDS are very imortant! help her find some time for just you to! dont worrie it will work out trust me! been there done that!
Reply:just tell her how you feel. if shes really your bestest friend in the whole world she'll understand...if not dont 'drop' her as a friend just give it some time and eventually she'll probably start spending more time with you
Reply:Nope, it could be her boyfrieds fault, and she could just be overwhelmed w/ shcool/work. its not her fault, and u shouldnt risk a good friend just because they dont hang out w/ u as much as youd like them 2
Reply:no, but tell her how you feel, she's probably just so into this bf/gf deal that she spaced, she'll probably feel bad and make more time in her schedule for you and other friends

How con i chose my best Friend from you &mmy id is priteshshtgnkr420@yahoo.c...?


How con i chose my best Friend from you %26amp;mmy id is priteshshtgnkr420@yahoo.c...?
Have faith and God wil bring you a wonderful friend. A friend that will be by your side all the time until death do you both apart. Good luck, my friend in search of a best friend.
Reply:your Best Friend should be Jesus, he knows you by heart %26amp; name

Hi, i am from india.can i will get admission in u.k. for college. my friend sponser me .my qualification s.s.c

passed in 1995. ilike to b study in u.k. %26amp; i m married peson. i have one daughter. she is one year old. i went to cruiseliner in u.k.%26amp; like to work in u.k.%26amp;study also

Hi, i am from india.can i will get admission in u.k. for college. my friend sponser me .my qualification s.s.c
i ll give contact no for that person takin admission in uk

ph no. 0755-4059706 m. no 9893484938

Here's a joke. A friend told me it, is it not P.C.?

A woman got into a car accident, and when she went around to get his info, she noticed he was a dwarf. He said, I am not Happy! She answered, then which one are you?

Here's a joke. A friend told me it, is it not P.C.?
Oh dear this question could get deleted! It could be Sneezy or Grumpy then! LOL
Reply:Funny cuse Im not a dwarf!!!
Reply:Thats funny,(LOL) Got any more?
Reply:haha i like it!!!
Reply:HCl !!!
Reply:It's fine as far as PC.


Trying to track old friend believed to be living in N.Y.C?

Looking for Miss Julia who makes bags %26amp; perhaps designs Swimwear-she is English about 40-does anyone know her?o

Trying to track old friend believed to be living in N.Y.C?
try using, but you have 2 pay 2 track down ppl
Reply:this is gud....i use it a lot Report It

Reply:Try using,, and different search engines for addtional info on this person. : )

The other day my friend somehow called me from their computer? b/c thier phone bill wasn't paid and i was?

wondering how i could use that? it was for the sprint phone service

The other day my friend somehow called me from their computer? b/c thier phone bill wasn't paid and i was?

You have to pay to call regular phones or for a phone number so regular phones can call you.
Reply:ask her
Reply:you can ask her but i think she had a microphone on her computer and she could have called you through the new aim
Reply:not sure you could ask her how she did it. i know that in yahoo mess u can talk if you have a microphone.

If my friend's bf is waiting for her to break up with him b.c. he said he wouldnt should i tell my friend?

If i was your friend.. I would definitely want to know...

Because that's not cool, and a way to be a friend is to tell her the truth...

Even if she doesn't believe you, at least you told her from your heart....

Hope it all works out



If my friend's bf is waiting for her to break up with him b.c. he said he wouldnt should i tell my friend?
stay out of it, this is one of those damned if you do damned if you dont situations
Reply:I suggest you stay out of it. While you're just trying to help your friend, she might take it the wrong way and get angry at you or something. You can try to give her little hints about it, but don't say it straight up. Just ask her casual questions like " are [her bf's name] and you doing?" and stuff like that.
Reply:Duh! Yea! Why wouldnt you?
Reply:no just stay out of it

I have a friend im some what close 2 we always c each ohter and joke around should i ask her out but, what if?

sure u should its a 50/50 chance she`ll say yes and maybe she waiting for u to ask her out and maybe she feels the same way about u

I have a friend im some what close 2 we always c each ohter and joke around should i ask her out but, what if?
in life there will always be what ifs, just ask her out. yes what if she says no thats a possibility,but her saying yes is another possibility.
Reply:You could her invite her to something you mutually enjoy and don't call it a date...unless it starts to feel like one.Good luck.
Reply:go ahead,just remember the Golden Rule: "do not do unto other what you do not want other do unto you". . .and value your friendship.
Reply:if you are truly good friends with this person than there should be no difference in your relationship and if there is it will probably be a good kind of difference and if the person says no than, well life goes on.
Reply:Don't care about what if ask her what she thinks of u and ask her to go to dinner as a friend and if that gos well ask her out!

sweet pea

Y ozer guys r jealous if u got a really beautiful g.friend..y zey kant bear it to c u wiz her..?y lf is unfair

It's simple -- it's because they are jealous that you were able to find someone so beautiful and they wish they could have someone just as beautiful as your girlfriend, too. Let them be jealous and enjoy the fact you have such a hot woman by your side. They are just being immature. Good luck.

Y ozer guys r jealous if u got a really beautiful g.friend..y zey kant bear it to c u wiz her..?y lf is unfair
you young people are doomed once you hit the real world.
Reply:Wow. What language are they teaching in schools now?
Reply:It just in not fair.....what is she doing with a schmuck like you anyway?
Reply:wut the heck?
Reply:A womans Beauty is more than just about looks. Even if we don't say it, we sense it. Men sense it and women sense it too. It can easily become a status symbol for the guy that has the girl, a lonely place for the girl that is not aware of her own beauty (but other females are), and a place of arrogance and ignorance if she is lifted up in her own beauty. No mistake, the jealousy will always be there. The first time guys fought over me, I was in the fourth grade. What's up with that? Jealousy seems unfair, but you also have to leave some space for her to say, "No", or you will become an emotional bully. Just rest youself.

Friend Songs?

Okay so my best friend of 7 years is moving and i wannna make her a mix-cd so i was wondering if anyone knew any friend songs

and yes i'll already have vitamin-c:friends for ever

Friend Songs?
For Good; By Wicked. I'll Remember you. Lullybye; By Billy Joel. Whatever will be; By Vannessa Ann Hudgens. Dont Underestimate a girl; By Vannessa Ann Hudgens. This is the Moment.

I hope these songs will do fine, and your friend will enjoy them.
Reply:My Best Friend by Weezer is a nice song.
Reply:why dont u try the theme song from FRIENDS u know the show it's perfect for that kinda stuff

My best friend has temporarily stopped talking to me b/c of his ex... what should I do?

Me and him are real kool we have known each other for like 5 years now we tell each other everything from ex's to first times and we used 2 talk everyday until he went with this girl (she didnt like him 2 talk 2 any female) but they are over wit now so we got 2 callin each every day n night so his ex comes back in the picture n she is always arguin with him n he tells me this n that about her n says he doesnt want 2 here her voice cuz she says mean things to him so the other day I heard they were hanging out.... im not mad jus irritated cuz they are gonna get into it again n he is gonna tell me everything that happend (its happened like 7x no joke) but ive text him like 3x in tha past week n he hasnt talked 2 me its pissin me off now cuz when she is gone he starts talkin back me.... its like he is scared 2 text me back cuz she is around. what should i do??? (sorry so long)

My best friend has temporarily stopped talking to me b/c of his ex... what should I do?
tell him that you are NOT someone to be treated like that.friendship is 24/7 not just when he needs you.your feelings are important too and should be respected.

How long can a person with Hep C live ? Its not me ,but a good friend .?

sorry to hear that your friend has got it. i found this site which is a story about a woman who has it. its probably worth reading becasue it kinda gives u insight to what someone with hep c thinks of ect

How long can a person with Hep C live ? Its not me ,but a good friend .?
It really depends on the person and lifestyle. Most people are Hep C positive and don't even know it. The important thing to do is keep up on lab work every 6 months or as your Dr tells you. Alcohol should be avoided at all cost since it damages the liver which is the target of Hep C.

Life expectancy for the majority of Hep C patients is the same as everyone else. For the small percentage it can be as short as 6 months if the liver is damaged beyond function. Have your friend go to her Dr and talk to them about their particular case. Always better to know for sure where you stand. Hope this helps.
Reply:They can live as long as someone without Hep C.There is a drug called Interferon that can reduce the amount of the Hep C in the blood to the point that you can be considered cured. I know from personal experience.I was treated in 99 and being tested every year I haven't tested positive again.The most important thing is to take all the meds required and as prescribed,eat better food and try to at least walk as exercises.I know the disease can become fatal if not treated in time.Don't worry about catching it from your friend.The only way to do that is blood to blood contact,like sharing a needle or rubbing open ,bleeding wounds together,which most people would not do.I got mine from blood transfusion during cancer surgery.Be there for your friend,God will bless you.
Reply:He or she can indeed live quite a long life, even after the initial diagnosis. My step father was diagnosed in '97. They figured that he had gotten it from either a shared needle in the late seventies or from a contaminated needle from a home-made tattoo.

Remember that this disease is highly transmittable, and it also considered one of the "sexually transmitted" diseases, even though their partners don't always get it. Your friend must tell all future partners that they have been diagnosed with Hep C. Can you imagine having intimate relations with someone a few times, then later finding out that they have such a disease? Even after that unknowing person gets all of the testing, for years, even to be sure that they didn't acquire it, THEY will still have to tell all of their future partners, and so, and so on....

But to again answer the question, with a healthy lifestyle, an educated patient, an exceptional physician, the correct treatments at the right times, this person can live well into old age.
Reply:hi I'm a paramedic and I've taken care of several people who have this disease. the most important thing to remember is that a person with hep-c has a damaged liver and that its just going to get worse. hepatitis affects everyone differently allot of it also depends on how they take care of themselves. most people that take care of themselves and work with their doctor on a treatment plan can live quite some time. in the neighborhood of 20 to 30 years depending on when the disease is detected and how fast it progresses


My friend asked my crush out for me b/c we go to different schools?

she asked him to go to the movies with me next friday and he said he didn't care is that bad

My friend asked my crush out for me b/c we go to different schools?
He is probably just trying to sound cool...but I am sure he is excited and wants to go. So go and have a good time!
Reply:Erica,I don't think its bad itsonly going to the movies! I don't see anything wrong with it!Your not doing anything wrong so its ok! You becareful ok!You be safe now!Your my friend and I care about you! Just want you to be safe!If this guy don't mind then you should run with it!
Reply:it might be that u asked him and not the other way around. He might even think that u r afraid to do anything yourself. i suggest that u find a way to call him and talk to him yourself, u just need to get to know him better, then he will be more in to u.
Reply:Yeah that's pretty bad, it means he doesn't care or he's trying to make himself look macho by not having you know his true feelings. Guys are such jerks.
Reply:he probably would have said yes to you if you asked him but since your friend did maybe it was a little turn off but im sure he likes you because if he didn't he would just say straight up no
Reply:ye or hes playin hard to get please answer my question;...
Reply:I guess that just depends dear. Maybe you should call him or text him or something before you go.
Reply:No. I think he is open to it. Is he gonna go?That is just a weird response. Maybe he was broad sideded by the question.
Reply:Do not ever let you Friends get into you relationship's bad
Reply:its only bad if he doesnt go
Reply:no that means he don't care if he goes with you but than again it could
Reply:he wants your friend.

My friend thinks I'm STUPID and INSANE b/c I live in Missouri and my girlfriend is in Texas and I never...?

wanted a long distance relationship, but it happened. It's not like I was searching for someone in a different state, but we've known each other for about 7 months and our feelings haven't subsided for each other AT ALL! We have talks on the phone and both our parents know. ...And soon, we'll be able to make phone calls over the internet. You get it? I didn't mean for this to happen, but it did and we love each other. Now, this is the best time of my life. We're both patient. When I first started talking to her, she instantly started to like me, even though she had a boyfriend. We both HAD feelings for other people, but those have subsided. I know that there's no one here like her and what should I do? If you're gonna criticize, I'd rather you not answer.

My friend thinks I'm STUPID and INSANE b/c I live in Missouri and my girlfriend is in Texas and I never...?
I think its coo as long as you love her... and eventually you will either break up or move to the same state. Im in love with my boyfriend and even though i dont like long distance relationships i would have one for him
Reply:I'm not sure. I guess I would have to say whatever works for the both of you. If things are going good then ...great! But there may come a time when one of you may have enough of it or maybe one of you may want to take the relationship one step further and get more serious and move near the be ready for whatever happens.
Reply:We got this saying in mexico I dont know how to translate it but says that Far away love is the love of three. So good luck. and by the way your friend is right.
Reply:Two things that would help me answer would be knowing a close proximity and age of you and if you met this girl in person or only online.

If you could, during winter break take a road trip and find her. If not, there is no reason you shouldn't continue your relationship, but it is definitely a risky business. Eventually, you will get tired of not actually BEING with your gf.

I had a similar thing happen. One of my best friends who is a girl moved from where we live California all the way to Virginia. We still talk, but it is hella hard to keep in touch for such a long distance.

Same goes for you, if you guys have a lot of time to "hang out" online and on the phone, then your relationship has potential even through the long distance. But this long distance relationship is truly not advisable, but still plausible and possible.

Can you legally drive by yourself (or with somebody) and see her, or are you even not old enough for that yet?
Reply:i'm sorry, but your friend's crazy to think that you're stupid and insane, when you live in Missouri, and your girlfriend in TX. you're not crazy---at all. i have a long distance relationship too, 2 hrs apart, and we've been together almost a yr and a half now. if you love each other, and that love can bigger each day, and it can stretch, so that no unit of distance can measure it, then yes, it can last. me and my boyfriend both met at church camp, and both live in TX. i wasn't looking for a boyfriend either, least of all a long distance one, but we caught each other's eye, and there was no stopping our love. (it seems like none of the nice guys are down where i live, or go to the school where i go). what do you mean what should you do?! you should do what you've been doing---keep talking, stay together! to h*ll with what your friend says! (sorry) if your love is strong for each other, then long distance relationships can work. i congratulate both of you, for staying together so long, and keeping your love strong, especially since you live in different states! and yes, i do totally understand where you're coming from. good luck to both of you, and merry christmas!
Reply:Dont let your friend run you down about it..I had a whole family thinking I was nuts and that my situation wasnt going to work. I lived just outside of KC and 8 years ago I started chatting on the internet to a Brit who lived in Amsterdam! Now, I am married to him and living in Germany..dont think yours is an impossible situation. A long distance relationship is difficult but not impossible .

A friend and I are going to N.Y.C. for 5 days.?

How much should we plan on spending for food, and how much are subway and bus fares? We are hoping to keep the cost down as much as possible and still have a good time.

A friend and I are going to N.Y.C. for 5 days.?
Subway fare is $2 each way, in which you need to purchase it on a metro card. However, you can also just get a weekly unlimited subway pass for about $24. If you plan to take the subway a lot, that'll be a much better deal. If you want to eat good food that is fairly cheap, check out Brother Jimmy's, Gray's Pappaya, places along 9th Avenue. Any place in the immediate Times Square area is ridiculously priced. Have fun! Any other questions, e-mail me
Reply:if your going to manhattan its going to cost more than brooklen bronx and queens. i live in manhattan and it is going to cost more for food and hotels but the cabs and busses should be the same.

Good luck.

p.s. (please dont give this thumbs down im doing my best and its 100% true i know by living there AND MANHATTAN ROCKS NY!!!!)
Reply:For subways and buses you buy a Metrocard and insert it in a reader on boarding. If you buy a new card for each ride it is $2, but being here for 5 days, you should get one good for multiple rides, which is even cheaper. Also, transfers from subways to buses or vice versa are often free.

On food, this depends on how you want to eat. I would advise at least one interesting meal taking advantage of Manhattan's diversity every day. Forex, if you do lower Manhattan one day, eat at Wo Hop in Chinatown. But NY offers a wider range than just Chinese and Italian, and you should try some of the other ethnicities while here--things like Bukharan, Afghan, Caribbean, Iranian, Indian, Japanese, Sri Lankan (just examples, you would have heart burn if you tried all that in just 5 days LOL). Figure $6 for a simple and cheap breakfast, $12 for lunch, and $25 for dinner. But you can spend less or more.

And remember, FAO Schwartz at Fifth Avenue and 58 St, is not only a humongous hands-on toy store, it has an ice cream parlor.
Reply:Subway, buses, Roosevelt Island Tramway are $2 and so will be $1.75 Bee-Line local buses $2 in March 2nd when MTA raise MetroCard fare. Express Buses will remain $5.

If you're staying for NYC, you should sign buy 1-Day Pass or put $30(right now bonus value is $36).

For example, $10 card give you $12.

There are many places you could do in NYC for cheap.

There are some restaurant you could paid under $15, well as attractions.

One of cheapest pizza is at 99 Cent Fresh Pizza in Hell's Kitchen at 41st St/9th Av, but do not hang out there because it's where homeless and boggers live.

Another place is Fast Food Restaurant or Cafeteria.

This source will tell you about how much food cost at various restaurant.

There are many free place and cheap places to explore.
Reply:is this trip a punishment?
Reply:My friend, my advice just make sure you carry enough money for a five day trip to New Yorker, anywhere between $400 and $600 will do. You won't be needed that much because New York City has a plenty of discounts on many attractions and many of the museums is the city will let you in for free on certain days.

Plus, public transportation is cheap, the fare on the New York City subway is $2, but since you in town for 5 days, my advice is buying a 7-day unlimited Metrocard for $24 a person ($25 a person after March 1). With that card you can get unlimited rides on the subway and bus system for you 1 fare.

I've included some links below for you to plan your trip. I you have any question are need travel direction while in town, just drop me a line by clicking on the avatar and the e-mail icon in the profile.

Good luck and happy travels.
Reply:subways and buses are $2.00

the food depends. there are many good restaurants at reasonable prices. just walk around and check out the menu.

to get you around the city:

try citisearch to find restaurants

A friend of mine is a carrier of Hep C, so he was told. But everytime he goes back in there is no sign of it.

He is having a lot of pain in his liver and when he belches it smells like egg. It is causing him a lot of pain the past couple of days. Is there anything that he can take to help soothe the pain? Any natural or home remedies?

A friend of mine is a carrier of Hep C, so he was told. But everytime he goes back in there is no sign of it.
your friend needs more indepth testing. there are valuable blood tests to determine his hcv status. he is positive, yet just a carrier-many of us have been told we were carriers-that the virus was inactive only to find out that we were chronically active.

i think it's time for your friend to consult a gastro and ask about treatment.
Reply:Prior to attempting to self-treat pain or discomfort, Hepatitis C patients must discuss symptoms and pain management with their doctors, so i-ll help you with what i know is effective and has no drugs in it (any drug will place added strain to the liver function).

Eliminate alcohol consumption. Alcohol speeds the progression of liver disease.

Be sure you exercise regularly, get plenty of rest and eat a healthy diet that emphasizes fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grains.

Eliminate fats and eggs from the diet.

Start taking a milk thistle supplement to aid liver regeneration, but if he experiences nausea or abdominal discomfort he has to stop using it.

Lactoferrin supplements have been shown to be of help in patients with cirrhosis and or liver disease. It is an immune booster but it-s not toxic.

Use a heat pack on the liver, especially at night.

All of the above together will help ease the swelling in the liver, thus relieving the pain and discomfort.

Again, never take drugs if you have hep C without your PA's approval.
Reply:Kinda have two questions there. One is pretty important and the other is weird. I suggest doing some research on hepatitis and being REALLY careful.
Reply:then he may not have it
Reply:People can carry disease but not show symptoms, however, it sounds like your friend is showing symptoms of something. He should revisit his doctor to see if something else could be wrong.

flowering plum

My friend played gutar hero II on the p.c and i wanna play?

So go round your friends and play it


Should I care about what peolpe say about my b friend, should do what my friend say and break with him b/c she

what are they saying about him? that hes cheating or something?

How do i block *ALL* 360 Friend Add Requests? And please instruct *How* for me?

This is where i go:

1-Y360 Home


2-Communication settings

3-Y360 Invitations


The options i have are...

A)Everyone on 360

B)Friends of friends of friends

C)Friends of friends


i have seen *friends of friends* pages that do not have max amt of friends (300), but they are able to block ALL invitations and i would like that option as well. The *lowest denominator* of *allow* friend requests is *friends of friends* but would like *Not accepting invites* for now.

May someone Please tell me Exactly where to go, what to change or click or whatever so i can block all incoming invite requests?

LOL i had to use a whole whopping 5 YAnswers points to finally surrender to asking this question so real instruct would be so welcome. Thanks very much. ~smiles~

How do i block *ALL* 360 Friend Add Requests? And please instruct *How* for me?
"Friends of Friends" is the most you can restrict communications. Remember, this is a social network-- the object is to make connections with people. But you don't have to connect to anyone you don't want to.

If you receive an invitation you don't want, you can deny it or you can simply delete it.
Reply:you have your best answer from Carole McManus(aka yahoo 360 blog).

Now, to get back the points:

you have to give two thumbs up (one to each answer) and then to select one of us as best answer before times up.

How do i tell one of my friends to leave me and my best friend alone!?

okay so i had this best friend(1) and we had a figth.i started hanging out with another one of my friends(2) who i wasnt that close to and we were always together.i got back with my best friend(1) but my other friend(2)who imsort of getting annoyed ofis always there when i want to be with my best friend.

shes ther when

nutrition time

P.E. time

and sometimes lunch time.

at lunch time i go with my best friend(1)but when i go to her(2) shes mad that i left her.

how do i tell her(2)i want some alone time wiyth my best friend

friend #2 is destroying my friend ship with my best friend b/c friend#2 is always with us and my best friend is starting to like talking 2 her and sometimes her onlly do i tell friend #2 that i dont always want 2 be with her.i want time with my best friend.

How do i tell one of my friends to leave me and my best friend alone!?
There is two ways you could do this. You could be brutally blunt and tell #2 that you used her for comfort and support while #1 was mad at you. And that you don't want to be her number one best friend anymore.

Or you could just beat it around the bush and just ditch her, not call her. And be flat out rude.

But i REALLY think you should stick with my first idea. Honesty is better.


Help!! my friends dont now if i should go out w/ this guy b/c my friends totally disagree w/ it?

so my ex and i still like e/o and hes gonna break-up w/ his g/f to go out w/ me again, but my friends disagree b/c hes a stoner and they think that i could do better, but i really dont think i could. hes great and i didnt even tell my freinds that i like him again, b/c @ one time i hated him and they still think tht i do, buti like him again, a lot. I was talkin 2 his best friend andhe said tht he likes me 2. so should i tell my friends tht i like him and go out w/ him or should i listen to my friends? I really like this guy and all my freinds dont like him. I actually told 1 friend and she was dissapionted, but not really angry. PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEZ HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Help!! my friends dont now if i should go out w/ this guy b/c my friends totally disagree w/ it?
usually your friends are right, because they see it from a different angle, like your looking straight at him, and all you see is a nice bright light, but they see you standing in the train tracks and your about to get plowed over
Reply:that doesn't sound like a good choice to me, but hey, if u love him a lot, and ur willing to take chances of gettin in trouble w/ him, then go for it. but if i wuz u, i wouldn't do it, but hey, that's my opinion.
Reply:just be true to your self and if you date him and if it doesn't work out your friends have the right to say i told you so

My cleaning lady, who is also a friend, just found out she has Hep C. What precautions should I take w/ her?

Just keep on doing what you're doing - I mean I take it you don't share toothbrushes? Hep C is only contracted through blood to blood contact, such as blood transfusions (or sharing toothbrushes.)

She is actually at more risk of catching various things from you because she cleans up after you not vice versa. As long as she wears rubber gloves and takes the usual hygienic precautions she'll be fine, but I expect she does that anyway.

Don't ostracize her or treat her any differently. There are millions of people with Hep C who don't know they have it - people you come into contact with everyday.

"To anyone who is reading this, who does "not" have HCV, you may feel somewhat critical, cynical and judgmental of those who suffer with this liver disease - try not to judge people who have this virus and please try to stop judging us who have HCV to be sexually permissive, drug addicts, alcoholics, or prostitutes!! Most of us are "not," and the prejudice is just an excuse to keep a negative attitude about people who are suffering with a disease. You can think what you want, but I ask you to just "try" to replace any unloving or unkind attitude with some kindness and love. You won't catch this disease by being friendly to those who have it. "

My cleaning lady, who is also a friend, just found out she has Hep C. What precautions should I take w/ her?
No any love-affair with her! :)

It's the only what you have to do!
Reply:Hepatitis C is inflammation of the liver caused by the Hepatitis C virus (HCV). It is the most common chronic, blood born infection in the U.S.

Because Hepatitis C is a viral infection, the xanthones of the Garcinia Mangostana can positivly help it.

Xanthones are a good immune system enhancer. They also detoxify the liver and boost its ability to function more effectively.

The other fact to consider is the way the in which Mangosteen juice enhances the MATRIX as a whole. Just the fact that it does is a good reason to drink the juice wheter Hepatitis C is a factor or not.

The Mangosteen Xanthones heal the gut, increase the liver function, reduce inflammation, reduce oxidative stress to the cells of the body and to the mitochondria of each cell (the power plant of each cell), and they are anti-viral!.

What else could you ask for?

It makes good sense to drink Mangosteen juice on a daily basis to keep the body strong enough to fight off the HCV and the damage it can do to the body.

The juice can do a lot to strengthen the immune system and maybe even help to heal some of the damage done by the virus to the liver.

Let food be your medicine -- Hypocrates
Reply:no sex and don't share'll be fine
Reply:Hepatitis C can be transfered by 1. direct blood contact at brocken skin or mucous menbrane 2. by taking infected blood or blood products 3. by sexual means. 4, vertical transmission mother to baby.

You should avoid to come in contact with the blood of your friend. avoid cooking by her, no sex,

Tiuching and hugging cant transfer it.

How do i get my boy friend to last longer in bed he c u m's to fast in like 3 min some thimes5?

How do i get my boy friend to last longer in bed he c u m's to fast in like 3 min some thimes5?
Go again!
Reply:put his balls on ice,works sometimes
Reply:tell him to w@ck off more frequently, the next time will last longer
Reply:And how annoying it is too huh! Lol!

Might as well not bother if gonna turn us on and finish before we've barely started ;)

Have you not got him exploring, and you explore him with lots of foreplay before penetration?

Hmmm, actually........

go and buy a jack the rabbit! HAHAHAHAHA!!!!

Seriously now, it can help a lot when role playing and it does actually help when you are in control and just before he is ready to ejaculate, stop...

get off and play or wait for a few minutes while sharing intimacy other ways

and him holding onto the maypole for you to dance upon a little longer ;)
Reply:A condom will help quite a bit.......if he wants to please you he will try this. Otherwise, he needs to stop and take a break and in the meantime be pleasing you in other ways.
Reply:When you figure it out, let us all know.

I just found out that a friend of mine was diagnosed with Hepatitis C.?

I know how you can get it, what it is caused by, the symptoms or lack of sometimes but I am a little confused about a few other aspects. First of all, the medications that they mention treating it with, does that keep it from progressing or is liver failure inevitable? Secondly, wouldn't there be obvious symptoms if the liver had already failed? How likely it is that they could even get a transplant? Another other information would be welcomed. Thank you very much.

I just found out that a friend of mine was diagnosed with Hepatitis C.?
My father just completed his treatment for Hep-C. I'm happy to say that it was successful and he is cured. He found out that he had Hep-C from our cities Health Fair blood test. His liver enzymes were through the roof, his doctor told him that he had probably been living with the disease for about 20 years and he had stage 2 fibrosis of the liver. Thanks to the medication though his liver is still scared and always will be but it will never get any worse. On his bad days his skin would turn yellow, as would his eyes which is caused by the liver not functioning properly. If you have any other questions about treatment or anything please feel free to email me!
Reply:Hepc groups/yahoo lots of information. Hepc is caused by a virus, liver failure can take years because there are several stages of damage in between, but alcohol, drugs ect..can boost damage very rapidly. No matter what your stage symtoms can be a challenge. but who wants to go through a liver transplant? not that easy. yes there are medications/treatment but NO CURE! big difference, the best defense avoid ways of contact educate yourself and anyone else that is willing to listen VIP Vera/ca
Reply:In some people the meds clear the virus and it doesn't return. In some people the meds clear the virus yet it does return.

Liver failure isn't inevitable even if one doesn't clear the virus. It can take decade for the liver to develop damage. Some never develop liver damage or severe liver damage.There most definitely would be symptoms of liver failure. One wouldn't go on a transplant list until they had a lot of damage to their liver. As you get sicker you get moved up on the liver transplant list.


Find barry c scott i am looking for my old friend barry scott .he used to play for the bath local rugby team .





01225 401 590


Find barry c scott i am looking for my old friend barry scott .he used to play for the bath local rugby team .
Is he now doing the Cilit Bang adverts?

Or the BT Phonebook.
Reply:cillit BANG that same one why would ya want to meet that annoying bastard
Reply:he's on TV shouting about cillit bang and irriating people
Reply:" Hi, my names Barry Scott and look how this stain dissapears....... and look how it works on the penny test....."

This is one of his really annoying sayings, anyway, thats the only barry i kno..... xx

* WAIT.....- try friends reunited*
Reply:Hope its not that annoying bloke who shouts Cillit Bang ads.
Reply:YES I'm Barry Scott, remember my penny test
Reply:He's on the tv.
Reply:See Barry White.

I cant talk to my friend about my dad /family probs b/c hers has died but sometimes its unavoidable.....?

i have a lot of family problems but her dad died about a year ago so i obviously can't compare it even though i feel like i don't have one anyway. but sometimes it's unavoidable like if she knows im going out to dinner i wont say who but then she'll ask...and he sent me this thing for valentine's day and it was sitting there and she was like who is that from...and started crying...

i try to avoid it but how do i tell her how i feel like i cant talk to her about it, if i should say anything? sometimes i really need to talk about things but don't know who to go to because i can't go to her. this is not being selfish, i am always there when she needs to talk and i know her situation is extreme compared to mine, but sometimes i need to talk too.

I cant talk to my friend about my dad /family probs b/c hers has died but sometimes its unavoidable.....?
I just lost my mom and it helps to talk about it.
Reply:Talk to your dad. Let him know what you are going through with your friend. This will allow the two of you to talk about how if things were reversed with your friend how you would feel. Your friend may need to talk on occasion for quite some time. There may be something that you can do to help. Share your father. Talk to him about it. If he is up for it, perhaps he can take the both of you out to dinner or something sometime. Then talk to her mother about it. Once it is ok with both of them, have your dad invite the both of you out. Your dad can not replace hers. But chances are that he will be there for you at the times in your life that hers would also be there for her. Things like taking pictures at graduation, chaperoning a school dance, fixing a flat tire, or moving into your first apartment. This could bring you and your dad closer together as well as you bonding closer to your friend. Just let her know that you are willing to share out of your love of her as a friend and not to show off that you have something she doesn’t. Her insight with the loss of her dad can cause you to appreciate yours far more than most girls.

Here are 7 steps to the grieving process that most everyone goes through. However, everyone is different as to how long each step takes. The transistions may overlap.

1)Shock %26amp; Disbelief

2)Sensation of somatic distress

3)Preoccupation with images and belongings of the deceased (Pictures, clothes, blankets, cups, etc)

4)Guilt (I mad that morning and never told him I loved him)

5)Anger (Why would God do this? The doctors are idiots.)

6)Change in the conduct behavior (Bouts of Depression, Forgetfulness or Disorganization, Restlessness, Feels a need to do something but not sure what)

7)Reorganization of behavior directed toward a new object or activity. (Something to pour this nervous energy and attention into. A new hobby or sport or relationship or?)

This is not a check list but a rather a general guideline. The same process is also valid for other losses in ones life like the breakup of a relationship or the loss of a job. In the old days a person would wear black for a year to let others know that they had suffered a loss. You are a good person to have concern and consideration for you friend.

Good luck and may God Bless you and your efforts.

I want to dump my girlfriend - should I ...a) text, b) fax or c) accuse her of sleeping with a friend?

I have met and bagged someone else. I don't feel up to hearing the "you're a rat" speech if i come clean.... so I was hoping for some advice on how to go about htis the adult way but make it easier on me all round.

Any comments from serious people willing to help will be appreciated. I just want a quiet life really not all this emotional tears, guilt and carrying on. Cheers.

I want to dump my girlfriend - should I ...a) text, b) fax or c) accuse her of sleeping with a friend?

well first send her a text in which you tell her to check her fax where she will find a letter accusing her of sleeping with a friend..Problem Solved!-all ways

Reply:Call her and break up with her and give her the whole "it's not you, it's me". a couple of minutes into her tirade sign off and change your phone number.
Reply:do it face to face.

she'll appreciate it thinking you actually have the courage to face her,

if you do it texting/fax she'll just see you even lower.

cant you even call her at least!
Reply:definatly C
Reply:Honesty is the BEST policy : Say whatever you have to say, to her face and get it over with.

Or else, your 'ditch-worthy' girlfriend might become so spiteful and revengeful, that she might even see to it that your new-found lover dumps you !

...'Do unto others as you would be done by' - old Bible saying !
Reply:Wow! What a lucky girl. I would send her a congratulations card, she is going to be so much better off without you.
Reply:You have been rat, and you need to deal with that - you need to tell your g/f face to face that you have met somebody else and you want to break up with her!! Im sorry but none of the excuses you came up with are actually good enough!!

Hope your new girl is worth breaking your relationship up for!
Reply:Doesn't really matter how you do it, she'll be well shot of you either way, what a charmer !
Reply:Be a man, break up with her in person. You don't have to tell her that you "bagged" someone else, but you also don't have to lie. Just be brief and specific. She's probably going to be upset and confused, so do it quickly.
Reply:Your a dirty rat!

Face to face you coward
Reply:get a doll like children do. u don't need a woman just so u can abuse her.
Reply:you have to face up to it i'm affraid,it's part of the splitting up process.good luck,you'll need it.
Reply:text is an easier method.

but seriously, YOU'RE A JERK!
Reply:If you want to be an "adult" about it then lie your *** off because that's what most adults would do.

If you want to be true to honest about it.

Spare her the details and just tell her the truth.

If you lie to her you're lieung to yourself.....

"The truth shall set you free"
Reply:She has the right to know exactly what happened to her face. My mate was dumped by text a while ago and she was devastated (in bits for months).

Tell her that you've met someone else and that you are a rat. She deserves to know the truth. It will be less painful for her in the long run.

If you have (or had) any feelings for her then tell her the truth.
Reply:A letter. And try thinking of someone other than yourself once in a while. Spoilt little boy.
Reply:As a female who has been on the receiving end you are a rat if you use any of those methods. If you have any respect for your current gf you would tell her face to face and you would tell the truth. As you won't do that, tell her that your heart is not in the relationship anymore (as it clearly isn't).

A few years ago my ex met someone else but told me by text that he just wanted to be single. I am not stupid and instinctively knew that this wasnt true. Especially as he announced he was seeing someone new less than 3 weeks later. Women are NOT stupid!

At least have the decency to speak to her by phone if you really cant do the face to face thing. How would you like to receive a text or a fax saying it was over if you really cared for someone??
Reply:Well, I certainly wouldn't call you a rat. The words I happen to be thinking of would probably get me kicked off of Yahoo.

Be a man. Tell her face to face, and be honest.

She's going to find out the truth. Trust me on that one.

And you think getting cussed out sucks? Wait till she finds out you're a coward AND a liar.
Reply:don't be such a pig!! face it you are a rat, you don't need anyone to tell you that.
Reply:id go for a (c) (a) combo
Reply:Honestly she'd appreciate you telling her by either phone or to her face the EXACT reason you're breaking up with her...even if its that shes ugly, bad in bed, and that you bagged her best other way shes gonna be a clinger...yeah you know what im talkin about....
Reply:You're not a're a snake..

Grow a spine..

Wimp..i feel sorry for the poor sap who fell for you this time..
Reply:I feel sorry for you. You have such a sad attitude toward women. I'm guessing its due to your immaturity. In all honesty break up with her however you want. This is nothing but a game to you anyway. She will be much better off without you in her life and might be fortunate and meet a real man in the future.

And then please leave the rest of the female human race alone until you have matured into a man and not the silly boy you parade on this page.
Reply:Tell her that your are The Master and that you are leaving her for her own good because you are just really evil, and anyway you have to leave the earth because The Doctor is after you. Then laugh insanely for 5 long minutes and let some saliva dribble down your face.
Reply:I think you should be a MAN.

You want to dump her have some pride and tell her face to face. Let her down gently.

Say you have been thinking and you dont think it is working out for yourslef and you think its best to split.

But dont take the Cowards way out and text her or accuse her of something she never done or fax her thats down right cruel.

She will have a lot more respect for you if you dump her face to face and you are showing that you are being Adult about it doing it like that.

There is no easy way to dump someone but try to be honest and you will feel better.

Good Luck
Reply:Fax, Text , Email , write her a letter,.. and phone her too she might then - take the hint...
Reply:I would use all of the above; Text and fax her accusing her of sleeping with a mess and you can walk away without any guilt...
Reply:make sure you have goodbye sex ... then tell her face to face!
Reply:You need to elaborate on how long you have been with your girlfriend for?

I want to send my friend a few books, she love V.C.Andrews, do you have any suggestions on books similiar?

I do not read these types of books so I have no idea where to start,,,

I want to send my friend a few books, she love V.C.Andrews, do you have any suggestions on books similiar?
Anne Rice is good...or you could go to and do a V.C. Andrews search and pick a book and then look at the books that other buyers who bought that book would buy.

This could help...and heck then you could buy the book and have them ship it to her...
Reply:2 of the first V.C.Andrews books were "Flowers in the Attic" and "Petals in the Wind"...V.C.Adrews writes in series, so I would suggest you go to a bookstore and ask for a set or series that you think your friend would enjoy and hasn't already read
Reply:Maybe you could send her books by my friend "Darcy McGuire". :) She's aussie %26amp; I've read one of her books. Her fave book is "The Professional Engagement". Well, one of her fave books that she's written anywayz. Check out I think that that's the site addy. I'm surprised that I remembered her author name... but then I remembered McGuire fr Jerry McGuire :P I wanna ask her to send me an autographed book :) Met her online actually. She's 28 I believe. Only a lil older than me :) Hope this helps ! Also, I'm not really in to romance but I thought I'd read her work :) I plan on reading more of her books. I had to get the library to order me a copy of it cuz they didn't even have it... :s (N) Oh yeah, it's a Harlequin book.


Should i get my friend(boy) a valentines day card b/c we are real close?

unless he understand that you are getting him something because you care for him as a person ( for example his feelings are platonic ( or not) but he knows for sure that yours are) then he will probably take it as a sign that you like him.

Should i get my friend(boy) a valentines day card b/c we are real close?
He will think you like him as more than a friend.

Take this as a fact, and then do what you want.
Reply:Many companies make valentines cards specifically for friends. Try finding one of those.
Reply:u should but make it kinda chessy so he won't think anything of it.
Reply:make sure he knows it is only as a friend , unless there is more to it

Is my friend using her bf??

my friend (A) has a jealousy problem with one of my other friends (B) whos going out wif the ex of friend (A). they are always fighting and competing. now friend (A) is going out with another of my friends(C). friend (C) is friends with (B) and im just wondering if friend (A) is trying to get her bf (C) to hate friend (B)??

sorry if that is confusing but thats the only way i could think of to explain my situation

Is my friend using her bf??
Yes she is trying to get back at the friend.
Reply:You lost me at my friend

Is any one going to a New York Trip threw WorldStrides? A friend and I would Like to go. But we are in Cali(c)

and we need a class to go with any one going to a worldstrides trip to new york that me and a friend could go with???We would like to Fly out of LAX.

Is any one going to a New York Trip threw WorldStrides? A friend and I would Like to go. But we are in Cali(c)
most classes do not allow outsiders and if they did you would have to get in very early since the planning stage for class trips like this usually starts at least ayear in advance, sorry I couldn't help but good luck/

I had a friend tell me that running the A/C a lot will make the inside of the windshield dirty faster.?

Any truth to this theory? It's almost like thin streaks of some substance - it looks like permanent fog almost.

I had a friend tell me that running the A/C a lot will make the inside of the windshield dirty faster.?
Running the A/C will NOT dirty your Windshield at all. It is not possible for the air coming out ot the A/C vent to dirty a windsheild.

But under certain weather conditions a thin layer of moisture can form inside the windsheild. This is certainly not dirt but water.

This also can happen when the AC is not working properly. If the problem persists better to get your AC checked or serviced by a qualified technician.
Reply:Not if you keep the outside air filter clean, or have same replaced as recommended by mfg.
Reply:The cold air coming out of the defrost vents will chill the glass through to the outside and this is what causes condensation on the outside of the windshield and it seems to get frosty on the outside. Sliding the temp lever over slightly while using the defrost feature will usually keep this from happening.
Reply:wtf? running the A/C kills your gas millage.. dont know about the dirt or frost thing
Reply:false! running a/c actually cleans the air as it runs...this film on windshiels probably is possible heater core leak...antifreeze! does it have a sweet smell? or more of a odour? can also actually be frost build-up if the evapourator temp. sensor is not working properly! is this a chrysler vehicle?


I have a friend that needs to improve her A.C.T. reading comprehension score. How can she do better next time?

She did well, except for reading comprehension. Any suggestions?



I have a friend that needs to improve her A.C.T. reading comprehension score. How can she do better next time?
while reading, go over the text with your finger or a pencil.

This worked 4 me because i had trouble concentrating and thats what gave me a low score in pretests. In the actual SAT, i got a 760/800(not bad eh?)
Reply:by practicing reading small sections and answering questions, just like the exam. she may know to read, but she isn't focusing or absorbing what she reads.

My friend needs help with a cute guy but he really loves her and well she wants to kno what to do i gave her c

ok this friend is like a sis and she kinda feels gility for breaking up him but he is way to shy she said if he wont be shy then maybe becuz he never tlked to her but now he cant stop but she said that once she goes out wit him again he will be shy again

wat she do hurry i have to call her tomorrow afternoon.....

if she likes u will be chosen best hurry up please

My friend needs help with a cute guy but he really loves her and well she wants to kno what to do i gave her c
If he knows she broke up because he's shy, and he says he won't be shy this time - give the boy a chance to make good!

Tell her to say she will go out with him again as song as he is not shy. If he gets shy, she'll kiss him good-by.

Friend trouble this is getting serious?? plz?

I have know my c friend(competitive friend) for a few years now and we have been best friends but every day she does something that gets on my nerves, like says retard or no dur sarcastically, or pretends like something i say is dumb just because she is hanging around some popular girls that she says she doesnt like but sees what they say about her other friends. anyway my good friend: i met her like 6 months ago but my c friend and one of my other BEST BEST friends dont like her bcuz she hits and pokes me alot but shes just plain around!?? help! if i hang out with my good friend my BEST BEST friend will wonder why and get kinda mad bcuz im hanging around someone like her!? but if i mostly hang around my best but c friend, i will have to live with her wierd personality ??? there are no other best frineds i have at my school? wut should i do? also im only in 7 th grade


Friend trouble this is getting serious?? plz?
you can hang out with as many people as you want and have as many friends as you want. any supposed "friend" should give you that freedom. and if someone is treating you like that, maybe she is joking with or maybe not, hard to tell, but if you dont want her to tell her so. stick up for yourself. if she gets mad let her be mad. im in 9th grade, and let me tell you, get some more confidence in yourself or youll be eaten alive in high school. confidence also attracts people to you. not just guys. you can also just strike up a conversation with people you sit by in class or something. dont be so shy, dont let people push you around.
Reply:Hm...make new friends. There are lots of girls out there in your school.
Reply:Do what you feel is best, thats the greatest part of life making your own choices that affects your future. Weigh your options, and see which ones you want to take. Also consider talking to your friends, you will be surprised some of them don't know what they are saying to you.
Reply:it's sounds like your c friend has moved on. She's clearly more interested in impressing the popular girls. It's a harsh's happened to me (and everyone else i know). You need to move on...Why can't you invite your best best friend and your good friend out to the movies together, or for dinner? Even if they don't like each other, they at least should like you enough to hang out. Or you can just hang out with your best best friend and your good friend seperately. And if your best best friend has a problem with that, then you should just tell her that she's your best best friend and always will be your best best friend, but you have fun hanging out with your good friend too.
Reply:wat school do u go to.
Reply:sounds like you got enough friends not to worry about (c).
Reply:follow ur heart
Reply:wow ok... umm i really dont get it..

uhh i guess the same thing happened to me last best friend didn't like the girl i was hanging out with because she wasn't 'cool' enough. whatever. people are tards, and if she doesn't like who you hang out with, then don't even bother being friends with her. im 8th now, and i havent talked to my ex best friend since
Reply:Don't let others pick your friends. I know it is hard in grade 7 but as you grow you will soon realize that true friends could not care less who else you like or dislike.

If it causing this much concern, I would talk to my negative friends about why you DO like this girl and why you think she should have a chance.

If your friends have problems with her, let them, but stay out of it. If they stop hanging out with you because you are this other girls friend, you don't need them as friends to begin with.
Reply:I am in seventh grade.

Either hang out with them at different times or get your other friends to like c friend.
Reply:ok 1st. u can have more then one friend u can be friends with people who arent friends with eachother they can realize that ... u can be friends with who u want to...dont feel forced not to be friends with some1 just because ur other friends dont like her.... and for ur other friend that is annoyin u tell her the truth and if she is ur true friend she will listen!!!
Reply:that made no sense. come on, im 13 (around your age) and i know how to type a lot better than you.
Reply:Wow! You really are in a sticky situation. Here's my advice.Choose who you want to choose. don't do it for popularity. Sometimes you have to let go of some friends like a flower has to let go of some petals. If you don't feel comfortable being around one of your friends maybe they aren't your real friend.

Best of Wishes

A friend of mine gives head to guys and she drank out of my drink bottle as did i after her, should i c a doc?

a friend of mine gives head to guys and she drank out of my drink bottle as did i drank out of the same bottle without knowing she drank out of it,is it possible for me to get any infectious diseases? should i go see a doctor?

A friend of mine gives head to guys and she drank out of my drink bottle as did i after her, should i c a doc?
While the likeliness of you catching something from sharing the same bottle is minimal, I'd still be aware of the fact that nothing is 100%. As should your friend. In school they tell you that sharing a drink with someone won't give you HIV/AIDS. I think it is a false security. This friend of your is rather careless, and if she randomly performs acts on guys, I'd recommend a no-shjare policy. Nothing is fool-proof when it comes to STDs and illness. Except abstinence...So abstain from sharing.

If you aren't displaying any symptoms, I would not worry much about going. Unless its going to calm you down. Your friend definitely needs to go though. I'd hate to sound so nagging, but its true. Good lives go to waste so easily, and you need to protect yourself.

Check out the Center for Disease Control if you have any other concerns.


Is it true that girls shouldn't call boys b/c it's rude...thats what my friend told me.?

It is VERY true...if you are livin' on "little house on the prairie"'s 2006...girls can call guys now...and they can ask them out and propose (well, *I* wouldn't propose..but girls CAN)...don't listen to other what feels right to YOU!!!!

Is it true that girls shouldn't call boys b/c it's rude...thats what my friend told me.?
Your friend is stuck in 1950. Call whomever you like.
Reply:It is an old fashioned rule that girls did not call guys. It was said that it would be seen as the girl being easy. In this day and age once a relationship has been established it is ok to call the boy on occasion.
Reply:i agree with the first guy, if you like a boy, call him. i think most guys like girls that take the first step.
Reply:No it isn't, i would prefer it to know that girls are happy to do the chasing otherwise there is too much pressure on the guys.
Reply:Please call! Guys love it.
Reply:if you like him enough call him....I always liked it when girls called me because that was a signal to me that i'd have an easier time getting into their pants ...
Reply:you can call me Big Daddy.
Reply:No...she is dumb to think that....
Reply:girls can call!
Reply:no guys love when girls call them
Reply:youre friend is dumb
Reply:not 2 b mean or nething...but...ur friend iz dumb!! u shouldnt listen to ur friendz...sometimez dey r right n most timez dey r wrong...datz jus da way it goes....people call people...n its not rude it just a way of talking...
Reply:It depends on the situation if your trying to get to know this guy if he has your number and he does not use it within the first 3 days he has no intention on using it so if you want him you probably better go after him. If you two have been dating for a while and you kind of got into an argument and he did something that was not right you definitely don't call him first. You might check with some his friends or his family to see if he is alright but don't call him. Let him call you.

I am looking for a good friend who is a dentist. JENNY P. DE LEON. or now JENNY DALUSONG, in glendale C.A. usa

rebecca is asking a good friend. from Australia.. we met in the philippines

I am looking for a good friend who is a dentist. JENNY P. DE LEON. or now JENNY DALUSONG, in glendale C.A. usa
Im afraid i cant help you, sorry!

How can you get out of the whole your my close friend thats a girl and be more of a hey i can c her as my girl

i have always been the girl who is just a friend but sometimes the guy i like only sees me as that when i want him to see me as more of a girlfriend?

How can you get out of the whole your my close friend thats a girl and be more of a hey i can c her as my girl
If he sees you as only a close friend there isn't anything you can do. Try finding a different guy and be a little more obvious about liking him. Sometimes relationships change from friendship but....most of the time they don't.

My friend is putting her life in danger with a boyfriend how do i break them off or let her c the reality?


My friend is putting her life in danger with a boyfriend how do i break them off or let her c the reality?
you can't stop her, it is her life and she has to make her own mistakes, sad as that is, all you can do is express your feelings about the relationship and let her make up her own mind, whatever the consequences she will have to live with them. The more you tell her not to go with this guy the more she will want him.


My friend has lost his password... He also forgot the secret hint answer.. Any other way to retrieve the a/c?

he goes to the page where it asks for the hint question.. But after that it says a/c disabled for 12 hrs

My friend has lost his password... He also forgot the secret hint answer.. Any other way to retrieve the a/c?
Listen he is not getting back into his account that way. He needs to call this number and explain what happen. I just got locked out of my account for three days along with my husband, and friends. This is the number 1-866-562-7219. There is a virus that is going around on messenger. A smiley comes up his toungue sticking out saying view my pics. You think it is from one of your friends but its not. Let me know how it turns out. My sister just did it this morning and she is back in.
Reply:You're not trying to hack, are you?????
Reply:As long as you have your user name you can usually get your password emailed to you...all you need then is the password to get into the email account.
Reply:dial 911 for help...
Reply:oh please! are you trying to hack into his account? don't be so obvious about it.

Friend problem?

I have 3 friends, friend a (f), friend b (f), and friend c (m). Friend a and friend b both are in love with me. However, friend c asked out friend b. Friend b is just now getting to be cool to hang out with, however since friend b is going out with friend c, friend a thinks we should not hang out together. This is getting friend a very sad and I don't know what to do. Any suggestions?

Friend problem?
This makes no sense. Hang out with whom ever you choose to hang out with.
Reply:yeah just put the peoples name it's confusing i don't even get this ? that much so i can't help u sorry bye
Reply:Ignore the petty drama of your friends's romance problems and continue to hang out with them. Friend 'a' is probably just feeling left out. Be supportive of her as a friend. You could always see if she wants to hang out with you sometime without friend b and friend c.
Reply:i think u should all talk about it together so yo can do whats best 4 all of u
Reply:i think that you should just let evrybody know straight up what you think about the situation tell friend a that you love him but their also your friends tell friend b that you like him and tell friend c that if things work out with b to get his approval and let him no that you love him also and try hooking friend a up with friend c or somebody else just confront your feelings baby.
Reply:very confusing.

why is friend a think that you guys should not hang out??
Reply:Okay, and this is strictly just my opinion...I don't think you should stop hanging out with Friend A. If Friend B really liked you, they wouldn't have dated Friend C. Continue to hang out with both Friend A and Friend B, but let them know that as of right now, you are just friends (which Friend B should already know because they are dating someone). Got any further questions, email me. I kinda like talking about other people's problems.
Reply:if friend b %26amp; c are together, then how does this put a damper on things with you %26amp; friend a? this is very confusing %26amp; it might've been better if you would've used fake names =]] but i get 'cha. it sounds to me like friend a is a tad bit confused, too. the situation from their point of view isn't making any sense to me. just becuz friend b %26amp; c are going out doesn't mean that you %26amp; friend a can't talk to each other.

=]] +ab+
Reply:Friend b and friend c should get friend a a friend d (m). It will work out. Also, since friend a and friend b are (f)s, then they can still go to the mall separately and talk about friend c behind his back. jk. lol. Good luck.:-)
Reply:Go straight to Z and DO NOT look back!
Reply:tell friend a that you still wnat to hang out with them and maybe you should hang out with friend a but dont let friend b get the wrong idea.
Reply:well u can not help who u love and i think that to friend should not go out wit each other if any more contact me at
Reply:Sounds complicated! If they are really your friends and dating either one will come between you guys, then date outside of the group.
Reply:well tell him to suck it up cuse he said it not you

Thursday, July 30, 2009

My friend is tore all to pieces b/c she loves her bfriend yet she cant stand bein w him bc hes a butt?

basically she cant be with him but she cant be without him... what should she do?

My friend is tore all to pieces b/c she loves her bfriend yet she cant stand bein w him bc hes a butt?
I don't know if this helps, but most boyfriends/husbands are butts... It's just the honest truth... And I very much love my husband, who is usually the king of being a butt!! :-)

Seriously though, she just needs to decide if it's worth it-- do they really love each other, does he treat her badly? If he treats her horribly, she needs to drop him... If he just drives her crazy sometimes, but they really do have a deep love for each other, then stick it out... It's worth it.
Reply:well she is going to have to decide cause if he makes her feel unhappy when they are together then it probably better if is leaves him.but If they argue just a little and once in a while then I guess that's normal cause my guy and me are like always arguing but we make up that same day cause we just cant stay mad at each other but it up to her of what she is going to do. If he is worth it then she is just going to have to help him to change but if it is to much for her to handle then I hate to say it but its best for her to leave him.
Reply:Tell her to talk to him about how he makes her feel

My best friend's BF broke up with her!They were going great.She didn't do anything b/c he said he loved her b4

he said he loved her the night before they broke up. She is REALLY sad %26amp; depressed and she is my best friend so it's making me sad 2 :( They had a GREAT relationship going on.


My best friend's BF broke up with her!They were going great.She didn't do anything b/c he said he loved her b4
He might love her, but just not be ready to be tied down yet. He might love her, but think they are not compatible with each other. Let her pour out her heart out to you, listen to her. She will get over this in time and even find someone else. You are a good friend!
Reply:not like we can do anything and any advise should be from you to her.
Reply:He probably lost interest in her.
Reply:Just listen to her, and let her cry. and talk, talk talk,

Do not say one word against the boyfriend, no matter what. Why? Because if and when they get back together, she will hold what you said against you--even if SHE said it first. And she will tell her b/f and he will be mad at you too.

Just listen and tell her it will be OK. If they had a great relationship- for him, too-- he would not have broken up with her. Something happened. He may have his eye on someone else, or be worried about something.

Just be her friend and listen. Do not encourage her to do anything mean to him, or to hurt herself. Tell her mom if she talks about suicide. Honest! Good luck.
Reply:maybe he turned gay...
Reply:You should talk to him. Maybe he found another girl. Are you in hs or jr high or elementary? Just becuz he said it doesn't mean he meant it. You'll learn!!!
Reply:Where a solid relationship has been established over a long period of time it quickly soon be rekindled again but when all commitment and genuine heart has gone and love between two people its time to move on with yor lives both of you honestly see whether it would be worthwhile two restart this relationship again or not and take it from there thank you hope all works out really well for you thank you


My friend has to go for a (D&C) and a (DUA), What is (DUA)?

It could mean having a D%26amp;C as a Daycase under Anaesthetic? Which is what normally happens.

My friend has to go for a (D%26amp;C) and a (DUA), What is (DUA)?
I just had a D%26amp;C performed last Wednesday, along with a couple other procedures, and I was put under total anastsia (sp?) during my time in the OR. No one ever said anything to me about a DUA but DUA is an abbreviation for Data Use Agreement. This might mean she is agreeing to use any findings and test results to be put into the database for other doctors to use for research? That is my guess, total guess, but that's what DUA stands for.

Where can I find all of the inappropriate pics of Miley C.?ALL OF THEM!I'm tryin to prove somethin 2 my friend

you know all of the nasty/naughty pictures of Miley Cyrus???? I have only seen a few but I need ALL of them to prove something to my friend...

Where can I find all of the inappropriate pics of Miley C.?ALL OF THEM!I'm tryin to prove somethin 2 my friend
check this website down here. (i'm the 1st to post this website)
Reply:Okay. Well, I'm sure that they've deleted most of them.
Reply:what the hell r u talking bout?

My friend got "suspended" from her job b/c money came up missing?

(she then quit)She was the manager so therefore held responsible...even though she swears she did not take it. One of the other employees is going around telling everyone she was fired for stealing. Can she get in trouble for this legally????

My friend got "suspended" from her job b/c money came up missing?
It seems your friend's employer has not found a solid evidence that your friend actually stole the money since her employment was not terminated. In this case, the employee who was spreading the false information in order to degrade someone's reputation can be definitely sued. However, it is a lot better to sue the company and the employee together for her destroyed reputation for being suspended without a valid evidence and the failure for the employer to protect her privacy. I'm pretty sure when the company finds out it is sued because of the employee who has been spreading the rumor, she will be fired right away.
Reply:I choose to interpret you question as "Can the person claiming your friend was fired for stealing get in legal trouble?" Unless the person can PROVE what they say, they could face a lawsuit for slander. Because your friend quit and was not actually fired, it should not be possible to prove she was fired.

If you mean to ask if your friend can get in legal trouble, unless it is proven that she was involved in, or knew about criminal activity, loss of her job is the worst that will happen to her.
Reply:not anymore unless they have video of her doing it

My friend ended a yr long relationship b/c of long distanc etc... and not her X is really forgeting things...?

She hooked up with him after graduation, and spent the whole summer with him, at the end of the summer she knew she loved him they decided to stay together even though they would be 300 miles away (for college)... she saw her self marying him and having a whole future :) they struggled cause of the long distance... it kinda turned into an open relationship ( they were trying to date others, to see what was out there but they were supposed to tell each other about them he didn't tell her about one...) but she still loved him. She went home for the summer and was with him the whole time. he became her FIRST (hint)... but they ended up breakingup due to the long distance when heading back to college.

She has been getting over him but can't help but love him (even though she kinda thinks it's stupid). apparently he has become ill and is getting memory loss... he doesn't know why they broke up and keeps asking for her to take him back...

should she get back with him mem los + dist???

My friend ended a yr long relationship b/c of long distanc etc... and not her X is really forgeting things...?
Ugh don't tell me that. My gf and I will have to go through the same thing in June. But as per your question, long distance relationships never work. Besides, it seems like your friend was waay more into the relationship than he was. I think, as hard and heartbreaking as it may be, she should just try to remember the happy times - not dwell on them; and move on.


You have a friend that is visiting his sick mother in the domenican repuplic.he calls you to tell youthat he c

you have a friend that is visiting his sick mother in the domenican repuplic.he calls you to tell youthat he cashed a check at the bank for$2,500.But the cashier misread it , and gave him $25,000.Your frind wants to bring his mother to the u.s to get her expert ,medical care , but before now , he couldn't affort it . Now he could pay to help his mother.However , he feels guilty about keeping the money. what advice would you give your friend

You have a friend that is visiting his sick mother in the domenican repuplic.he calls you to tell youthat he c
i would tell him to be honest about the money and give it back perhaps you could have friends raise money to bring his mom to the US.
Reply:I'd tell him to turn in the money before they bust him and find an honest way to help his mother.

I have this guy friend, and before I moved he promised to stay in touch, but he has not. Is it b/c he is a guy

We have been friends for a really long time, and I was really hoping that he would keep in touch with me. Does he really like me for a friend, or does he just feel sorry for me? Serious answers only please. Please don't tell me that I need to get a life. I have one, I just miss my best friend.

I have this guy friend, and before I moved he promised to stay in touch, but he has not. Is it b/c he is a guy
Chances are likely he does like you as a friend, but a lot of people have difficulty keeping in touch over long distances. That's something that happens when people move, or leave high school, or college. Get in touch with him, let him know you miss having your best friend around, but if he doesn't keep in touch, there's not much you can do to force him. I hope you get to know some new friends in your new locale!
Reply:It sounds like he's a typical person of this day and age who doesn't place a value on keeping his word. You might want to confront him about it one time since you like him so well, but it doesn't sound good.
Reply:Well with my friends, I really never kept in touch, because things change and people change and life goes on
Reply:No; he is probably living life too fast, too busy.

Women get that way too. Not just guys.

You be more careful to whom you choose to give your phone, email, or address.
Reply:It is harder sometimes for guys to express how they feel, even to girls that are just friends. I have had male friends and we did stay in touch for a couple years after i moved away. Unfourtuantly though life does go on and we each met new people. I would have to be the one though that made the calls and arrangments to met up someplace. He is now married and so am I and after 15 years we have lost contact, but I still feel he is a very good friend.
Reply:People often start out with the best of good intentions; and then wham, life happens. I have to say though, that it may be possible that he is "just not that into you" if he's let his promise go.... sad, but true.

Write him, and tell it like it is. See what his reaction is. Then you can make some new decisions. Good luck!
Reply:ppl often get lazy to contact ppl they dont see reguarlly,,it might be too he has feelings for you and is hurt,...maybe you should text him or somethin jus to test the water
Reply:lol Now that's labelling the male gender... that's bad. Someone might get offended.

No, it's not because he's a guy (I almost wrote 'girl'... SORRY!). You could call him or send him an e-mail or letter... remind him you want to keep in contact and well, he's your best friend, you can tell him you miss him :P

But just send a friendly reminder and tell him what's going on with you and how your house is/etc. Just make a conversation and ask him to reply in an e-mail or letter or something.
Reply:NO!!!!!!!!!!! you should either tell him or start you should start staying in touch w/ him
Reply:Possibly, most guys aren't very good at staying in touch. I've moved around a lot, and I hardly keep in touch with anyone once I've moved. But as soon as I run into someone again, we laugh and joke like we've neer been apart.
Reply:People come and People go. Noone ever stays in touch like they say they will. They get busy with their lives and forget the people in the past.
Reply:dude i feel the same way talk to me on IM
Reply:Are you contacting him or waiting for him? It's possible he lost your contact info. But if he has itl, there are any number of reasons why he's not contacting you. He could be moving on, involved with someone, busy, or maybe he only made that promise to be kind and wasn't really interested. Kind of the classic "Yeah, I'll call you sometime" line. It doesn't mean he's a bad guy, just that he didn't want to hurt your feelings by being blunt or brutally honest.
Reply:He got tied of the same spread ---- went looking for new -- old story -- move on
Reply:How long has it been since you've heard from him? maybe you should get in touch with him and tell him you miss him. Guys need to be told also.

Don't sweat it. Just call or write to him and do it soon. He may be wanting to hear from you or something may be keeping him from contacting you.
Reply:When people promise to keep in touch they don't always I am sorry you are sad from missing your friend and you can try to keep in touch but if he will not respond then there is nothing you can do.
Reply:he's got a life too, how long has it been? just becuase you don't talk every second day dosen't mean your not friends. i've got friends i talk to once a year but when we hook up we still have a good time. don't make a problem out of no problem.... unless you expect more from the realationship?
Reply:No - he's probably just a bad keep in toucher.

I am a bad keep in toucher. I have two really close girlfriends - both live far away. They both know that I stink so they keep me on their joke email list so they send me an 'email' at least once a week. I don't return emails but the emails do spurn me give a call once/twice a month - plus I return their phone calls.

I try not to be bad - but it's something I've always mom always had to ride me about thank you notes - even now when I am 36 I still stink.

Have a heart and keep calling and emailing.