Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Friend doesn't spend as much time with you b/c of new relationship?

Okay, so your good friend finds a significant other and has no time for you anymore. Should you feel sad or just it accept it as natural - pretty much everyone does it? Is it ever anything you should bring up or are you just not being happy for your friend cause she/he has someone and you don't?

Friend doesn't spend as much time with you b/c of new relationship?
This is something I have dealt with my friends many times and to be honest something I have done myself.

You find a new boyfriend and suddenly all of your time is with them. This is an exciting time for you.

With my friends during this period I always cut them some slack and never said anything. Let them enjoy themselves. We all know the rush and excitement of a new relationship.

Give him/her a couple of months in their new relationship. Just support them and let them enjoy the ride. Normally after a couple of months things go back to normal and we remember how to balance our lives.

If it doesn't go back just talk to them nicely about it - how you miss them..sometimes they just need to hear it to get their feet back on the ground.

Don't take this personally - be a good friend and just talk to them after awhile.

A good friend always comes back and will love you more for understanding what they are going through.


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