Tuesday, July 28, 2009

How do you know if your friend is a true friend or not? Pls. answer!!! :c?

Well one way is , is that they are there for you in every situation even if they no it may be hard to fix , if they are always by your side , if they save you from doing things the wrong way or taking the wrong path in life , if they are always they for you , and if the are always close to you and don't start to drift away all of the sudden , if they are trustworthy , and honest and you know that you can trust them which is basically trustworthy lol.

How do you know if your friend is a true friend or not? Pls. answer!!! :c?
Maya Angelou says, when people show you who they are, believe them. In other words, treat them the way you have always treated them. I don't believe in tricking people to see if they can be trusted, but, as humans, there are times in our lives when we need help, either financially or just someone there to encourage us. Three years ago I thought I had 2 true friends. We hung out all the time. Then I lost my job. I did not hear from from one of them at all. Theone who made alot more than us three combined ,he didn't even at least call once to encourage me. The other friend who was struggling to make ends meet, at the very least, he treated me to the occasional dinner, or movie when I was depressed. He even called daily to see how I was doing and to tell me to keep my head up. He even gave me gas money so I could get to and from interviews.

I eventually got back on my feet, Thank God, and you know what...I AM REALLY GLAD that I lost my job when I did, because I found out who was my true friend. I would have never known otherwise. I would have still been wasting my time on a fairweather friend.
Reply:Just ask him/her to give his favourate thing ( which he like most ) to you for a few days.


Talk with him about your bad memories/sorrows.

If he is listening to you without interrupting you and giving you his hand to help ( mentally ).

He will be with you , when you need a FRIEND !!!!!!
Reply:If your friend aways does what he says he's going to do, he is reliable. If he/she/ doesn't lie, he is trustworthy, if he doesn't stab you in he back, he's loyal. If you ever got into trouble and he would be there for you, he's devoted to you. If your friend has any or some of these qualities, then you have a true friend.
Reply:you need to know if you can really trust this person. trick them by telling then a secret and have another friend try and get it out of them. if he or she spills then he is not trustworthy and will not be a great to friend you later in life.
Reply:A true friend does not feel jealous, so show you wonderfull possesion and see the way your friend reacts, you will know to judge the person by their reaction.( Hey but even if the person reacts jealously once don't forget to give your friend a second chance the next time)
Reply:There is an old thing I heard about friends.

A normal friend will bail you out of jail. A true friend will be sitting right there next to you say damn we f*ck up but that sh*t was fun.
Reply:Really you do kno but if u dont jus play a trick like who they rather be with a girl then they bff
Reply:if you have to ask that question then they probaly aren't.
Reply:Chances are if you are asking this question then you are having doubts. My advice to you is follow your heart. Your question is too broad to really answer. I would need examples of how this person treats you to accuratly determine this. (Usually our intuitions dont lead us astray!)
Reply:well u will hv to test them and see who knows u better.pls reply to my e-mail address mbali002@yahoo.com

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