Tuesday, July 28, 2009

I love someone but c dosnt love me. b4 my proposal we was good friend & now we dont talk eachother. what i do?

i love someone but she dosn't love me. before my proposal we was good friend %26amp; now we don't talk to eachother. i am trying much more to forget her but now its not possible for me. i have spended more good oppertunity %26amp; my best time also for her. i know she doesn't like onother person. she is very understandable, gient girl. i left my all the bad ediction, like drinking, smoking, etc for her. i am also employed and well earning guy. i can give her all the happiness which is possible for me. i know now i cant leave with out her. i know also her family will no have any obbjection. i cant understand that why doesnt she love (she like me) me. please help me what will i do? but never say that i will forget her because i repeat again its not possible for me. i will wait for ur answer. please reply me as soon as possible.

I love someone but c dosnt love me. b4 my proposal we was good friend %26amp; now we dont talk eachother. what i do?
I'll give u some treatment. contact me on anshikarawat1992@yahoo.co.in
Reply:why she does not love you i don't know ,but the suggestion is that go to that gal and tell her sorry and tell her that you want to continue your friendship just only as friend.she may be refuse you but she can't do it repeated time.i think one day she will agree ,but that is the friendship.and as friend you can kidding with her , can ask about her choice, which kind of person she likes.if she loves you then one day she will come to you.
Reply:may be you should try to explain her what "opertunity", "ediction",

and "gient" mean.

If she has a good heart and doesn't give 'spell check' a damn..just like you......%26amp; she reads this question I promise you she will be yours!

my friend just ask this question to the girl herself....maybe she can answer well!
Reply:i also love some one but i dont tell him.

then u tell her after this she not execept so u forget her and tell her not lovres but friendship is possible.

i understand your promblemb. we arwe same. will you excapt my friendship?meet me on

Reply:One side affairs do not pan out so put a distant.

Time is the best healer.
Reply:see u leaving ur bad habits ,earning more .her family not objecting is not a fair cause for u to expect for u to love a person u have proposed to her right ,now take adeep breath and be the same person ever ,give her time to think she will accept u
Reply:Love is the most precious gft.Evn i'll not say that 4get her.Be close to her.If she dnt loves u dnt wry.Remain her frnd %26amp; wait 4 the right time.One day she'll relize ur love.But try to get more close to her as a frnd.Share feelings wth her, sort out her problem, be frank %26amp; frendly.As time will paas on she will defintly fall in love wth u...

Lots of Best wishes
Reply:She won't talk to you. You need to talk to her. You need to tell her that you still want to remain a great friend of hers. Gradually she'll get used to making conversations with you. Who knows, she might even start liking you(if she doesn't like someone else)!!! You need to be patient. This is love you're talking about. One cannot start liking you just because you told the person, you like her.
Reply:according to what you have written , it looks like a one sided affair.the best thing you can do is to move on with your life.try dating someone else to get your mind off her.forgetting her would be very tough.i have been in the same situation before.i know how you feel.but never give up on others because someone has refused to spend her life with you.who knows,you might find someone much more worthy of your affections.cheer up !!!!!!!!!!!!

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