Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Is my friend right: she has a boyfriend for 3yrs, & is mad b/c I'm talking to her crush?

She's been w/ her boyfriend for over 3 yrs now %26amp; is supposed to be happily ever after. They have a savings acc together %26amp; have plans for marriage, aren't yet engaged though.

About a month ago I began talking to this guy that we both know, She's known him for a really long time %26amp; has always had a crush (he's hot, has a good job %26amp; is super sweet). Anyway so I knew

about the crush but since she's been w/ her man %26amp; is in love, I figured all was good %26amp; she wouldn't make a big deal about it.

On the contrary to my thoughts though, she was super PISSED!!! She said how could I do that to her... however, it's not like she would've pursued her crush... so what did I actually do to her. Anyway she's my best friend %26amp; things haven't been the same since the guy %26amp; I started talking. I have no idea how to make things better. I can't talk to her about him %26amp; we're just weird.

What do I do( I miss my friend) %26amp; is she right for being mad?

Is my friend right: she has a boyfriend for 3yrs, %26amp; is mad b/c I'm talking to her crush?
Your friend totally needs to grow up! I sure hope your not falling for her bull crap! And she says she's going to marry this other dude? Right! She's not ready to marry anyone, let alone be a true friend to you!!! With friends like that, who needs enimies? Let her come to you, she will. When she does, make sure she agree's with the fact that YOU can be with and DO with what ever you want. You can't let other people control you! That would be a very bad practice to get into in your life. It would be all down hill, believe me. If you care anything about yourself, do what YOU think is OK for you. Keep talking to the guy, and love life-with people who respect people for who YOU are!!!
Reply:no if she is in lov then she has no right 2 b mad however if u really miss u friend then u will talk 2 her about it and ask her y she is so mad .shell tell u and then ask her if u lov ________ then y r u so mad at me 4 talking 2 him . and really if she was ur friend she wood trust u that ur just talking 2 him not sleeping with him ( thats just an example) well ill pray 4 a girl i hope it works out God bless
Reply:Tell her to get over it.
Reply:no she isn't because she in a realationship with somebody shes been with for three YEARS and u were single so she shouldnt be so greedy and try to have both if she was your friend she should let u be happy and she should move on with her boyfriend
Reply:Your friend is commited so he is fair game unless she has something going on on the side. If your friend is mad and you want her friendship more than his quit seeing him. About all there is to this.
Reply:This same situation happened to me a few years back except the genders were reversed. I hooked up with my good friends crush, even though he had been steady with another girl for 2 or 3 years already. needless to say he got mad, we almost fought it out. we didnt really talk much for a few months but eventually he came around. this is a messy situation and my advice to you is this: if your friend is as good a friend as you say she is, than she should be happy for you to find a good man (there arent many of us, trust me) no matter how much she has a crush on him. if she cant get past it, than you may just have to chalk it up to simple, old-fashioned jealousy. in my experience there isnt much you can do to counteract jealousy, in which case you need to weigh which is more important to you. your friend or your love life.
Reply:First of all your friend shouldn't be upset if it makes you happy. Why does she get a bf and secretly have a thing for a guy that could possibly be the one for you? Who is she to stop you from being happy? If she's your real friend she'll let it go and be happy for you and for her relationship.
Reply:ur friend is dumb
Reply:Tell your friend she needs to get her priorities straight. Either she's committed to her boyfriend or she needs to end it and go after her crush.

If she does love her boyfriend, there's no reason you can't go out with any guy you want, even if she has a crush on the guy. Her only crush should be on her boyfriend.

Good luck!
Reply:unfortunately yes she is right for being mad. why would u wanna talk to a guy who u cant even talk to ur friend about? thats no fun! anyways boys come and go but friends are forever! if u can remember that then you'll never have a problem with a friendship. PLUS in th girls unwritten code of honor you can never talk to a guy that ur friend has liked, crushed on, slept with, or kissed. oh yea who's to say that their relationship is going to last forever? U cant say that she wasnt gonna go after the guy, she might have if she wasnt in a relationship with the guy....... anyways GOOD LUCK (remember no guy is worth a friendship!)
Reply:Jealousy is a powerful thing. She's both right and wrong for being angry. Just let it pass and soon you'll be able to talk to your friend again.

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