Tuesday, July 28, 2009

My friend told me im going to hell b/c im bi......????

she tells me im going to hell b/c im bi but i love jessus and god but i also love both guys and girls what do you think???

My friend told me im going to hell b/c im bi......????
This question allowed me to think back to my final year of secondary school. My supposed friends learned of my bisexuality and from then forward I was tormented until my final days of school. What amused me most is that many of those people who had tormented me, are now gay or bisexual...each of whom are now unable to make eye contact with me. One of my best friends had refused to speak to myself and a mutual friend when we became open of our bisexuality, 4 years later he is a drag queen in a gay bar in our city centre. It tends to be their own insecurities
Reply:No..... gay and bi ppl cant go to hell bcuz they are not str8. God made you the way you are and you definitely won't go to hell bcz of that. You cant listen to ppl who make you feel bad. You have to believe this bcz u'll go insane if you belive that living the way you feel and loving ppl will comdem you to hell..... Homophobes belong in hell for the treatment they give us.
Reply:Your friend must be very mighty indeed to know what God has in store for you. Do you believe in God, or do you put more faith in your friend? Thank her for her concern and let her know she no longer needs to remind you. You are in Gods hands now. What you do in this life is between you and God. Nobody else.
Reply:It may be that she is only repeating, parrot fashion, what the "big" people say. If she is a true friend she should know that you are a good person and deserves better. If she has reached the stage of hide bound bigotry, then there is no reasoning with her.

Go on and find new, loving friends.

Best wishes,

Rose P.
Reply:some people told me the same thing. im not really into religion a lot, but it is true that people go to hell when they are bi, lesbian, or gay and even transgender even if you are religious. dont get scared cuz i do believe in that too, but i dont
Reply:I think you like the best of both worlds......................

And NO I don't think you will go to HELL for being BISEXUAL.

For everyone's safety/sake I hope you at least use CONDOMS....................................

P S At least have the decency to let EACH PARTNER KNOW

Reply:Only God can judge wheter you go to hell or not. If he created you to be bi, so why would he send you to hell?

Love is a feeling, not a decision :]
Reply:Tell your friend that if you're going to Hell ( a place that was originally for ALL people who die) so will s/he because only God can judge. You can also inquire as to who died and left them God
Reply:well i don't believe in heaven or hell but if there was a hell i don't think you would be going there but i do think you should get some better friends
Reply:Tell your friend that she is going to hell for being so abusive to you.
Reply:Only God desides who goes to hell or not .
Reply:Your friend is a close minded bigot. Tell her that she'll be down there for judging people.
Reply:God doesn't care. He made you that way.
Reply:She is not your friend. PERIOD
Reply:there is no hell.
Reply:You need better friends.
Reply:There is no such thing. When we die, it's all over.
Reply:tell her to go to hell , and find some real friends
Reply:well ure not aslong as ure a good person 8)
Reply:She isn't your friend if she thinks that. Be who you are and not what society wants you to be :)
Reply:well she can go to hell for even thinkin or sayin dat 2 u

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