Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Tell me a nice way of telling guy u don't c him as more than a friend?

You're someone I can see in my life for a long time...just not in my bed.

Tell me a nice way of telling guy u don't c him as more than a friend?
Straight up to the point. no round about. probably start the topic when you arent having fun , but are in a serious kind of conversation. Hints dont work, guys dont get the message.

Again defining at the next instance what is acceptable and what all you could still do together.....
Reply:There is none. Best thing you *might* consider doing, however, is going out once or twice. You might not even realize that he may be the best thing to happen to you. And if he's not, clearly he'll get the message more clearly that way.
Reply:"I really like you as a friend but I don't think we should take it further." seems to be effective.
Reply:well, u tell him directly.....sorry, but we can't be more than friends....i like u, but as a friend.....i think he will understand u, but he won't let u very easy to go...but u should get use to it, that he still will want to be next to u always...
Reply:just tell him "i'm not interested in u,ur not of my kind %26amp; if he is still after u then GIVE HIM A TIGHT SLAP

u know,sofar i have slapped 6 to 10 boys.just try it once,i'm sure u will love it
Reply:i really do like u and u r funny nice guy but as frind
Reply:Tell him: I love you! As a friend...
Reply:There is no nice way of telling someone that..no matter how nicely it's put, it's letting someone know that you're not interested. One thing is for sure though, you are being kinder by doing it as soon as possible..don't let the fact that you're letting him down make you put it off. The sooner the better. Good Luck

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