Tuesday, July 28, 2009

I know this guy, i think he likes me but my friend says that he gave up on love b/c of a past relationship...?

what should i do? im good friends with him, but we recently stoped talking and everytime im near him it seems like he shows off. My friend said that the reason he doesnt want to have a girlfriend is because of a past relationship with a girl that is a BIG slut. What can i do to make him start dating again?

I know this guy, i think he likes me but my friend says that he gave up on love b/c of a past relationship...?
Just be honest with him. Tell him that you're into him, then say "when you're ready to date again, I would like to go out sometime." Whatever you do, don't push him. If you force him into a relationship before he's ready, you might just end up the rebound girl and be hurt in the end.


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