Tuesday, July 28, 2009

My friend is charged to injure a guy and assisting cop, please advise b/c he won't have a lawyer. thank you!

There was a stranger started out the fight between him and my friend. However, they were both ok until my friend's guy friend jumped in and beat the other guy up caused injury (not a severe situation, blood nose and some bruises). After that my friend and his friend decided to leave. Once they were in the car, they didn't notice that the cop walked up toward them (because it was about 1 something in the morning). They didn't hear the cop called out for them to stop the engine, the cop hit into my friend's car rear glass and broke it. After that they were arrested. When they were brought into the court and be charged for two crimes,fighting and assisting the cop. Please help, what does he have to do when he attends the court tomorrow since he doens't have lawyer and they said they won't assign him one because he is not under low budges. I want to have some advises for him so he won't say anything wrong and be put in jail. thank you for all your helps and advises!

My friend is charged to injure a guy and assisting cop, please advise b/c he won't have a lawyer. thank you!
Well Lucky ... you are lucky you aren't your friend!

"Fighting and assisting the cop?" How about assault and resisting arrest? Does that sound about right?

He should hire a lawyer if he does not meet the income requirements for free legal counsel. He will need a great lawyer (not just a good lawyer ... a great one! We're talking Perry goddam Mason here!). They missed several commands from the police officers involved, attempted to leave the scene of an assault that they committed ... all I can say is "Oh boy do they got problems ... BIG freaking problems ... gigantic, colossal, King Kong sized problems!"

What does he have to do when he attends court? Request more time to hire a lawyer!

He has already said and done enough to practically guarantee a jail or prison sentence! time to STFU! He should request time to hire a lawyer ... and say not a thing more! His lawyer already has their hands full from what you have written here.

BTW ... Even with the GREATEST lawyer in the WORLD I wouldn't be too surprised at a guilty verdict! Your friend has painted himself into a pretty tight corner!
Reply:I don't think it's "assisting the cop", but rather "resisting arrest" [by fleeing the scene].

Have him get an attorney, or at least a public defender.
Reply:O.K., sounds like they are charged with either Disorderly Conduct (fighting in public) or Assault on the first guy. You do not get arrested for "assisting a cop"; so I assume the charge is, Assaulting a Police Officer.

Your narrative isn't too clear about where the assault on the officer occurs. Did they somehow hit the officer with the car? Resist arrest?

Normally, the first hearing is an arraignment, during which the judge informs the defendant, your friend, of the charges and his rights under Miranda. It sounds like he was arraigned already. Going to court tomorrow without a lawyer at his side is downright foolish. Spend the money. The Assault on a Police Officer can be a very serious charge. In some states, the charge is a felony crime and could mean a couple years in prison, plus a felony criminal history. A decent lawyer could plea bargain the charge down to a misdemeanor and a fine.

What can he say tomorrow? He can ask the judge to delay the hearing for another day or so until he gets a lawyer. That is probably about all the leeway he will get.

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