Tuesday, July 28, 2009

My friend says her son has o.c.d. i think he has behavior problems.?

he won't use a broken fork. when she buys him something out to eat and it's not exactly what he wants he throws it. he has fits when he doesn't get his way. this is not ocd right?

My friend says her son has o.c.d. i think he has behavior problems.?
how old is the child? he may have ocd, has that been diagnosed or is that her opinion? the kid sounds like my daughter who has a mood disorder, my daughter is only 4 and shows signs of ocd but that hasn't been confirmed by the doc yet, but ocd does run in my family. this kid sounds like a brat and yes, sounds like he does have behavioral issues, but is it because of a disorder or because he is attempting to control his mother and his environment?
Reply:It could be either OCD or autism. Both tend to be over lapping. The friend may not be able to set boundaries with the child like normal. Case in point throwing food that isn't exactly right. The mother should talk with the child prior to the food arriving that it may not be exactly the way he wants but he still will have to eat it that way.

OCD and autism are both behavior problems where the child has to have things exactly so or else the child has problems.

You no if the kid was truly diagnosed by a doctor he could have this.

However it is so easy for people to spoil such a kid rotten when he has problems.

This of course does not help the kid one bit!!

My son is autistic (shows many signs of OCD), but he does not get away with bad behavior either! He throws a fit about food or anything else, he wont eat that meal or get whatever he is throwing a fit about, period!

Why make a child's problems worse by spoiling them?

Is this is a first time mother ?
Reply:Very difficult to say, how old is he? Some children are just perfectionists and will act out if things seem wrong to them and would rather not do something that do it wrong.
Reply:beat that kid *** next time he throws food on the ground then make him get on his knees and eat it.

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