Tuesday, July 28, 2009

My friend just got her first C. Were graduating in 5 days. How can we console her?

She really does need to get a grip ... in the overall scheme of things it is not a big deal.

My friend just got her first C. Were graduating in 5 days. How can we console her?

Who cares, you are graduating, it no longer matters.
Reply:tell her that c's get degrees
Reply:Tell her life is not about what you know, it's who you know. That's the truth right there.
Reply:Beer, lots and lots of beer.
Reply:nobody looks at the grades you get this close to the end of school. they know its screw-off time for seniors. she's gonna be fine.
Reply:Console her? What for? She earned that grade. If she is dissatisfied, she should blame herself and learn that to get the marks you need to put in the effort. If you don't have the skills to pull off the grade you want, be happy with your "C".
Reply:Oh no how devistating! Wow, how can she live with herself! She is like an Iraqi orphan whose parents were shot by american soldiers.
Reply:well say her that it could have been worst

she might have got D,E or F
Reply:Let her know that she's only human and PLUS this is an extremely trying/hard time in her life. If she's done better than C's her whole life, then she's done much better that most the other students probably. Just let it go, have fun %26amp; celebrate that you're graduating %26amp; just remember to focus well on school after that point. Don't let a little C get ya down! :)
Reply:Suck the teachers dick... I am pretty sure that gets an A.
Reply:Remind her that you're graduating in five days!!! C'mon!!!

And remind her that a grade of "C" means "Average". Its OK to be average now and then.

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