Tuesday, July 28, 2009

A B C D Can I bring my friend to tea?

1 2 3 4 can I have a little more.... All Together now!!

A B C D Can I bring my friend to tea?
For an alphabet session? why not xxx
Reply:of course you can, if i can come too
Reply:yes but i only have enough spaghetti for two does she like toast and jam?
Reply:6789,so long as they bring a very good wine,yes of course you can my dear,so long as they bring stacks of beer!!!!
Reply:of course you can it'll be more fun
Reply:TUEV Yes U bring your friend to tea
Reply:...of course.....can i come with you?!?.....
Reply:E F G H Yes i'll welcome all your mates!
Reply:yeah sure.what time and where, your house or ours.?
Reply:how kind. be there in 10. lol

midnight~Angel :)
Reply:E F G H Y only if i can buy
Reply:E F G - yes they can come to tea :)


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