Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Friend no longer spends much time with me b/c of significant other?

Okay, so your good friend finds a significant other and has no time for you anymore. Should you feel sad or just it accept it as natural - pretty much everyone does it? Is it ever anything you should bring up or are you just not being happy for your friend cause she/he has someone and you don't?

Friend no longer spends much time with me b/c of significant other?
Your young it seems. Once you find "the one" or someone close to it you will know what your friend is going through. Right now....just be a friend. Call her if your not busy, call her back when she calls, hang out as often as schedules permit, be there for her when she needs, cause no matter who stands in the way of your friendship and no matter how long you spend apart they will know you are there as a friend. Not as a competeing goof who has a lot of time on their hands. Don't be petty or jealous. Life goes on, your friend if you support and love your friend will be there for you. If you be grudge them for finding love and be mean with jealousy youll lose a good friend. Be strong the first couple months of a relationship are always spent together with their boo's(lol) but then they always want their friends
Reply:Your friend, if s/he is a friend, should not be leaving you out like this. Calmly talk to him/her about how you wish s/he would spend more time with you. Do NOT raise your voice or get angry at him/her during this discussion. It will only make matters worse.

Hope this helped!
Reply:It is a pretty natural thing see when people get a significant other it seems like all they want to do is spend time with them but then as your relationship grows they will fit you in per say to their life again and you just kinda have to accept that until they reach that stage, there seems to be soo many stages in a relationship the fighting lovey dovey the i cant stand you...so just stick it out you'll see
Reply:girls do this. they tend to ditch everyone and be all over just their boyfriend. don't critize her man or she will just get angry.
Reply:It depends on how close you are with your friend. It is natural to become annoyed, because you want to spend time with your friend. Maybe tell your friend that they are neglecting you and a little bit of time would be nice. Don't be mean about it, though, because then they will feel like you are making them choose between you and their significant other.
Reply:i think you should just give it some time; maybe it will stop after a while. If not, talk to ur friend nicely and just say something like " no offence but i feel like ever since u started dating so and so, we havent spent much time together as we used to, so i just wanted to let u know how i felt." i think ur friend will understand, and dont worry, this happens to a lot of people
Reply:Of course you are feeling a little bad because you don't want to lose your friend. Some people grow apart as they get married or get into relationships. Try to be happy for your friend and maybe suggest a night once every couple of weeks that you can hang out just the two of you or with other friends. It's okay to feel the way you are this natural just try to overcome.

Oh a therapist would probably say something like "That's a loss and it's okay to grieve that loss" (I had a therapist once and she said that about every problem I had- it actually got a little annoying.

good luck.
Reply:Be glad for your friend and don't sweat them. Later on in life they might act like you all were never the good friends that you were. It happened to me. I had a supposed best friend. I introduced her to someone. Sometime went on and she got married and her husband told me to never speak to her anymore. She had the nerve to say we were never really good friends anyway. Wow, that hurt. Life went on though.
Reply:You should be happy for your friend and hopefully your friend is a "good enough friend" that he won't diss you and he'll still hang out with you and call you. Just don't act jealous!
Reply:i think that it is so ridiculous when a girl does that....i mean you leave your friend for this boy but when he breaks your heart...im the one you run back to...those are the type of ppl you stay FAR away from....

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