Monday, May 24, 2010

My friend is diching us for a girl I hate... what do I do?

My friend, E is ditching us for this girl I hate, J. My friend T doesn't like her either, and my friend C is pretty neutral about it (which is kinda annoying). It's not like E doesn't like us anymore, it's just that she's spending more and more time with J, and it's really grating on our nerves. It's like J is trying to steal E away... the sad part is that it's working. J is ok with my other friends, but she had admitted herself that she doesn't like me for no reason, and the feeling is mutual. What I want to know is: Would it be too pushy to confront E about it, or should I just let it go? I don't want my BFF to distance from me!

Thank you for your time =]



My friend is diching us for a girl I hate... what do I do?
confront E. never let go of the ones you love cause you'll regret it. i once let go of my bf months ago and i regret it alot
Reply:Let her go! If she said that she doesn't like you for no reason then stopp being her friend. Some girls like "J" probably don't have friends at all and try to take friends away to get revenge on people. You might haven't done a single thing to her but maybe she envies you on the many friends you have. She might be jealous. If "J" sees that you are getting angry then she'll do it even more.

If you still want "E" back then tell her how you feel and if she doesn't show any concern then tell her that you don't want to be friends with her but that you'll still care about her. Just let"E" know that you still care about her. Or just let her be "J's" friend even if you don't like her. Okay? My friend,"C" she still hangs with this spoiled,mean,self-abosred, girl but I let her hang with that girl jsut to show "C" that I'm a good friend. And maybe,just maybe,try to be "J's" friend or talk to her to let her know that your not gettiing angry at her for what's she's doing.(She might respect you a little, you never know.)
Reply:tell her how you feel and maybe she will undertand .
Reply:tell her how you feel, if she is a real BFF she will understand.

I have a friend who likes this guy. Today I find out that another girl likes the same guy. Should I tell her?

There is this friend who we'll call N, she's a freshman. She likes this guy named P who is a Junior. N told me that she liked P. (I kinda like N...but thats not the point) Then my friend L(who is a senior, i'm also a senior) tells me that our friend C who is a sophmore, likes P. I was wondering shouldI tell N about C? Or just leave it?

I have a friend who likes this guy. Today I find out that another girl likes the same guy. Should I tell her?
Um...we all like people. There is always going to be somebody else that likes P or N. You aren't the only one to like N either.

So, if the reason is just to tell her to let her down, I wouldn't. It's not like she's dying to go out with him. She's a freshman-a harmless crush.

Now if you wanted to tell her because you wanted to get rid of P so you can have her, that is another story.
Reply:i guess your motives are the deciding factor here, if you want to tell her to perhaps prevent her from being hurt then your motives are good and you should tell her.

If your doing this so that you have a chance with her, do not it will simply backfire and if she finds out this was the reason im not too sure she would be flattered, im no expert with women not at all, but in my experience ive found honesty is a quality women adore, to be honest not just women i think all people admire honesty.

If its to get a chance with her dont tell her about this guy she likes instead mention that you like her unless you value her too much as a friend to lose her as such, or at least make it a bit uncomfortable, i guess the alternative is tell her this guy likes another girl and see what pans out with this guy then after that mention you like her .
Reply:dont get involved Just let things fall where they may
Reply:yea tell but be casual about it..if it comes up on the topic then be like ohh "C" likes him 2
Reply:yea tell her. Also dont use letters they get kinda confusing. Just use fake names if your worried they will see it.

Am I wrong to give an ultimatum to my boyfriend about his pothead friend?

I have been with my boyfriend for 5 years, and living together the last 2 years. He had a serious drug addiction to meth and pot, and went to residential treatment for a little over 6 months- Feb. '07 to Sep. '07 and came home. The problem is we have a guy friend "C" who is a really good guy, but a SERIOUS pothead and smokes weed all the time. While my bf was in rehab, my bf even said that he doesn't think he can be friends or hang out with "C" anymore. When my bf got back from rehab, a month later I allowed him to hang out with "C" at C's house almost every weekend. I don't know if my bf is lying or not, but he said that while "C" would smoke weed, he would go outside and have a cigarette. I trusted my bf in hoping he won't get addictive cravings and start weed again, and I trusted our friend "C" to watch out for him. Last Sunday, I caught my bf in C's truck, and it was all smoky inside. My bf claims he didn't smoke weed and was just talking. I told him I would buy a drug test from

Am I wrong to give an ultimatum to my boyfriend about his pothead friend?
I didnt even need to read all of this. My husband is a recovering addict and I can tell you this.

You can tell him that you are worried about this friend. You would prefer for him to not hang out with him BUT you need to decide that YOU will not put up with it. dont leave it to him to decide how you are going to spend your life, with him in it or not. Dont give him the power to decide your future.
Reply:No you're wrong in staying with this fool. Dump him and move on and get a man without all this drama.
Reply:if your friend is back on weed it wont take long to find out there are signs to look for eye drops for red spaced out eyes ,forgetfulness,rolling papers in his pockets ,keep yor eyes are open ...its true second hand smoke can turn out positive in a drug test .is he on prescription drugs cause serious pot users generally need prescription pill to help kick the habit in the long term will power is not always enough ..
Reply:You have every absolute right to let him know about the future of the relationship. He was given a chance to change and he screwed up and went back to his old habits. If you stay with him you may not have a future. I suggest that you tell him how you feel about this and if he does not yield, then you have no choice but to leave him. However, in the case that he pleads for you not to leave, that's when you "smack" him with the Ultimatum.
Reply:Guys usually have a problem putting a woman before their good friends, so lay off a little bit. He might think you nag him too much and dump you
Reply:No you're probably not wrong. Pot in itself isn't so bad, but if you are a recovering Meth addict, then anything is bad. Oh and yes, of course he was smoking weed with "C". I can't imagine a person who would want to date anyone who was addicted to meth, but maybe that's me. You should break up with him and find a real man. But it's okay to be his friend and try to get him to help himself.
Reply:Abstinence is absolute. He should have learned that in rehab place. Is like AA, they do not say, is ok if you do not drink anymore, is ok to take those pills and is ok to smoke that rope, nope, it does not work that way, is in all the literature that he has from the rehab place.

Tell him to man up, tell his buddy to man up also. Don't do junk that is illegal or harmful to the recovery in the presence of an addict.

Once an addict, always an addict, that is the common understanding of addictive personalities. Some can conquer the substances or drugs of choice , others do not have that ability.

Did boyfriend go in treatment cause he chose to, or was it court ordered,. That is a point that I am iffy on, if it was court ordered, then he never actually made the choice to get off the junk.

But anyhoots, to make it work, one has to work at it, daily,hourly and so on.
Reply:Sorry, weed isn't physically addictive, long as "C" doesn't do meth, I wouldn't worry too much. They say weed is a gateway drug, so I guess if your boyfriend has that addictive of a personality, you may want to keep him from it so he doesn't transition to meth again. But, you don't hear about people ruining their lives because of weed alone. Oh, and he already smokes it's not like that's healthy. And he's lying, he's already smoking weed again.
Reply:Dump he is a pothead drugie , you can do better you need some who will look out for you as much a you lookout for them. It is not going to get better. Kick him out,change the locks. Get rid of all those losers. It is really hard to met some

the older you get, so don't waste your time get, so get rid of him and start over with someone who has other interests besides drugs and is not going to treat you like a mom.
Reply:Unfortunately you cannot control your BF life. If he says he isnt smoking it then you need to trust him. You are gonna drive him away by acting like his mother. Weed is not that bad and I know tons of successful people who do jobs that are prestigious in the community who smoke daily. You would be surprised. As for the meth, that is what you should be worrying about and if his friend C isnt a tweeker than he should be fine. And even if your BF slips up and wants to get stoned, who cares. Tell him you understand how hard overcoming addiction can be and not everybody gets it right the first time. You have to take it step by step.

Friend Problem.?

this girl and i have been friend for years. During our friendship we've gotten into fights. they've always been over the internet and shes always said horrible things. i dont thinks i've done anything wrong to deserve this. Recently she and another friend decided to joke around an call me a lesbian. which led into another fight. she told my bff that shes always hated me and she even planed to beat me up. A couple days ago she started talking to me again. i just went along. i am really confsed as to why shes talking to me again. i can never forgive her and the only reasons shes talking to me are:

A. she thinks shes done nothing wrong.

B.shes doing it as a joke, to pretend to be my friend.

C. shes bored of her other friends.

Im just confused.

Friend Problem.?
Sounds to me like she dont know that she can have more than one friend and that you dont have to put down your other friends to make you look cool around the others, I would although if I was you watch my back because she sounds like a very unstable person who could turn on you in an instant, if she is already telling people she is "planning to beat you up" dont let your gaurd down so she can!

Good luck hon,
Reply:listen this is just a mismatch

she's just trying to make fun of you got it!!

while putting you down she's enjoin it

so just leave her and find the one for u

I've had the same experience you know

so by doing this you touch her feelings

she'll then feel sorry for what you've done
Reply:I know I don't have the 100% story, but it seems to me that this girl shouldn't be your friend. If she makes you so miserable on a regular basis, she isn't worth it. Try to talk to her, in person, about how you are feeling, if she pulls more crap like this than don't be her friend anymore.

Best of luck!

Reply:Don't be confused.

It's clear that she doesn't deserve you. And definitely she's not your friend. Close the loop with her and say bye. You don't need such mess in your life. Focus on what's important in your and make sure you are happy. Let her go and wish her all the best with whatever she's doing.
Reply:Tell her how you feel. Make her understand you without her wandering off. If she doesn't listen, keep telling her until you get it into her mind.


Am I wrong to give an ultimatum to my boyfriend about his pothead friend?

I have been with my boyfriend for 5 years, and living together the last 2 years. He had a serious drug addiction to meth and pot, and went to residential treatment for a little over 6 months- Feb. '07 to Sep. '07 and came home. The problem is we have a guy friend "C" who is a really good guy, but a SERIOUS pothead and smokes weed all the time. While my bf was in rehab, my bf even said that he doesn't think he can be friends or hang out with "C" anymore. When my bf got back from rehab, a month later I allowed him to hang out with "C" at C's house almost every weekend. I don't know if my bf is lying or not, but he said that while "C" would smoke weed, he would go outside and have a cigarette. I trusted my bf in hoping he won't get addictive cravings and start weed again, and I trusted our friend "C" to watch out for him. Last Sunday, I caught my bf in C's truck, and it was all smoky inside. My bf claims he didn't smoke weed and was just talking. I told him I would buy a drug test from

Am I wrong to give an ultimatum to my boyfriend about his pothead friend?
It sounds like your boyfriend isn't worth it if he's going to lie to you! And no, your not being a parent, or being overcontrolling, you're just caring about their health! They both sound like jerks, no offense. Tell him to try to stop, and if he doesn't, tell him it's over. You seem to be the mature one in this situation.
Reply:he wont change for you... sorry to say. you shold leave so he can spend time with what he really loves... his weed.

I know how you feel i left a girl because she woudnt quit the weed...
Reply:first of all, you can still pass a drug test if you were in the car "just talking". thats hilarious. second, if i were you, i would be more concerned about the meth than the weed. weed isnt hard to get over, meth is the devils candy.
Reply:Having anything to do with drugs, or with anyone who does, is adequate grounds for dumping.
Reply:I don't think this kind of relationship is healthy for you. While I think it is very nice of you to care so much, I do think you need to back away. Let him realize that not only has his habits caused him trouble with the law, but it has pushed you away. Don't give up an him though. Tell him that you will help him as best you can as a friend. But that you can't be with someone you can't trust to be there for you, when he can't even help himself. Let him know that if he gets his act together you two may have a shot at being more then friends again.
Reply:its just weed get over it that aint no drug nor an addiction

This is about loyalty to friendship. Help me. I have a 2 friends who have been my friend for about 10 yrs?

one of them friend A is very jealous cause friend B is always spending time with me and hanging out with me cause we are more alike and we talk to each other almost everyday. friend A has discouraged friend B cause she thinks i tell it like it is very honest and open but friend B loves my honesty and has no problem. Except that this Friend B came on to my husband and i did not like it so we stopped ebing friends but she aplogized and I realize that friend B gets that way only when she is drunk. so we have been trying to work it out. Now friend B is running to friend A and friend A is telling her things like..if you don;t like the way Friend c is then don't be her don't u thinks she;s doing it cause she is trying to sever our friendship? I actually enjoy being with friend B she';s fun and yes she hurt me ..but i know we can work things out...she knows what she did was wrong..but recently friend A is hanging around with friend B a lot more .wat do u think%26gt;

This is about loyalty to friendship. Help me. I have a 2 friends who have been my friend for about 10 yrs?
You need to get new friends. I had a friend like your frend B for a long long time, not only did she come on to my husband, but every darn boyfriend I ever had. She was drunk too, but after a while, no excuse....dump her, trust me it won't won't. Figure our how much the others mean to you, I ended up kind of dumping all of them, it is sad but too much drama and the drunk cheater has them all wrapped around her little finger. good luck.
Reply:This was very confusing to read. And it sounds very childish.

You are all friends. It shouldn't matter who spends more time with whom. You should plan time for the three of you to be together. Show Friend A that it's not a battle or choosing favorites.
Reply:Move on and find friend D E F and kick A and B to the curb... gaming playing is not what you want in a healthy relationship... this crap will never stop betweent the two of them... let them have each other and ler them know it... I hate two facedd people... I want honesty and true loyalty when it come to my best buds... hold higher standards whe it comes to the people in you life... this all comes from experience... believe me...

Which friend should i invite to lock-in at my church?

Which friend should i invite to lock-in at my church?

friend A- if i went with her i would have a good time. But i kinda dont wanna go with her because well i just don't for a reason. her parents would definiately let her go.

friend B- If i invited her i would have an ok time. she definitely makes me laugh but i kinda dont wanna go with her either. umm , i think her parents would let her go

friend C- if i went with her i would have a good time. it may be kind of awkward at some points but i think it would go ok. i dont know her parents at all. not so sure they would let her go

Friend D- i would have a good time with her. she always makes me laugh.. but she might try and pull some pranks and i dont want to be embarassed at my church.. her parents would probably let her go but i dont know them

E- i would have an ok time with her. her parents would let her go

F- If i invited her i would have a good time. Her parents would let her go. we would have fun. it wud be ok.

Which friend should i invite to lock-in at my church?
You know what they LAST is BEST!

Go with F sounds like the one you already chose.
Reply:Friend F- If i invited her i would have a good time. Her parents would let her go. we would have fun. it wud be ok.

First you say you'll have a good time, then you say you'll have fun, and then you say "it would be ok????"

I say Friend F even though I'm confused.
Reply:Invite Friend F. If she can't go, invite A, B, or E. You want to have a good time, but you don't want things to be awkward for any reasons, and you don't want someone pulling pranks at your church. If you can invite them all, or more than one, that would be a lot of fun. Lock-ins are always fun with more people! Whoever you invite, I hope you have fun!
Reply:friend F- sounds like the best choice
Reply:what is "lock-in at my church"?

Do guys mind if their girlfriend have intimate relationship with another friend before?

This guy B and me had a complex relationship. He likes me but he cant commit to this relationship yet. So we never let any of friends know about it. We quarrel over this usual relationship many times and eventually I decide to end it and ignore him. He immediately ask me out to talk when he realise that I'm ignoring him. At this stage he still cant promise me anything so I continue ignoring him. After a few months one of his friend C starts to date me and we got together but I never told him about my previous relationship with B. But 1 day C initiate to break up with me. Later on I found out he left me for another girl. Few days after the break up, B call me for a talk after learning I was together with C through another friend. He did not know I just break up with C then. During the talk I told him about wat happen between me and C. Then he tell me how sad he was when he heard about me together with C thats y he call for a talk. Now the new problem between me and B is C.

Do guys mind if their girlfriend have intimate relationship with another friend before?
forget about wats gone. have afresh start. Gud Luck
Reply:B should scram
Reply:To me this sounds like a classic case of "he doesn't want you, but he doesn't want anyone else to have you either." My advice is to leave this guy alone, date who you want, and stop agreeing to meet with him for "talks". He is going to give you the guilt trip and more empty promises every time he hears about you seeing someone else. Good luck and I hope you find happiness with a great guy who truly deserves you and wants a healthy relationship.
Reply:What's happened, happened. That should'nt matter. It all depends on how legit you feel at the moment. You can go around doing anything you want, but at the end, if you're loyal, guys shouldn't care.
Reply:B should get a divorce.


Who is "the backbone of a student"?a)self,b)parents,c)fr...

justice u'r answer with some ideas.

Who is "the backbone of a student"?a)self,b)parents,c)fr...
when you say backbone i relate that to the support system ...i would say parents are the backbone and self is body as a whole ... parents provide us with the support mentally financially emotionally and even physically ... but unless we ourself want to go out and acheive something we will not ... for eg - people who r lazy and just sit in the couch whole day watching tv does not necessarily have weak or no backbone ... its their choice to waste their life .. at the same time anytime they decide to stand up and do something they can do that .... the same goes with our support system ie our parents ...
Reply:Obviously,parents because u are their student first.
Reply:Guru / Teacher with expert skills and vision
Reply:the answer lies between all the three if parents are supportive,encouraging then only u can do the work perfectly but your efforts also takes equal importance if parents are not supportive your friends may give u support but u should make effort so self plays a vital role
Reply:Self. Students with great parents can do poorly, and students with horrible parents can excel. Students with tons of great friends can also end up doing poorly, while students without any friends do well. Why? - Because of what is going on within themselves. The only constant in all these situations is the student/"self."
Reply:as a student has his own intention in development, then only he can i think self is the backbone of the student.....if he himself dont want to develop,then parents or friends cant do,along with his own ideas, he has to develop with the suggestions of parents or friends or teachers....
Reply:as u said a 'backbone', consider first of all urself, then your parents, ur teachers, school, classmates ,all like the dics of a backbone - all seperate yet linked together to form a firm and strong backbone.
Reply:The backbone for learning is inquisity.

Inquisity is provided by self.

Parents only guide, so do teachers, books etc.

Therefore inquisity embedded in the character of self is the real backbone for a student.
Reply:class room chairs
Reply:i think for a student his parents and teachers are his backbone because due to their guidance and support a student is able to do a better job. but sometimes he himself is the backbone because in last he has to study and not his parents or teachers.
Reply:the teacher , to be more specific - the childs first teacher. a parent can instill morals, common sense, the discipline, "manners to listen" but the childs first teacher is the only one who can instill in him the yearning to learn, the tools to learn. only a good first teacher can and prepare him , give him the tools and open up the doors to the paths of every bit of knowledge. a good teacher sends that child on a life long quest to find the answers , to ask the questions. having children that have had both good and bad first teachers i have seen for myself the difference in the childs attitude towards the aquisition of knowledge.
Reply:self. No matterhow much someone motivates the student, he can only do well IF HE WANTS to. Also , i have friends who without any motivation have done it on their own.
Reply:Self of course.

There a A LOT of students who are orphans who do just fine.
Reply:The GURU , the teacher , the professor ,

He is the parent , he is the god ,

He is the way and he is source

He is the force and he gives the power

He makes the student stand upright

He harmonises his brain and steps
Reply:I'd say friends.Sometimes you confide more in a friend than in a parent because they're usually your age or anyway teenagers and they have problems too,they understand you better.Parents are older ,they don't shear the same ideas like teenagers,they don't go trough the same problems and they think that they always know what's best for you...I have some wonderful friends and it's great to know that I'll always have on who to lean over.
Reply:there four backbones.

first mother,second father,third guru,and Fourth god.
Reply:financial %26amp; emotional support - parents,

emotional %26amp; educational support -friends,

self confidence %26amp; interest -self.

Friend or boy?

idk wat to do i love this boy and my gurl is like ya im datin d. and my friend c. is all mad but we liked eachotha for abot 6 months and d. has mad feelings for me and i do too but we havent talked for a half month and my friend c. likes him now and i dont kno wat to do im not scared of her but she said shes goin to kick my as* becuz im dateing him and i new c. for like 5months

Friend or boy?
Good Luck %26amp; God bless you!
Reply:that was really confusing

My friend has heard this guy likes her but isn't interested, how can she get him off her tail?

so my friend K told me that this guy likes our friend C. C isn't interested and wants to know how to make sure the guy knows she isn't interested before he tries to ask her out or something like that. she is good friends with him and doesn't want to ruin that but really isn't interested. what should she do to make sure that he realizes that it is going to have to stay just friends? she can't go out and say it because she isn't supposed to know he likes her.

My friend has heard this guy likes her but isn't interested, how can she get him off her tail?
C should let the "guy" know through the same route that she found out that he likes her. that will make it easiest on all parties!

MY friend is mad at me cuz im going out with her other friend likes?

OKay i have a friend Je. And her friend C. Likes My boyfriend Jo. And shes really mad at me and my best friend B. But i forgot when that C. liked JO. when he asked me out so i said yes and now were really happy, but i dont J. to be mad at me how do i stop her from being mad at me still??

MY friend is mad at me cuz im going out with her other friend likes?
I don't think the question is very clear enough. All I know is that your friend is mad at you because she likes your boyfriend. If that is the case. I can have some suggestions to you. Let me share a story of mine. I used to be at the situation of your girlfriend. My roommate knows I like the boy and she was trying to attract him. I was mad at her. But now when I look back, it was totally not worth it. My husband and I are the most happiest couple ever. She will get it over. And remember, it is not your fault that your boyfriend likes you and not her.
Reply:it depends if she still will talk to you but if she dosent u either dump the guy and take the freind or take the guy and dump the friend but think about this is it worth it losing a freindship over a guy?
Reply:well mabe is is not ur true friend and she is using u if u are happy with the guy then stay with him but just think would u take a guy over ur bff!!%26lt;3

**please someone give me a thums up and make me in level 2


My dumbass friend took things seriously and got a guy to hate me?

my friend E %26amp; i were pissed cause the popular guy A made our group of friends [4 ppl] loners as in no one sat with us at our lunch table. we got all the "uncool" ppl sitting at our table now %26amp; it sucks! so E %26amp; i told my other friend C to go smack A on the head. i was joking and saying it just to get my anger out but E was actually serious. C went up to A and smacked him on the head saying it was from my best friend J. A slapped J %26amp; she cried [lol] cause she didnt even know anything about it. so then C tells A i told him to although i was joking %26amp; didnt think he would actually take things seriously like a dumbass he is %26amp; i shouldve known. but E was actually serious..

so now A hates me and can make me soo much more miserable then i already am but technically its not my fault. i was joking %26amp; E was serious.. how should i explain myself so A will stop hating me ?

oh yeah, A was my ex and got me to be a loner cause i wanted to break up with him %26amp; we did break up.

My dumbass friend took things seriously and got a guy to hate me?
Well tell A the story behind the hit and hopes he understands and if he doesn't then so what if your not popular being yourself and being surrounded by friends that trully care about you and gotch ya back THAT makes you popular.
Reply:Get that ***** revenge.And go out with that guy so he wont be hating no more.IM NOT GAY.Trust me im not.
Reply:what the *****

thats retarted suck it up and stop being a goddamn puss-y ************ get in a fight beat the bit-ch up dont slack just punch her in the ******** face!

How could we know that our friend lies to us?

I have a friend called A. She introduced me her friend who is called B. I've never met B before. We're a friend in messages and e-mails. Last November, he went to America. Then his friend, C, mailed me. I've also never met him before. We are friends. C like my best friend, D(they also never met before) . And B likes me.. (so confusing!!) The problem is.. there are no proves that they are exist!! I've checked B's IP address. And you know what?? He lives in Surabaya, Indonesia. Well, I actually live in Jakarta. Lots of crazy things happened in my life since I know them. Example, B was almost jump from his top of the house because of ME!! I even didn't hurt him, I like him! And also, C, was fighting against his unknown friends because they all like D. Me and D don't believe them!! The IP address is the prove that they aren't excist! But A, the one who introduced me, doesn't want to tell us the truth! Now, how could I now the truth? Because (NOW) they seems like they are excist.. hh

How could we know that our friend lies to us?
hm this is a very hard question...well ask them why are you doing this and see their face if they dont answer or didd not say the turth and show your feeling to them and if they still never tell you said to them that you dont want to talk to them... well this happen to me too i did that.. and sorry about this :( i dint mean to said this but good luck!

Should I tell my friend her ex still wants her?

My friend C thought her boyfriend D was doubting their relationship when she decided to forget him. Today I was told by another friend T that D sounded still very much in love with C. But T doesn't want to let C know what she found out because C already moved to another country. She thinks it is unnecessary to make C regret her decision. I disagree with T. I think C needs to know all the fact, who knows she will come back here. What do you think guys? Should C be told she misunderstood D?

Should I tell my friend her ex still wants her?
If their (non) relationship was based on such a lack of communication, then it would be more than dumb for someone to CHANGE COUNTRIES because someone told someone who thought someone sounded like someone was still sort of kinda interested in someone who had moved out of the country!!!

Breaking up is hard to do, and communication happens even then. These two did not seem to have much communications, where doubts, indirect hints, 3rd party communications, etc. are needed even to acknowledge continuing "interest". In my humble opinion, if the guy is really interested in her seriously, for a real and committed relationship, he should have no problem calling her (or going to her) in any country in the world (ok, maybe not North Korea) to fall on his knees and say, I LOVE YOU... not have a 4th party tell a 3rd party tell a 2nd party that the 1st party may be still interested.

Do you want to take responsibility for that girl's pain, suffering, life altering decision to change countries, come back and find out, nothing's changed?

Reply:I don't think you should tell her. If the boyfriend really loves her, he will have the guts to tell her himself. It will mean so much more coming from him anyways.
Reply:you should so totally tell her! if she knows the truth, she'll actually know what the problem was, and the huge mistake she made!
Reply:Yes, I think she shoudl know ---specially is the reason she moved was because of him or had something to do with him....even if she moved she might still have feelings for this guy.

I think that u as her friend should tell her--do u think she would tell you? would u like to know if you were her? b a good friend and do the right thing.
Reply:No you shouldnt tell her.Let her be happy.Its his fault for leading her on and making out to be that he didnt care about her like she thought. Its not fair to meddle in her life as it is she seems like shes happy and maybe there was more to the relationship then you know. Its personal .you should leave it that way.
Reply:No, M.Y.O.B.
Reply:Yes so maybe they get back together
Reply:up to you
Reply:yes coast the eye opener its a refreshing feeling
Reply:Yes but only if she isn't over him.

Whom do u love most? (a) Parents (b) Girlfriend (c) Friends .......?

%26amp; plz give reason supporting ur answer.

And choose only one option.... plz don't be diplomatic....

Whom do u love most? (a) Parents (b) Girlfriend (c) Friends .......?
We love all of those, but we love each one of them in a different way.
Reply:My husband. He's always there for me. He never looks down on me. He truly is my best friend. He gives me purpose and someone to care for.
Reply:(not to be annoying but..) Why is God not on that list?


Friend Issues?

So, I've just started playing on a sports team, along with four of my close friends. Yesterday, one of my best friends(let's call her A) told me after practice that another one of our friends(B) had told A that she hated being partnered up with friend C because she was 'bad' at playing. B isn't that good either, and I don't think anybody at this point is. I want to confront her and ask her why she would say such a thing, but I don't want to seem like the gossipy-nosey one. What should I do? I feel really bad for friend C. Hope this isn't too confusing.

Friend Issues?
ask friend b why she would say something to friend c. If all of you guys are close friends, she shouldnt be saying anything about friend c. It shouldnt matter if your good at a game or not. You should ask your friend if she would rather be with a good player that she hated or that hated her, or would she rather be with a really close friend and have her not be so good. I would rather pick the be with a close friend thats not very good. Hope I helped :)
Reply:you schold worry about it are guys firends so dose matter what c beause wa a bad player not very one does in the being you so have pactrices more thats crazy you all firend you schold given it hole and stikll to other
Reply:dont confront friend "b" since the info wasnt recieved by you and instead ask friend "c" if she would like to practice with you away from practice or maybe all 4 of you can practice together.
Reply:This reminds me of the time when I was on a soccer team with my 3 best friends. It was pretty bad since they didn't really get along with each other. But we worked it out and practiced a lot. Try working with C alone on her sports skills. Invite her over to help you practice and maybe she'll catch on too. IM me if you need some more help! :)
Reply:Confront her! Don't worry about seeming like the gossipy nosey one. Everyone is gossipy and nosey. You'll be the strong one who is willing to stand up for things you feel strong about! Empower yourself!

My ex- friend keeps trying to fight with me!?

I was really good friends with this girl at school, let callher friend A. She's been treating me and my BEST FRIEND really mean. We'll call her friend B. So, I was just going on with my business and had my AIM logged on but I wasn't really paying attention to it. Friend A sent me an IM that said "I don't want to talk to you and neither does*****" we'll call ****** friend C. *I don't like to put my friends names on here cause I don't want some stalker to kill them.* So I said what most people was and I said "Why I didn't do anything to you or friend C" and her reply was "because I don't think you are a good friend and I don't want to be part of this. You are going to do something that who knows what?! You are going to get us in SOO much trouble later on in life." So, I went on to my life. But my mom thinks that friend A is going 2 get us and herself in trouble.!!

Please don't report me!

~thanks, Momo!~

My ex- friend keeps trying to fight with me!?
LOL ha ha
Reply:I'm lost trying to read this...

Anyway, if people are saying that crap to you, they're idiots and you don't need them or their phony fair-weather friendship. Forget about them and make other friends.

Girl Friend and Best Friend Problems (version2.0)?

So basically Almost 8 months ago Friend A dated girlfriend A and i did not last long. Afterwards Friend B dated Girlfriend A and that lasted much longer and was "much more serious" . 6 months later im dating Girldfriend A (still are) and i love her and don't plan to break up. Within all this Friend B is upset with the fact that im dating Girlfriend A and on top of that he hates her. Friend B claims that Friend A and Friend C think I might cause myself to be excluded from our friendship. In my opinion i dont think I will be excluded from Friend A and C i think Friend B is going to exclude me from our friendship...Please Give me your opinion...

Girl Friend and Best Friend Problems (version2.0)?
Ok this isnt an answer but just a little more info. I happen to know these 4 ppl and also happen to know that Friend B Ok'd it for the poster to date Girl A.
Reply:bow chika bow wow Report It

Reply:You screwed up by dating your friend's ex... You can't help but love her. Talk to your friend and tell him you are sorry for breaking that cardinal rule and you don't want to ruin your friendship. You guys are going to have to get along if you want to stay friends. You may have to choose your girl over your friends. Personally, I always stick with the old saying 'bros before hoes.' But that's just me. Good luck.
Reply:You should not have hstarted dating hoe A...I mean girlfriend A. You owe it to your friend. have you never heard of Bros before hoes
Reply:why cant A, B and C just put their diferences aside?
Reply:first off, im a girl %26amp; i wouldn't be jumping from one guy to the next, %26amp; the next...that shows what me %26amp; my friends call it a "circle bouncer" meaning: you would bounce to everyone in the circle of friends!

But i understand that you like this girl, but you know the consequences of dating your friends're are either gonna have to accept friend B (if friend A or C decides to as well) not to be your friend(s)...which would be ridiculous, this shouldn't let friends not be friends, but unfortunately, S**T like this happens.


you can talk to friend B %26amp; explain to him everything that you want to let him know, %26amp; add in there he to had done the same thing to friend A, regardless that it didnt work out between the 2...he still dated his friends ex-gf, so he shouldn't get mad at you for doing the same thing he did to friend A.
Reply:Too confusing rewrite already.....
Reply:What- are you playing musical friends?

You need to expand your circle of aquaintances and

stop dating each other's 'friends'!

It's a sure way to contaminate friendships.

I have two friend poblems. Firstly, 3 of my friends are being rude (each one in her own way), and secondly....

1. Three of my friends are being kinda rude. Friend A is making mean comments such as "How are you going to have a birthday party at your house? It's PUNY!" and "You're such a party pooper." Friend B is always bragging or just being plain rude. When she gets a good grade or is the first to finish her work, she'll say things like, "I got an A+! What did you get (yea, she asks other ppl their grades)?" and "Oh, well, I finished reading the book before time was called!" Finally, Friend C is also bragging, but in a different sort of way. When she is th eonly one to get a perfect score she'll go around saying "Yes! Yes! Yes!" forever! It gets so annoying! But you know, I can't really end the friendship with her because are moms are really good friends, do everything together, and my mom even thinks Friend C is a "perfect little angel who will prove worthy in many situations".

2. Also, Friend C tries to be cool. Fine, it's so awkward when she makes a joke that isn't funny, or that is mean!

I have two friend poblems. Firstly, 3 of my friends are being rude (each one in her own way), and secondly....
1) Friend A doesn't seem to be much of a friend if she's constantly making comments like that. Unless there's some redeeming thing about her that makes you want to be friends with her, I'd say ditch her.

Friend B seems to be trying to make up for some sort of insecurity in herself. Trying to make herself feel better than everyone else, make herself feel important and good. This could just be something she needs to work out. you could tell her how annoying it is when she does stuff like that. Be open and honest and if she can't take it, she can't take it. She'll probably think you're jealous or something, but you'll know the truth.

Friend C - doesn't sound too bad... almost tolerable. You could also talk to her, esp. about her jokes that are mean or isn't funny. Other than that, I'm sure that she could be tolerated.

Hope this helps.


Do you know the song vitamin c friends forever and how do i listen to the whole song for free?

its a graduation song

Do you know the song vitamin c friends forever and how do i listen to the whole song for free?
Good Luck

My Friend?

Ok my friend... ill call her K... i guess...

Well me and K got in a fight with our other best friend C

bcuase me and K got to know each other better and went into town with out C and she got mad

C would boss us around and say bad comments about us all the time and expected us not to get mad

So Me and K kept saying that we were much happier without C and we had a much better life So we both made a Promise not to become friends with C ever again or Our lives will be terrible again.

Well C would talk to K more and more each day just so i wouldnt talk to K cuase i tried to advoid C as much as Possible and if she was talking to K i would advoid it and talk to my other friends...

I talked to K about it and she said "I dont know she just kept talking to me"

Then days and days after that they went to places together and luaghed so hard in the hallway.

now when I try to talk to K about it she will just Change the subject or say "I dont want to talk about this now"

What do I do?

My Friend?
C is only doing that to bother you...or to get K away from you. Maybe you should be friends with C again...let bygones be bygones, and see if she is different this time around. Maybe she learned her lesson and is being a better friend. In the very least, act like it doesn't bother you when she does that. She probably has seen you avoid her and so she tries to make herself unavoidable.

Since she keeps hovering over your friend, then you have to stop avoiding her or you will lose K too.
Reply:This seems awfully long and petty to me, but I'm a guy.

Do what seems right to you. Making a promise not to ever be friends with someone seems stupid, but I'm 60 years old and don't always change my socks every day. I need all the firends I can get.
Reply:I had the EXACT same problem last year at school-i had 2 best friends D and E and E and i were closer even though me and D were friends first so we kind of done the same thing that u and K did. Over the year we all got and fights all of the time and we would all end up crying at one point. Eventually me and E became really really tight-no one on this planet knows me better than she does-she is also the only person on this earth that i can talk to on the phone for 12 hours straight (no joke). Anyway this year me and E have 2 classes together %26amp; lunch together and neither one of us have classes with D! We are free at last!

BTW-I wudn't tell K how u feel because if your current situation and my old situation are alike-then she will tell you that ur jealous. Just wait it out. Threesomes suck don't they?

how old r u?

2days my b-day yay!

My son's friend who is a bully when other kids are to handle? I'm a p****** mom!?

My son has a friend C they play well together when their alone but when C has another friend over %26amp; my son goes to play C teases, ignores, hits and is just mean. It really hurts and angers me as a mother. My son comes in upset. His parents think C does no wrong and says "let them work it out" ya, their kid isn't being bullied! That's why bullies get away with stuff; the parents are alcoholics anyway; don't want to be bothered. They're are neighbors and casual friends to so it gets sticky but I want to go off on C next time and say "don't ask my kid to play if you have another friend over and are going to be a bully or be mean" or I won't let him play with you at all! Example: Today C ask my son to come outside and play Pickle; my son goes outside and they run over to the trampoline and my son said what about Pickle and they ignored him and then C said your not my friend and they laugh at my son. I know C does this on purpose. I am really mad!

My son's friend who is a bully when other kids are to handle? I'm a p****** mom!?
Have a talk with C if his parents don't listen. A little girl across the street from us did the same thing to my daughter, and my complaints to her mother fell on deaf ears. If you see them playing outside together, and C starts bullying anyone, even if it is not your child, go over to him, have a discussion with him about why what he is doing is inappropriate, how it would make him feel and if it continues, that you will no longer allow your child to be his friend. My daughter and her "friend" still get into little arguements now and then, but it is nothing compared to the torment she put my child through before our little chats.
Reply:If you will not be your child's advocate, who will? C is physically and emotionally violent and will only get worse as time goes on without parental intervention (that seems unlikely to happen). Have your child say "NO" to C one more time if he does something inappropriate. If C continues to act as he has been then you should forbid your child to have contact with C until he learns how to act appropriately. What is more important your status with the neighbors or your child's health and well being? Kids will be kids is great until a bully ends up killing one or damaging them psychologically for life.
Reply:I would tell my son that this other kid is not his friend because friends don't treat each other that way. I would also tell him that he deserves friends who ALWAYS treat him nice. And explain to him that he sould not play with the bully. Tell him you can take him over to one of his real friend's house, or offer to sign up for an activity where he can meet new friends.
Reply:UGH! It really stinks when your neighborhood kids are mean. We had a similar problem and I had to quietly "break up" with the parents of the kid and cut my son off from the kid. I started slowly- I made a red sign that says "STOP" on it- I told the mom and the kid that when the sign is on my door, my son is not available to play- the sign was up only a little at first but I started putting it up anytime I heard the other kid outside. This worked really well- it allowed me to control the contact between my son and the other kid a little better. I also NEVER let my son play with the other kid with out parental supervision (from me, not the other mom)- it was over the top but I needed to protect my son. If the bully said my son was not his friend or did anything else mean, we left and I did something special with my son (so he was not being punished for the other kid's rotten behavior). Eventually, the other kid got tired of all of my rules and stopped wanting to play with my son and the problem took care of itself.
Reply:Take a deep breath and calm down, you are so very right to be angry, any mother would. Your child doesn't need to be around this "C's" parents or C himself. Explain that he is better than having to put up with that sort of "friend" and in fact that, that is NO friend at all. A good opportunity to explain what a true friend is.
Reply:Relax. You are putting up with way too much.

Talk to your son about it. Then turn down play dates if there's another kid involved. You don't have to engage the other parents at all.

Stop being casual friends with alcoholics. You shouldn't let your son be without you in their house, anyway. Try saying "I would prefer they play here."
Reply:ur son needs to decide if he wants to play with this kid or not. let him know it's ok if he doesn't want to, and if still does, understand why he still does so u can help him find ways to deal with this kid. remember, if u completely pull him away without him understanding why, he won't know how to handle the situation if ur not around. c's parents are kind of right, the thing is, u teach ur kids how to behave and u expect other parents to do the same, fully knowing there will be other parents who do nothing to teach their child right from wrong. therefore, u need to teach ur child how to handle those situations. so u -can- "let them work it out" also u can teach ur kid how to pick and choose friends who are worth being friends with. u can also tell c's parents how u feel and tell them if they don't do something about it u will stop letting them play together b/c u don't want that kind of influence on ur child. u don't want ur kid to think bullying is ok or funny. u want him to know that u treat people with respect and try to have fun with everybody. also tell ur child this and make sure he understands why u don't want him and c hanging out together.
Reply:your best bet is to first off tell your son its not his fault that this kid is acting the way he is second being the mother you have the right to keep certain children that seem like bad influences away from your child third if the parents are alcholics then you definitly should keep your child away from these peoples child god only knows how they treat their kid to make him act this way ive always believed if a child acts in this manner its due to abuse or something of that nature so i would suggest you remove your own child before this other kid strts to hit and not just act mean anyways this is just my opion i hope it helps in some way

Im looking for Vitamin C- Friends Forever song with a mp3 Format?

ah, the graduation (friends forever) song u mean?. i have it, but not in mp3 format but wma.. if you like it still i think i could giveit to you..

Im looking for Vitamin C- Friends Forever song with a mp3 Format?
i have it but if you wanna find it yourself go on limewire


How do I get over my feelings 4 him, hes a good friend but I havent told him cause I think its 4 the best b\c

Im leaving New Zealand. Ive got an opening for a job as an airhostess %26amp; in order 4 me 2 work 4 the company I have 2 live over in Burendai which is where I will working so.... Ive decided 2 take up job. Its a once in a lifetime opportunity. I'll be making enough money 2 buy me a house within a year. How could I not take the job.

The thing thats hurting the most is my feelings 4 my mate. We met last year thru a store that he now manages... %26amp; erm overtime we've become close. We share our things with each other CDs,books etc. Hes always open with me. We have alot in common we always finish sentences really. We know what each other is gonna say b4 we even say it. I knw it sounds weird but thats how close we are.

Erm... anyways over time Ive developed feelings 4 him beyond friendship %26amp; everytime I go instore I always hide it. I put on my mates mask on yknw what i mean.Anyways Ive tried forcing myslf on2 other guys that didnt work, ive tried avoiding him but id alway meet up with him sumwea

How do I get over my feelings 4 him, hes a good friend but I havent told him cause I think its 4 the best b\c
I think you should strongly consider telling him how you feel. I'm in a similar situtation, except we still see each other every day, so I don't want to risk changing things by saying how I feel. Because of your job offer, you really have nothing to lose - if he feels the same as you, great, and if not, you won't have to worry about seeing him all the time - you'll just be able to enjoy your new life and move on. Good luck with whatever you decide.
Reply:I can't tell you how to get over him, everyone deals with their feelings differently. However what I do truly believe is, if he feels the same way for you and he knows how you feel for him, then he will makes things work, he will do whatever it takes because that's what people do especially guys. I have spent thousands of dollars, taken time away from work, driven / flown hundreds of miles out of my way to get my girl to let her know I am devoted. I look back now and think wow, that was crazy all the stuff I did to get her attention, but I would do it all over again if I had to.

Hope everyhting works out for you, sometimes you really don't know what you have until you don't have it anymore!!

Reply:Hi, well that is a very complicated and nice relationship you have with your friend but has he ever made any attempt to ask you out???? I think you should tell him how you feel what damage can it do after all you are leaving so what do you have to lose, But I most proberly think he will feel the same way about you. Good Luck
Reply:A friend of mine said, it's all about energy... the feeling you have, the emotion, the mind, the lust, everything... What you need to do is channel that energy to other things - for example focus very much on your work, and have a good time-occupying hobby. Express everything in journals/writings, arts, anything...

Whether he likes/loves you or not... well, it's about time somebody whack his head and force the words from his mouth. There's no telling if the guy keeps on holding back, even I have that problem. But you can test him bit by bit indirectly to know if he likes you or not.. there's many ways for that.

Wanna write more, but time not on my side... Hope this is ample for the moment.
Reply:Go to your new job and bury yourself in work. When you find yourself not thing about him no more, then date some people there. If you want to forget about him, which to me it seems you don't. You need to talk to him and tell him how you feel. Take it form there.
Reply:My advise to you is to not reject your feelings. Find out how he feels about you. I have learned that I can find any job and I can live anywhere. But I can't fathom living with out the woman I love. If you love him then find out how he feels. If he does not feel the same way then you will be able to leave with no regrets. But if you just up and leave without trying you will regret it from that point on!

Good luck!

How can i send my 1gb videos of my collage fn to my friend?e mail id? is ther any site that offer at free of c

I dont think that there is a possibility of sending all the 1Gb at a time you can use video uploading sites such as

How can i send my 1gb videos of my collage fn to my friend?e mail id? is ther any site that offer at free of c
you send big files through

I like to one girl she was my good friend but her family not like to me & her like to me, i m middle c.?

I m middle class person %26amp; i had a job in a ppcl , i m not capable to her but her like to me %26amp; they get well merry to me . but her family not like to me . so u r suggestion please send me to right decision.

I like to one girl she was my good friend but her family not like to me %26amp; her like to me, i m middle c.?
Reply:A) Positive factors:

1)She likes you.


1)(Middle class? how middle are you? In the middle class itself,upper middle,lower middle etc)


3)I am not capable to her. You mean YOU ARE NOT A GOOD MATCH TO HER?

4)You had a job in PPCL. Now ,are you still in job?

Negatives are more strong then the positives.

Pl.decide which is good for you.

First ,develop you english.

Strengthen your career prospects.

Get the liking of the girl you want to marry as well as their parents.

See if you are the right match to her.

Reply:You both like each other,thats enough Tushar.Rest everything will be fine with time.
Reply:If she really likes you she can talk to them about it and tell them.
Reply:You're coming along quite well with the English but not well enough to post here yet. Keep practicing, you'll get better. Good luck with the chick, her family and other stuff.
Reply:I'm going to offer a good suggestion. Please learn how to write in English. You might even , Oh never mind. Just write in English.

Okay so me an my friend are fighting and i need a song to show her how i feel kinda like realize by Colbie C?

Why not write one of your own to show her you really care. If you wrote it, it shows it's how "you" feel, not some other artist. You don't have to sing it, but it could be simple poetry. Why not write a poem on how you really feel, music is poetry. It would be better coming from you, than sme other person. Only you can express how you feel, no matter how hard it seems :)

Okay so me an my friend are fighting and i need a song to show her how i feel kinda like realize by Colbie C?
No problem :) Report It


I try to send messages to my friend on myspace but it keeps saying: You can't send a message to _____ b\c

_______'s status is set to away. She has no idea why it's doing that. What does she have to go into to get it to let people send messages?

I try to send messages to my friend on myspace but it keeps saying: You can't send a message to _____ b\c
Go here, or tell her to go here to change the setting. For the record, it's under Account Settings %26gt;%26gt; Miscellaneous
Reply:Basically they have their away settings turned on. All they need to do is turn it off and you should be good to go
Reply:she has to go into her account settings.

then when she gets there she clicks


then she scrolls down and checks to see if under the heading away message there is not check in the box next to show away message if there is a check click it to uncheck it then scroll down and press save all changes.

When i hug my friend he freaks and im a girl does he like me and how can i ask him out if b/c i like him too?

Just say hey want to go out. If he says yes COOL. If he says no dont be all sad and stupid just be all like ok that cool mabey some other time. and walk away! He will say yes no worries...Good Luck!

How do you repo a car in florida?..i sold a car to a friend on payments and he won`t pay.i moved to n.c help!?

How do you repo a car in florida?..i sold a car to a friend on payments and he won`t pay.i moved to n.c help!?
You will have to file against him in small claims court.

I have a friend whom is male and is 42 yrs old. I want to know why he can get and erection but can not c.u.m?

It is very frustrating for him. Is it a medical reason or psychological?

I have a friend whom is male and is 42 yrs old. I want to know why he can get and erection but can not c.u.m?
Hey hun I was in the same boat, my boyfriend is 43yrs old he had that problem, It was due to high cholesterol and his blood pressure. For his age 40 and up chances are its medical. Have him see his doc.
Reply:Obtaining an erection and reaching orgasm are governed by two different parts of the nervous system. Not to be too technical but the parasympathetic nervous system governs the erection process and the sympathetic nervous system causes ejaculation.

More than likely however this problem is probably more psychological than physical, but he should discuss it with his primary care provider or a urologist.
Reply:You are not a turn on and he doesn't want to waste any of his c.u.m. for you.


I have a friend who has a daughter and the mother is in the nursing home and i would like to know how to get c

help me, iwan't to find a way she is staying with her sister's father i deserve to get her full custody.

I have a friend who has a daughter and the mother is in the nursing home and i would like to know how to get c
your question is a bit confusing. Try to rewrite it again
Reply:Why as just a Friend would you deserve full custody? It sounds as if the child is currently with family. You will need to see an attorney and discuss your rights, if any in this matter.
Reply:You have to to your states social services and find out from them what you can do about this situation.
Reply:If you're not a relative you'll have to stand in line behind any blood relative who might want her. It doesn't sound like the person who is her custodian right now is a blood relative either. However, she is with her sister so that might influence the judge. You will have to see a lawyer if you want to seek custody. It will depend on the laws of the state you live in and the opinion of the judge you stand before.
Reply:Consult a lawyer
Reply:Try again, in English this time.
Reply:quit doing drugs %26amp; rewrite the question so it can be understood
Reply:The only way to get custody is for her legal guardian to sign it over to you.

I live in California I have a friend that is an illegal from Mexico , both of his children were born here in c

a fill-in-the-blank question?

c you meant California.

yes, kids are U.S citizen.

no, that don't make him a U.S citizen.

I live in California I have a friend that is an illegal from Mexico , both of his children were born here in c

Your friend is illegal.
Reply:Whats your friends name?
Reply:Report Him immediately you can remain anonymous!

Immigration Customs and Enforcement, ICE

ICE has a 24-hour hotline for citizens to report any suspicious activity.

That number is (866) 347-2423


Contact crimestoppers at:

(800) 555-1111


Call or write and complain!!!!!

The toll free phone numbers to the

US Capitol in Washington DC are:

(888) 355-3588,

(877) 762-8762

(866) 340-9281

Write Congress Now!:

or The White House:

or Senators:

House of Representatives:

Find your Rep. type in your zip.

Internal Revenue Service (IRS) 1-(800) 829-0433

For Tax invasion.


As seen on Lou Dobbs tonight. They charge a 10 dollar processing fee but if you can't find anywhere else to report them and you are willing to pay, then this is the site.


Following is a list of regional immigration investigations office phone numbers.

State Tel. Number Regional Office

Alabama (404) 331-2762 Atlanta

Alaska (907) 271-3104 Anchorage

Arizona (602) 379-3116 Phoenix

Arkansas (East) (901) 544-0256 (x.136) Memphis

Arkansas (West) (501) 646-4721 Ft. Smith

California (North) (415) 844-5347 San Francisco

California (South) (619) 557-6011 San Diego

California (East) (213) 894-0400 (x.10) Los Angeles

Colorado (303) 371-3841 Denver

Connecticut (860) 240-3346 Hartford

Delaware (215) 656-7195 Philadelphia

District of Columbia (703) 578-4900 Washington D.C.

Florida (North) (904) 232-3156 Jacksonville

Florida (East) (407) 855-4418 Orlando

Florida (West) (813) 637-3050 Tampa Bay

Florida (South) (305) 762-3610 Miami

Florida (South-East) (561) 848-6161 West Palm Beach

Georgia (404) 331-2762 Atlanta

Hawaii (808) 522-5847 Honolulu

Idaho (406) 449-3991 Helena

Illinois (312) 353-4465 Chicago

Indiana (317) 226-6202 Indianapolis

Indiana (North-West) (312) 353-4465 Chicago

Iowa (319) 364-3280 Cedar Rapids

Kansas (East) (816) 891-8350 Kansas City

Kansas (West) (316) 293-2400 Witchita

Kentucky (502) 582-6953 Louisville

Louisiana (504) 589-6635 New Orleans

Maine (207) 780-3440 Portland

Maryland (410) 962-7449 Baltimore

Massachusetts (617) 565-3100 Boston

Michigan (313) 568-6042 Detroit

Minnesota (612) 313-9040 St. Paul

Mississippi (601) 965-5878 Jackson

Missouri (East) (314) 539-2538 St. Louis

Missouri (West) (816) 891-8350 Kansas City

Montana (406) 449-5318 Helena

Nebraska (402) 697-9154 Omaha

Nevada (North) (775) 685-4432 Reno

Nevada (South) (702) 388-6414 Las Vegas New Hampshire (603) 625-5276 Manchester

New Jersey (North) (973) 645-2240 Newark

New Jersey (South) (609) 424-4124 Cherry Hill

New Mexico (North) (505) 241-3850 Albuquerque

New Mexico (South) (915) 225-1883 El Paso

New York (North) (518) 220-2100 Albany

New York (South) (212) 264-5923 New York City

New York (West) (716) 551-4741 (x.5500) Buffalo

North Carolina (704) 672-6938 Charlotte

North Dakota (612) 313-9040 St. Paul

Ohio (North) (216) 522-4774 Cleveland

Ohio (South) (513) 684-2930 Cincinnati

Oklahoma (405) 231-5944 Oklahoma City

Oregon (503) 326-7475 Portland

Pennsylvania (East) (215) 656-7195 Philadelphia

Pennsylvania (West) (412) 395-4463 Pittsburgh

Rhode Island (401) 528-5543 Providence

South Carolina (404) 331-2762 Atlanta

South Dakota (612) 313-9040 St. Paul

Tennessee (901) 544-0256 (x.136) Memphis

Texas (North-Central) (214) 767-7900 (x.134) Dallas

Texas (South-Central) (210) 967-7036 San Antonio

Texas (South-East) (281) 774-4900 Houston

Texas (South) (956) 427-8542 Harlingen

Texas (West) (915) 225-1883 El Paso

Utah (801) 313-4230 Salt Lake City

Vermont (802) 527-3259 St. Albans

Virginia (North) (703) 578-4900 Washington D.C.

Virginia (South) (757) 858-7502 Norfolk

Washington (206) 553-7924 Seattle

West Virginia (412) 395-4463 Pittsburgh

Wisconsin (414) 297-1571 Milwaukee

Wyoming (303) 371-3841 Denver

For any state not listed, call the National Service Center at 1-800-375-5283


Reports are starting to come in from all over the country that ICE is suddenly interested in learning about employers who hire illegal aliens.

We are hearing that citizens who report employers who knowingly are hiring illegal aliens, are getting a good response.

The new number to call to report employers who are knowingly hiring quantities of illegal aliens is (toll free): 1-866-DHS-2-ICE

How it works:

You are not required to provide your identity to ICE. All that is necessary to request an investigation by ICE is mere suspicion of employers hiring illegals. But any kind of documentation or eye witness to such activities only increases the odds that they will act. Both ICE and the IRS are especially interested in "visiting" those businesses that employ ILLEGALS "off the books" to avoid the payment of payroll taxes.

Small and large businesses are equally notorious in the hiring of ILLEGAL aliens to avoid paying fair wages to its workers and to criminally evade the collection and payment of payroll taxes. Whether the business hires one ILLEGAL alien or several hundred, ICE and IRS want to know about it.
Reply:what is your question?
Reply:I really didn't see a question in the comment but if it's about citizenship, unfortuneately born on US soil is regarded as a US citizen. I personally believe that if a child is born to two foreign nationals, the child should have the nationality of the parents. If the parents maintain two seperate nationality then the chid should have dual citizenship until the reach the age of majority (18) at which point they should be required to declare their nationality as one or the other. We should not condone illegal immigration nor should we grant automatic citizenship to a child on the basis that the parent violated our law,
Reply:What's the question? It's unfinished.
Reply:So what?

The kids are citizens and the father is an illegal alien criminal and deserves to be deported. When he gets deported, he must take the kids with him. They can return when they are adults but having kids that are citizens does not give him any right to stay here. He is still a criminal because he is breaking the law.

I have absolutely no sympathy for the illegal aliens. They should not be here and if they get deported, it is their fault that families could be split up. It is not the government's fault. The illegals put themselves in that situation.
Reply:The way it works here is that someone asks a question and then people answer.
Reply:I'm not a rasist, but i freaking hate illigles, they need to get the hel* our and quit eating our animals cause they are starving.

and about his kids, bump that IDC either all people born from illigles should be a capital crime.
Reply:Your question is a classic example of the "watering down" down of our Laws.

The intent was to grant citizenship for children that were born in the US...but that Law was meant only for parents that were legal immigrants and in the process of becoming citizens.

Single pregnant illegal Mexicans, have their babies in the US, and the woman is rampant!

Worse...the woman and the child take advantage of our social programs, hospitals, and schools.

Few people in the US would pack-up that mother and child and drop them off at the border.

There is no good answer other than trying to stop illegal entry.
Reply:He can be legally deported to mexico, but his children are U.S. citizens and cannot be deported.
Reply:And this is my problem with anchor babies.
Reply:If they were born here, the children are U.S. citizens and can't be forced to leave here. The father still can be sent back to Mexico, though, if his illegal alien status is found out. I assume that he would have the option to take his children with him or not; but if the mother disagrees, then they might have to stay.
Reply:For the kids, call CPS.

For him, call ICE, INS, etc.

Reply:His children are U.S. citizens. He should try to get a green card because he could be deported but his kids can't.
Reply:Let your conscience be your guide.

Both of his children? Usually that is only a start. There's probably one in the oven.
Reply:so, whats your question?
Reply:So, what is your question?

Are you asking, if his children are American citizens?

Depends, on if the mother is an American citizen.

If she is, then yes, technically , the children are American.

If his children were from a Mexican women, and he

brought them with him, to the U.S.A., then no, they are just

like him, illegal-immigrants, I'm sorry to say.

I personally, do not understand, why there is a

'border' between Mexico %26amp; the U.S.A., in the first place


If we were open, to eachother, I think we'd both benefit.

Though, crimminals would be able to avoid jail

in either country.

So, then we'd need toupher law's in both country's to

combat that situation.

Plus, both countries could simply ship the crimminal

over to the country they are a true citizen in, or were born in.

Reply:surprise surprise you live in California and know an illegal
Reply:i dont think you should be ratting him out like this

I recently bought a new Dell that c ame with Vista home premium. I us Yahoo for my emails. I* have a friend?

who also has a Dell with XP. He can receive e-mails from me but I can't receive any from him. I receive e-mails from many source but not from him. Any idea why???

I recently bought a new Dell that c ame with Vista home premium. I us Yahoo for my emails. I* have a friend?
Yahoo is still having some problems at the moment. Suggested cures range from Update Adobe Flash Player and Javascript to clear IE7 cache, cookies, and browsing history. Different things seem to work for different people. It's causing attachments to not show, 999 errors where it won't let you do a particular action and some people cannot send receive delete or move mail. It's not just Vista either it's happening to some of us on XP. I have been advised to use this site to view my mail, if all else fails go back to classic mail via this link. click yes when asked do you want to opt out. Hope this helps.

I like this guy well my ex- boyfriend we were friend before we went out then he didnt talk to me and i c him?

outand now we dont talk any more i say hey and he kinda talks to me but i like still wut do i do

I like this guy well my ex- boyfriend we were friend before we went out then he didnt talk to me and i c him?
Get over him. He is an ex for a reason and he isn't interested if he doesn't take the opportunity to speak to you enthusiastically when you talk to him.


Just tell him and see what happens.


Would you ever defend your friend and say it was you when it was really them? but you did it b/c she..........

was already in trouble with the law?

Would you ever defend your friend and say it was you when it was really them? but you did it b/c she..........
Now way i am not going to jail for murder.

How can you find out if a friend was on a flight without flight number, from united kingdom to greenville n.c.

You can easily determine the flight number, but you are not likely to find an airline agent willing to release the information as they are not allowed to. It's about protecting everyone's privacy (and in turn limiting airlines' liability). These policies are not in place just for celebrities. Let's say you are a victim of domestic abuse or a stalker and you're attempting to leave a bad situation. It's a great thing that the scumbag can't just call the airlines to find out where you are headed.

How can you find out if a friend was on a flight without flight number, from united kingdom to greenville n.c.
Unless you have a friend in law enforcement you can't the regulating agency's (FAA in the states) have rules about that sort of thing. Its to protect the beautiful people (celebrates, politicians) from the great unwashed (the rest of us), they will say its for security but really whose security? Ours????? I don't think so!!!!!

morning glory

If you had a bad problem with a friend what should you do??HELP ME!!!Because i was just wondering why!!Julia C

what you should do is talk to that friend and tell her whats going on...and tell them that your haveing a problem with them and have them understand you...

An x friend took my email and password changed them and is now sending me a load mail and rubbish phone c?

rubbish phone calls can i get yahoo to stop him they must have changed my password and email which was password was vectra .Yahoo you changed this why cant you stop him and get my files back surley you can stop him?

An x friend took my email and password changed them and is now sending me a load mail and rubbish phone c?
You want to report someone abusing your account you should use the site bellow to report the person:

My friend wants me to figure out what 5 things are to keep a relationship going and they start with L,C,S,M,S?

i need someone help with this

My friend wants me to figure out what 5 things are to keep a relationship going and they start with L,C,S,M,S?
I have no idea but ill take a guess.





Reply:love, communication, sex, money, self-esteem ?
Reply:I'd say the C = communication



Thats all I got





Am i right or wrong. A friend of mine who is a girl called me that she wasn't feeling fine and i went to c her

When got there i called my girlfriend and told her that i'm at a friends place who wasn't feeling fine and needed me to be there, she got mad and hung the phone on me. Later on she told me i shouldn't have gone there and i should have called her before going there. Was i wrong?

Am i right or wrong. A friend of mine who is a girl called me that she wasn't feeling fine and i went to c her
kinda yea...u shouldve probably at least let her know...

i know i'd be pissed if my girl called me from some guys house
Reply:LOL. You , my friend, are being played like a violin by the Great Female Game Masters. Every woman who reads your post is going to have a smile on her face and tell you exactly what is happening. Get used to it, for along with facial hair, deep voice and working for a living it is one of the inevitable parts of being male.

My best advice at this time? Throw your hands in the air and shout " WHATEVER !!" in front of BOTH of them and walk away shaking your head.

They'll call you at the start of the next inning...don't worry.


Swiiiiiiiiiing batter batter !

PS.....don't even THINK of trying to They write the rules, ump the game and own the stadium.

Females 121,345,927,3842

Males 1 ( after all Tom DID dump Jenn first........)
Reply:Yes you were wrong. If there was nothing to hide you could have let her know in advance to see if there was a problem. Now its looks suspect. I hope this friend was worth you losing your woman.

Good luck and I sure hope she is understanding and forgiving!
Reply:No, you were not wrong. Your girlfriend has control issues and/or is jealous. She should be happy to be with someone who is so caring about his friends.
Reply:She's just jealous and insecure.
Reply:This is where you tread a fine line. It is easier to tell your girl before you go...if it is truly harmless and she pitches a fit. Let her.

Jealousy is not attractive, and it can be scary (even in women). If you are honest with her and you all have good communication I don't see the problem. Tell her you will call when you get there and call her when you leave. If she does not trust you, you may have to rethink the relationship.

But, if you are the type to lie, cheat, and behave badly, then you should not have expected anything less...
Reply:I don't think you was wrong at least you told her where you was. You could have lied but you was honest. So let her cool off and just go and be with her sick friend
Reply:You are right, but your girlfriend is very touchy about you. Meet her and try to calm her down in a mature way. Tell her the truth from the bottom of the heart and make her realize she is the only girl you love...
Reply:Could be your girlfriend thinks, that other girl is using the excuse of not feeling well. To make the moves on you. As a friend you were not wrong. But as a boyfriend, how would you feel if your girlfriend did the same thing. And had a call from a guy buddy of hers who wasn't feeling well. And went to keep him company.
Reply:No, you were not wrong. Your girlfriend needs to trust you and understand that you and this other girl are nothing more than friends. If you know your friend longer than you know your girlfriend obviously she comes first. She has no need to be jealus unless this friend of yours is an ex girlfriend.

From my own experience my ex boyfriend had many female friends and it did not bother me one bit. I was not jealus, I trust him. My thought is whats the point of getting jelous? just 2 have some drama in your life?
Reply:You probably would have been wise to call your girlfriend, tell her the problem, and ask if she would go along to see about your friend. That way, she might not have felt threatened, jealous, or angry. Too, your friend may have benefitted from a female perspective on her problem.
Reply:sounds like your girlfriend is jealous. I don't see anything wrong with it unless you two had plans or you did something bad. But she should understand that a friend is a friend. Ask your gf if she really trusts you and tell her that nothing would ever go on with you dating her.
Reply:Obviously your girlfriend has security issues. Maybe she's already felt threatened by your friend, you didn't do anything wrong but theres some ways to avoid the jealousy, hang out with both of them that way your girlfriend can see that theres nothing between you and your friend. You just need to make her feel secure so that the jealousy doesn't escalate and you end up losing any friend you may have thats a girl.
Reply:NO YOU WERE NOT WRONG!!!! Just because she's your girlfriend does not mean that she can control you. Everyone needs some space. Just tell her that that girl is your friend and that she needs your help for now. There's nothing wrong with that.
Reply:was your girl 'friend' just a friend or did you have a romantic past??

girls get jealous sometimes.. get over it or move on.

i'd b upset if someone pitched a fit about visiting someone though.. IF it was harmless....


My friend has got 102 degree fever...what should she do to get better?... should she take a lot of Vitamin C?

The only thing she can do is take tylenol, take a lukewarm bath soak, and drink juices and water.

If it does not subside in a couple of days she should go to the doctor.

If her neck starts hurting, and she has trouble looking at the light she should go to the doctor immediately. This could be Menningitis; or if she has any other strong symptoms, like vomitting, excessive pain anywhere, excessive coughing, fainting, it could be something much more serious then the usual fever.

My friend has got 102 degree fever...what should she do to get better?... should she take a lot of Vitamin C?
What is wrong with her?

A lot of Vitamin C will help her feel better faster. :)

Reply:a fever is not always a bad thing..a fever is the bodies natural reaction to ward off an infecton. She can take asprin or something..put cool cloths on her forehead to help cool her down abit.

If the fever does not go away after tmmorw..she should go get herself checked..she could have an infection that requires medicine.
Reply:plenty of fluid and keep her cool ?
Reply:no she shouldn`t
Reply:She should see a doctor for a high temp. Drink lots of water as wellas fruit juice and donot get too hot. Stay cool.

My friend bf had relase in her about three times and her period hasnt come yet but she on the pill c?

If your friend was taking her birth control pills the right way, she has a 1 to 2 percent chance of being pregnant. It means that birth control pills are said to be between 98% and 99% effective when taken correctly.

If she was not taking the pills properly, she may be pregnant.

My friend bf had relase in her about three times and her period hasnt come yet but she on the pill c?
No birth control is 100% safe. It's better for her to go for a check up.

A friend of mine bought a car close to 10 years ago. It turned out the car was stolen or something ( c below)?

So he bought the car. The car was confiscated by the police. Nothing was done like he received no cash or another car and lost around 20g that he spent on the car. When he tried to talk to the police they would have other more important investigations so they never handled it.

Could he do anything now to recover the money? What would be a process to start at?

A friend of mine bought a car close to 10 years ago. It turned out the car was stolen or something ( c below)?
And no, there is little to no chance of recouping 20 grand that was spent a deade ago.
Reply:If it happen 10 years ago forget it. your story sound funny as the first time he went to bet a auto tag, it should have flag the system that there was something wrong and you get a tag every year. Remember you can't believe every thing you hear. Like it all ways a friend, sister,or brother that has these problems
Reply:The only thing he can do is file a civil suit against the person who sold him the car.

It was never 'his' car. The whole time the true owner of the car was the person it was stolen from.
Reply:Did he have the title to the car?

He could have been arrested himself for receiving stolen property.

My friend is at my house because his computer is broken. we are trying to get into his email account from my c

What ISP is your friend using? Are you trying to access webmail or a POP3 account?

My friend is at my house because his computer is broken. we are trying to get into his email account from my c
hard to answer this question without know a few more details of what kind of email account he uses. But generally, all you have to do is go to the hosting site of his email and log in under his name and password. An example would be a yahoo email. simply make sure you are not logged in under your name - go to and log in under his name.
Reply:If the e-mail is webbased such as yahoo mail then there shouldn't be a problem, However if it's a POP3 account he will need to go to his ISP and get the correct addresses to put on your computer to view his mail

I recommend using web based e-mail addresses so you can access them from any computer
Reply:1. If your email is web based, such as Yahoo, simply go to and enter the username and password, because the email is stored on the Yahoo server. Ditto for Google and other web based email.

2. However, if you have made the mistake of using MS Outlook, or MS Outlook Express, since your email will be stored on the LOCAL computer, your old email is subject to being destroyed along with the other data that you may have failed to back up.

sweet pea

My friend and I will be running a marathon and she is bulimic. I'm afraid for her health b/c she insists on ru

running it. I approached her about it, but she insists she had it under control and was defensive about it. I'm afraid something might happen to her physically, but I'm also afraid that if I tell my coach (he will most likely pull her from the marathon... we have been traveling for months) she will resent me. I need some sound advise, all advice is appreciated. Thanks very much.

My friend and I will be running a marathon and she is bulimic. I'm afraid for her health b/c she insists on ru
Its a good thing your warned your friend and it is a generous thing for a friends to do. That is step one in helping your friend. As your friend continues to act this way, she will notice her health starting to become weaker. Maybe you should try warning her another way. Or secretly help her.

For instance, give her heathier and high protien food that will raise her energy. Talk to the couch secretly about your conserns and tell him to maybe speak with your friend to lay back a few days or if you are worried about taking her away talk to her parents or someone she is really close to, to warn her.

Try comprimising with her, if she continues, you may give up the race or something like that.

There are many ways, just make sure you treat her as if you were playing a game. Find the best way to tell her to stop race and habe a rest.
Reply:she may resent you but u need to get her help or youll reget if u dont she may hate you at first but hopefully eventually get over it and realized you most likely saved her life
Reply:it really is not a great idea but she just needs to make sure she has food in her before she runs. also she must stay hydrated. it will be harder for her to make it through the marathon without passing out but if she eats and drinks plenty before she should be okay.
Reply:Bring protein bars/ powerade?

She really sounds like she does not

need to be doing this.

I would tell the coach.

Her health is more important
Reply:Make her eat or drink alot before the race that might give her cramps and make her stop, or just tell the coach that might be the best choice because well i know how she might feel about this since i used to be anorexic. Anyway plz tell the coach and get her some help, shell be sad and miserable about it but in the long run youll save her life....Please make the right choice.