Monday, May 24, 2010

Should I tell my friend her ex still wants her?

My friend C thought her boyfriend D was doubting their relationship when she decided to forget him. Today I was told by another friend T that D sounded still very much in love with C. But T doesn't want to let C know what she found out because C already moved to another country. She thinks it is unnecessary to make C regret her decision. I disagree with T. I think C needs to know all the fact, who knows she will come back here. What do you think guys? Should C be told she misunderstood D?

Should I tell my friend her ex still wants her?
If their (non) relationship was based on such a lack of communication, then it would be more than dumb for someone to CHANGE COUNTRIES because someone told someone who thought someone sounded like someone was still sort of kinda interested in someone who had moved out of the country!!!

Breaking up is hard to do, and communication happens even then. These two did not seem to have much communications, where doubts, indirect hints, 3rd party communications, etc. are needed even to acknowledge continuing "interest". In my humble opinion, if the guy is really interested in her seriously, for a real and committed relationship, he should have no problem calling her (or going to her) in any country in the world (ok, maybe not North Korea) to fall on his knees and say, I LOVE YOU... not have a 4th party tell a 3rd party tell a 2nd party that the 1st party may be still interested.

Do you want to take responsibility for that girl's pain, suffering, life altering decision to change countries, come back and find out, nothing's changed?

Reply:I don't think you should tell her. If the boyfriend really loves her, he will have the guts to tell her himself. It will mean so much more coming from him anyways.
Reply:you should so totally tell her! if she knows the truth, she'll actually know what the problem was, and the huge mistake she made!
Reply:Yes, I think she shoudl know ---specially is the reason she moved was because of him or had something to do with him....even if she moved she might still have feelings for this guy.

I think that u as her friend should tell her--do u think she would tell you? would u like to know if you were her? b a good friend and do the right thing.
Reply:No you shouldnt tell her.Let her be happy.Its his fault for leading her on and making out to be that he didnt care about her like she thought. Its not fair to meddle in her life as it is she seems like shes happy and maybe there was more to the relationship then you know. Its personal .you should leave it that way.
Reply:No, M.Y.O.B.
Reply:Yes so maybe they get back together
Reply:up to you
Reply:yes coast the eye opener its a refreshing feeling
Reply:Yes but only if she isn't over him.

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