Saturday, May 22, 2010

What should I do. A friend keeps wanting me to quit reading the B.O.M. and L.D.S c hurch and yells when I do?

A true friend would respect your mature choices--particularly if they don't bring harm to anyone. Stand on your own feet and stop being influenced by those that are ignorant or biased! Many well-intending people think they would save a prospective Latter-day Saint from the clutches of Satan. If only they knew . . .

Take charge of your life and tell your friend to either accept you as you are or to move on without you. With friends like the one you've described, you don't need enemies.

What should I do. A friend keeps wanting me to quit reading the B.O.M. and L.D.S c hurch and yells when I do?
I have learned over the years that friends should make you feel better and lift you up, not bring you down. When I converted, I invited my friend to the baptism. She said, "no." She did not agree with it and felt it was a cult. I accepted her decision, but felt that it wasn't very "christian" of her. On the day of the baptism, she called and apologized and asked for directions.

Hang in there. You living by example will change his mind.
Reply:Why do you read the BOM when this friend is around?

Tell your friend that he needs to accept you for who you are. You will not push your values or religion on him and he needs to show you the same courtesy.

If your friend cannot respect you, then he is not really a friend.
Reply:Do you do everything your friend tells you to do? Or, do you make decisions for yourself, including those kind of decisions that are life changing, impacting and meaningful?
Reply:who cares what other people say. Just stick to what you believe in and show them that nothing is going to change that!

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