Monday, May 24, 2010

Am i right or wrong. A friend of mine who is a girl called me that she wasn't feeling fine and i went to c her

When got there i called my girlfriend and told her that i'm at a friends place who wasn't feeling fine and needed me to be there, she got mad and hung the phone on me. Later on she told me i shouldn't have gone there and i should have called her before going there. Was i wrong?

Am i right or wrong. A friend of mine who is a girl called me that she wasn't feeling fine and i went to c her
kinda yea...u shouldve probably at least let her know...

i know i'd be pissed if my girl called me from some guys house
Reply:LOL. You , my friend, are being played like a violin by the Great Female Game Masters. Every woman who reads your post is going to have a smile on her face and tell you exactly what is happening. Get used to it, for along with facial hair, deep voice and working for a living it is one of the inevitable parts of being male.

My best advice at this time? Throw your hands in the air and shout " WHATEVER !!" in front of BOTH of them and walk away shaking your head.

They'll call you at the start of the next inning...don't worry.


Swiiiiiiiiiing batter batter !

PS.....don't even THINK of trying to They write the rules, ump the game and own the stadium.

Females 121,345,927,3842

Males 1 ( after all Tom DID dump Jenn first........)
Reply:Yes you were wrong. If there was nothing to hide you could have let her know in advance to see if there was a problem. Now its looks suspect. I hope this friend was worth you losing your woman.

Good luck and I sure hope she is understanding and forgiving!
Reply:No, you were not wrong. Your girlfriend has control issues and/or is jealous. She should be happy to be with someone who is so caring about his friends.
Reply:She's just jealous and insecure.
Reply:This is where you tread a fine line. It is easier to tell your girl before you go...if it is truly harmless and she pitches a fit. Let her.

Jealousy is not attractive, and it can be scary (even in women). If you are honest with her and you all have good communication I don't see the problem. Tell her you will call when you get there and call her when you leave. If she does not trust you, you may have to rethink the relationship.

But, if you are the type to lie, cheat, and behave badly, then you should not have expected anything less...
Reply:I don't think you was wrong at least you told her where you was. You could have lied but you was honest. So let her cool off and just go and be with her sick friend
Reply:You are right, but your girlfriend is very touchy about you. Meet her and try to calm her down in a mature way. Tell her the truth from the bottom of the heart and make her realize she is the only girl you love...
Reply:Could be your girlfriend thinks, that other girl is using the excuse of not feeling well. To make the moves on you. As a friend you were not wrong. But as a boyfriend, how would you feel if your girlfriend did the same thing. And had a call from a guy buddy of hers who wasn't feeling well. And went to keep him company.
Reply:No, you were not wrong. Your girlfriend needs to trust you and understand that you and this other girl are nothing more than friends. If you know your friend longer than you know your girlfriend obviously she comes first. She has no need to be jealus unless this friend of yours is an ex girlfriend.

From my own experience my ex boyfriend had many female friends and it did not bother me one bit. I was not jealus, I trust him. My thought is whats the point of getting jelous? just 2 have some drama in your life?
Reply:You probably would have been wise to call your girlfriend, tell her the problem, and ask if she would go along to see about your friend. That way, she might not have felt threatened, jealous, or angry. Too, your friend may have benefitted from a female perspective on her problem.
Reply:sounds like your girlfriend is jealous. I don't see anything wrong with it unless you two had plans or you did something bad. But she should understand that a friend is a friend. Ask your gf if she really trusts you and tell her that nothing would ever go on with you dating her.
Reply:Obviously your girlfriend has security issues. Maybe she's already felt threatened by your friend, you didn't do anything wrong but theres some ways to avoid the jealousy, hang out with both of them that way your girlfriend can see that theres nothing between you and your friend. You just need to make her feel secure so that the jealousy doesn't escalate and you end up losing any friend you may have thats a girl.
Reply:NO YOU WERE NOT WRONG!!!! Just because she's your girlfriend does not mean that she can control you. Everyone needs some space. Just tell her that that girl is your friend and that she needs your help for now. There's nothing wrong with that.
Reply:was your girl 'friend' just a friend or did you have a romantic past??

girls get jealous sometimes.. get over it or move on.

i'd b upset if someone pitched a fit about visiting someone though.. IF it was harmless....


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