Saturday, May 22, 2010

My friend is turning 15. I'm going to get her a gift card b/c thats what she wants How much should I put on it

Like what is a proper amount?

I'm not rich so don't say give her $50, but I don't want to appear cheap.

My friend is turning 15. I'm going to get her a gift card b/c thats what she wants How much should I put on it
Depending on how good of a friend, 10, 15 or 20 bucks is plenty.
Reply:15dollars, or twenty five,with that amount your able to buy somthing nice,
Reply:Bout tree fity.
Reply:whatever you can afford alot of times i give cash in the amount of the age for the person so she'd get $15.00
Reply:Like $350 is reasonable.
Reply:I would think $25 would be a reasonable amount for a present.If she is truly your friend she is gonna apreciate anything you give her.
Reply:Give her 1 tenth of one weeks income.
Reply:Get a gift card from a music store (or Walmart) and put in the amount for a music CD. Or go to a bookstore (like Borders) and put in the price of a paperback. I'm sure that she will appreciate anything that you give her.
Reply:give what you can afford. what more could someone ask for?

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