Monday, May 24, 2010

My friend is diching us for a girl I hate... what do I do?

My friend, E is ditching us for this girl I hate, J. My friend T doesn't like her either, and my friend C is pretty neutral about it (which is kinda annoying). It's not like E doesn't like us anymore, it's just that she's spending more and more time with J, and it's really grating on our nerves. It's like J is trying to steal E away... the sad part is that it's working. J is ok with my other friends, but she had admitted herself that she doesn't like me for no reason, and the feeling is mutual. What I want to know is: Would it be too pushy to confront E about it, or should I just let it go? I don't want my BFF to distance from me!

Thank you for your time =]



My friend is diching us for a girl I hate... what do I do?
confront E. never let go of the ones you love cause you'll regret it. i once let go of my bf months ago and i regret it alot
Reply:Let her go! If she said that she doesn't like you for no reason then stopp being her friend. Some girls like "J" probably don't have friends at all and try to take friends away to get revenge on people. You might haven't done a single thing to her but maybe she envies you on the many friends you have. She might be jealous. If "J" sees that you are getting angry then she'll do it even more.

If you still want "E" back then tell her how you feel and if she doesn't show any concern then tell her that you don't want to be friends with her but that you'll still care about her. Just let"E" know that you still care about her. Or just let her be "J's" friend even if you don't like her. Okay? My friend,"C" she still hangs with this spoiled,mean,self-abosred, girl but I let her hang with that girl jsut to show "C" that I'm a good friend. And maybe,just maybe,try to be "J's" friend or talk to her to let her know that your not gettiing angry at her for what's she's doing.(She might respect you a little, you never know.)
Reply:tell her how you feel and maybe she will undertand .
Reply:tell her how you feel, if she is a real BFF she will understand.

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