Monday, May 24, 2010

Friend Problem.?

this girl and i have been friend for years. During our friendship we've gotten into fights. they've always been over the internet and shes always said horrible things. i dont thinks i've done anything wrong to deserve this. Recently she and another friend decided to joke around an call me a lesbian. which led into another fight. she told my bff that shes always hated me and she even planed to beat me up. A couple days ago she started talking to me again. i just went along. i am really confsed as to why shes talking to me again. i can never forgive her and the only reasons shes talking to me are:

A. she thinks shes done nothing wrong.

B.shes doing it as a joke, to pretend to be my friend.

C. shes bored of her other friends.

Im just confused.

Friend Problem.?
Sounds to me like she dont know that she can have more than one friend and that you dont have to put down your other friends to make you look cool around the others, I would although if I was you watch my back because she sounds like a very unstable person who could turn on you in an instant, if she is already telling people she is "planning to beat you up" dont let your gaurd down so she can!

Good luck hon,
Reply:listen this is just a mismatch

she's just trying to make fun of you got it!!

while putting you down she's enjoin it

so just leave her and find the one for u

I've had the same experience you know

so by doing this you touch her feelings

she'll then feel sorry for what you've done
Reply:I know I don't have the 100% story, but it seems to me that this girl shouldn't be your friend. If she makes you so miserable on a regular basis, she isn't worth it. Try to talk to her, in person, about how you are feeling, if she pulls more crap like this than don't be her friend anymore.

Best of luck!

Reply:Don't be confused.

It's clear that she doesn't deserve you. And definitely she's not your friend. Close the loop with her and say bye. You don't need such mess in your life. Focus on what's important in your and make sure you are happy. Let her go and wish her all the best with whatever she's doing.
Reply:Tell her how you feel. Make her understand you without her wandering off. If she doesn't listen, keep telling her until you get it into her mind.


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