Saturday, May 22, 2010

My friend farted really loud at a party and every1 laughed and i'lll never talk to her b/c of it, shes gross..

....but i liked her, but shes nasty What do i do

My friend farted really loud at a party and every1 laughed and i'lll never talk to her b/c of it, shes gross..
Wait, she's nasty because she farted? EVERYONE farts, dear, so does that mean that you're nasty too? I'm sure it was really embarrassing for her (unless she did it on purpose to be funny). I think it's really immature of you to call her "nasty" and say you never want to talk to her again because she did something that is really no big deal.
Reply:If u like a person, do so with all her bad qualities.
Reply:You've got issues if you have a problem w/ a girl farting!!!

You need to cherish her farts!!
Reply:She doesn't get embarrassed easily. I think it's gross also, but you can't hold it against her if she's a true friend to you.

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