Monday, May 24, 2010

My dumbass friend took things seriously and got a guy to hate me?

my friend E %26amp; i were pissed cause the popular guy A made our group of friends [4 ppl] loners as in no one sat with us at our lunch table. we got all the "uncool" ppl sitting at our table now %26amp; it sucks! so E %26amp; i told my other friend C to go smack A on the head. i was joking and saying it just to get my anger out but E was actually serious. C went up to A and smacked him on the head saying it was from my best friend J. A slapped J %26amp; she cried [lol] cause she didnt even know anything about it. so then C tells A i told him to although i was joking %26amp; didnt think he would actually take things seriously like a dumbass he is %26amp; i shouldve known. but E was actually serious..

so now A hates me and can make me soo much more miserable then i already am but technically its not my fault. i was joking %26amp; E was serious.. how should i explain myself so A will stop hating me ?

oh yeah, A was my ex and got me to be a loner cause i wanted to break up with him %26amp; we did break up.

My dumbass friend took things seriously and got a guy to hate me?
Well tell A the story behind the hit and hopes he understands and if he doesn't then so what if your not popular being yourself and being surrounded by friends that trully care about you and gotch ya back THAT makes you popular.
Reply:Get that ***** revenge.And go out with that guy so he wont be hating no more.IM NOT GAY.Trust me im not.
Reply:what the *****

thats retarted suck it up and stop being a goddamn puss-y ************ get in a fight beat the bit-ch up dont slack just punch her in the ******** face!

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