Saturday, May 22, 2010

A friend of mine likes me, then her friend started liking me too, n its as if like they're competing to c?

who gets more of my attention - how do i not lose them as friends n stop them fighting?

A friend of mine likes me, then her friend started liking me too, n its as if like they're competing to c?
be like "i like both of u guys so why dont we doble up aka threesome" or just tell them i want to keep it coo with all u guys so maybe in th future
Reply:THREESOME woah!!!!
Reply:tell them you cant beleive their doing this, you dont like either of them. and to stop being a holes.. lol
Reply:don't flatter yourself. they are both using you.

it's some crazy game they are playing and everyone is in on it but you. watch out!
Reply:you are lucky. just let them be. it could be trouble for you.
Reply:Tell them you don't like either of them in that way and just want to be friends.

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