Saturday, May 22, 2010

A friend of mine said that having a baby feels like taking the biggest c.r.a.p. in the that true?

This is a serious question.

A friend of mine said that having a baby feels like taking the biggest c.r.a.p. in the that true?
That's what my wife says.
Reply:felt like that to it was trying to come out my butt and not the vagina
Reply:yes thats true
Reply:Yes but the most painful bit is the contractions for hours and hours b4 u have to push it out
Reply:I told my labour nurses that it felt like I had to poop out a basketball.
Reply:Lol Yes!
Reply:the contractions were the worse but i was lucky two pushes and he was out like a football.....touchdown
Reply:Yep. You use exactly the same muscles, or it feels like you are anyway. Basically, if you're trying not to poop, you're not pushing right to have a baby. It doesn't necessarily feel the same when baby comes out....there's no "ring of fire" when you go to the bathroom...but you push the same way.
Reply:Well to be honest that is how they tell you to push. They say push like you have to use the bathroom and a lot of women that I have talked to actually do use the bathroom right there as their delivering the baby. Yeah, in ways it does feel like that except its really really painful!
Reply:Ummm.....uhh... lol sorry, I'm sorry, I can't keep a straight face with this question. I'm still pregnant with my first, but I'd really like to know too. lol
Reply:i have no idea, but i would guess that lol
Reply:She must be talking about the part when the head is out and the rest of the body is expelled.
Reply:like pooping a watermelon, for a guy like p i s s ing an apple
Reply:what is this c.r.a.p
Reply:No, what it actually feels like is someone tearing your private part apart, stretching it as far as it can possibly go, with the worse pain ever!!!!!! Oh, wait,,,, you can crap tho while giving birth, but i dont know bout it feeling like takin the biggest crap... I think shes just givin you crap! Lol.
Reply:yes in most women that i hear it from yeah because of the pain and everything lol but what can they do when they go into labor is not scream because then it just hurts more.
Reply:lol I dont know but


This made my day :) Good Job for a serious question !
Reply:well....sounds about right to me....
Reply:I had an epidural and didn't feel a thing, but my delivery was super fast! (whew, yay!)
Reply:YES it does.. people actually do as well. Thats the reason why you cannot poop for weeks afterwards.

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