Saturday, May 22, 2010

I had a friend who had sex with with girlfriend when they were both 15, he has hepatitis C, did he give her?

did he pass it to her? he and i were close friends, do u think i got infected with it? i've had 2 or 3 blood tests since then, so a blood test would have found it right? im sure she must have had blood tests for whatever reason, why then did she not mention it and now she is 27, seeing othder dudes?

I had a friend who had sex with with girlfriend when they were both 15, he has hepatitis C, did he give her?
If you had 2 or 3 blood test I am pretty sure you would know and they would tell you if you are.........but the only way it can get passed on through blood-to-blood contact (with a infected person ofcourse).Though you cant get it from a hug or kiss!Be sure to tell her so if she does she can be treated!
Reply:HCV is spread primarily by contact with blood and blood products. Sexual transmission of Hep C is rare.

More info:
Reply:A blood test will show it only if it is looked for in the blood test.

Its very rare if at all that Hep C is passed on by sex.

IV drug users who share needles, and people who get tattoos

at unsanitary parlors get it that way. Used to be blood transfusions

but after they found out that it existed they test for it now.

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