Monday, May 24, 2010

My friend has got 102 degree fever...what should she do to get better?... should she take a lot of Vitamin C?

The only thing she can do is take tylenol, take a lukewarm bath soak, and drink juices and water.

If it does not subside in a couple of days she should go to the doctor.

If her neck starts hurting, and she has trouble looking at the light she should go to the doctor immediately. This could be Menningitis; or if she has any other strong symptoms, like vomitting, excessive pain anywhere, excessive coughing, fainting, it could be something much more serious then the usual fever.

My friend has got 102 degree fever...what should she do to get better?... should she take a lot of Vitamin C?
What is wrong with her?

A lot of Vitamin C will help her feel better faster. :)

Reply:a fever is not always a bad thing..a fever is the bodies natural reaction to ward off an infecton. She can take asprin or something..put cool cloths on her forehead to help cool her down abit.

If the fever does not go away after tmmorw..she should go get herself checked..she could have an infection that requires medicine.
Reply:plenty of fluid and keep her cool ?
Reply:no she shouldn`t
Reply:She should see a doctor for a high temp. Drink lots of water as wellas fruit juice and donot get too hot. Stay cool.

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