Saturday, May 22, 2010

My friend is pregnant with her 3rd child and due to get her 3rd C-Section, why is it your not allowed any more

than 3 sections?

My friend is pregnant with her 3rd child and due to get her 3rd C-Section, why is it your not allowed any more
I have had 2 c-sections, and I'm trying to have a third child now. The doctor explained to me that every time they have to cut open my uterus that it makes the uterus weaker. They have to pull the uterus tight and overlap it to sew it closed. Everytime they have to pull a little more, stretching the uterus tighter. The uterus is made to stretch for a baby, but it can only go so far. Also, with every pregnancy, the walls of the uterus get thinner and thinner, making the possibility of the uterus rupturing during child birth or late pregnancy a high possibility.
Reply:The muscles and abdominal wall become weak, and there is more of a chance for a ruptured uterus with future pregnancies.♥
Reply:usually doctors limit it to 3 because the incision made in the uterus is sutured back after surgery, but still remains weaker than it was and can build up scar tissue. each time it is cut there is a greater risk of the uterus rupturing on that incision during labor or contractions.
Reply:I dont think that is necessarily the case anymore. They suggest you shouldn't have more than that but some people do. I think it was due to the fact that they dont like having to cut through the same scar again and again - dont suppose it would do your body much good.


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