Monday, May 24, 2010

I have a friend who has a daughter and the mother is in the nursing home and i would like to know how to get c

help me, iwan't to find a way she is staying with her sister's father i deserve to get her full custody.

I have a friend who has a daughter and the mother is in the nursing home and i would like to know how to get c
your question is a bit confusing. Try to rewrite it again
Reply:Why as just a Friend would you deserve full custody? It sounds as if the child is currently with family. You will need to see an attorney and discuss your rights, if any in this matter.
Reply:You have to to your states social services and find out from them what you can do about this situation.
Reply:If you're not a relative you'll have to stand in line behind any blood relative who might want her. It doesn't sound like the person who is her custodian right now is a blood relative either. However, she is with her sister so that might influence the judge. You will have to see a lawyer if you want to seek custody. It will depend on the laws of the state you live in and the opinion of the judge you stand before.
Reply:Consult a lawyer
Reply:Try again, in English this time.
Reply:quit doing drugs %26amp; rewrite the question so it can be understood
Reply:The only way to get custody is for her legal guardian to sign it over to you.

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