Saturday, May 22, 2010

I lik my friend and he said that im cute and today he started asking me for advice b/c...?

he liks his best mates girlfriend and he got stoned cause he was making out w/ her and he just felt really guilty and i donno.... he liks to flirt w/ me but i feel lik he doesnt lik me at all becuase he tells me who he liks and just treats me lik we're friends but he never tells me that he liks me back and he knows that i lik him.... so yea im confused.....

I lik my friend and he said that im cute and today he started asking me for advice b/c...?
If he is being vulnerable by telling you his feelings and what he is sensitive to, he is definately not interested in you. You are "safe" to him.

He may be being flirty on accident. He might think of it as joking around with the guys, not with a girl.

Take it as a warning that he is interested in his best friends girl. If he cant be faithful, he cant be trusted. If his best friend cant trust him, you cant trust him.

Dont do drugs. They burn brain cells that you dont get back. You get to spend the next 60 years wishing you hadnt done stupid things as a teenager. The decisions and choices you make now, you will have to live with for a very long time.
Reply:maybe he's flirting with you because he knows you like him and therefore you'll flirt back. or maybe not

if you wanna chat bout this more
Reply:ok cut the story short next time!
Reply:well from what i can tell he may like you id need more info to be sure but i liked this girl alot and did stuff like that till i asked her out
Reply:How can you be confused? Duh!!! He's talking about a girl he likes, you so know this is not a movie right?
Reply:PLEASE consider adding a single 'e' to the end of the word, "like."

It's only one letter, it's not that much more typing and it makes people look stupid to type like that.

The guy wants to be your friend. Unrequited love is hard to handle but I wouldn't expect anything more from this guy. The boundaries seem pretty darn clear, for him: he's trusting in you about other girls--you're his friend in his mind. Just because he knows you likE him doesn't mean he likes you in the same way, nor does it ever have to mean that.

There is nothing to be confused about; your own emotions are out of control. If you stand back and pretend your own question comes from someone else it will be very clear.

Knowing you likE him but he doesn't likE you back in the SAME WAY, you can choose to remain friends or end the friendship completely.
Reply:It's the hormones that have you confused. The short answer is that, even if he likes you bit, you're not at the top of the list of people he wants to date.


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