Monday, May 24, 2010

I have a friend who likes this guy. Today I find out that another girl likes the same guy. Should I tell her?

There is this friend who we'll call N, she's a freshman. She likes this guy named P who is a Junior. N told me that she liked P. (I kinda like N...but thats not the point) Then my friend L(who is a senior, i'm also a senior) tells me that our friend C who is a sophmore, likes P. I was wondering shouldI tell N about C? Or just leave it?

I have a friend who likes this guy. Today I find out that another girl likes the same guy. Should I tell her?
Um...we all like people. There is always going to be somebody else that likes P or N. You aren't the only one to like N either.

So, if the reason is just to tell her to let her down, I wouldn't. It's not like she's dying to go out with him. She's a freshman-a harmless crush.

Now if you wanted to tell her because you wanted to get rid of P so you can have her, that is another story.
Reply:i guess your motives are the deciding factor here, if you want to tell her to perhaps prevent her from being hurt then your motives are good and you should tell her.

If your doing this so that you have a chance with her, do not it will simply backfire and if she finds out this was the reason im not too sure she would be flattered, im no expert with women not at all, but in my experience ive found honesty is a quality women adore, to be honest not just women i think all people admire honesty.

If its to get a chance with her dont tell her about this guy she likes instead mention that you like her unless you value her too much as a friend to lose her as such, or at least make it a bit uncomfortable, i guess the alternative is tell her this guy likes another girl and see what pans out with this guy then after that mention you like her .
Reply:dont get involved Just let things fall where they may
Reply:yea tell but be casual about it..if it comes up on the topic then be like ohh "C" likes him 2
Reply:yea tell her. Also dont use letters they get kinda confusing. Just use fake names if your worried they will see it.

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